Journals/Book Chapters (74)
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R. Benmokhtar, B. Huet, G. Richard, T. Declerck and S. Essid, Feature Extraction for Multimedia Analysis, Chapitre 4., Multimedia Semantics: Metadata, Analysis and Interaction, Ed. Wiley, 2011.
S. Essid, M. Campedel, G. Richard, T. Piatrik, R. Benmokhtar and B. Huet Machine Learning Techniques for Multimedia Analysis. Chapitre 5., Multimedia Semantics: Metadata, Analysis and Interaction, Ed. Wiley, 2011.


M. Alonso, G. Richard and B. David, “Tempo estimation for audio recordings”, Journal of New Music Research, Vol 36, N° 1, March 2007.

C. Clavel, I. Vasilescu, G. Richard and L. Devillers, « Du corpus émotionnel au système de détection : le point de vue applicatif de la surveillance dans les lieux publics », (RIA06), Revue en Intelligence Artificielle RIA, edition spéciale « Interaction Emotionnelle, 2006.

G. Richard et O. Cappé, “Synthèse de la parole à partir du texte”, Collection Techniques de l’ingénieur, Paris, 2003.

Richard G., d'Alessandro C., (1997). ``Modification of the aperiodic component of speech signals for synthesis,'', chapter in Progress in Text-To-Speech synthesis, J.P.H. Van Santen, R.W. Sproat, J.P. Olive and J. Hirschberg, eds., Springer-Verlag, New-York
Theses (2)
Habilitation à diriger des recherches
Richard G. (2001). «Codage et Interfaces homme-machine », Habilitation à diriger des recherches de l’université Paris-XI, Orsay, Sept. 2001 – Part II :Mémoire (in French).
Ph.D. Thesis
Richard G., (1994). "Modélisation de la composante stochastique de la Parole" , thèse de Doctorat de l'Université Paris-XI, Orsay, 8 avril (in French)
Patents (11)
E. Gentet, S. Denjean, V. Roussarie, B. David, G. Richard, "Conversion de la parole par apprentissage statistique avec modélisation complexe des modifications temporelles", Brevet n° FR3106691 – 2021(in French)
S. Parekh, A. Ozerov, Q. Duong, G. Richard, S. Essid, P. Perez, "Method for Processing an input audio signal and corresponding electronic device, , Application 173305456.0 - 1914 (2017)
N. Lopez, Y. Grenier, G. Richard , « Procédé de suppression de la réverbération tardive d’un signal sonore », WO2015011078 A1, 2015
S. Fenet, Y. Grenier, G. Richard, “ Génération d'une Signature d'un Signal Audio Musical », WO2014131984 A2 ; 2013
L. Girin, Antoine Liutkus, G. Richard et R. Badeau, (2010), Procédé et dispositif de formation d'un signal mixé numérique audio, procédé et dispositif de séparation de signaux, et signal correspondant, Rapport de recherche, n° B10/3035FR, pp. 36.
R. Badeau, G. Richard and B. David, “Procédé de poursuite d'un sous-espace de dimension inférieure à celle des vecteurs de données, notamment audio”, Brevet d’invention n° 05 50678. 2005
Murgia C., Richard G., Lockwood P., “Procédés de codage, de décodage et de transcodage”, Brevet d’invention n° FR9903314, publié le 22/09/2000 sous le numéro FR2791166.
Murgia C, Richard G., Lockwood P., “Procédés de codage, de decodage et de transcodage audio”, Brevet d’invention n° FR9903323, publié le 22/09/2000 sous le numéro FR2791167.
Richard G., Murgia C., Le Doré A., Lockwood P., “Codeur Audio”, Brevet d’invention n° 9708784, Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle n° 99/37, 17.09.99 (n° de publication : 2 766 032).
Richard G., Lockwood P, Capman F., Boudy J., “Procédé et système de restitution sonore à effet spatial, et terminal de téléphone incorporant un tel système”, Brevet d’invention n° FR9909243, publié le 02/02/2001 sous le n°FR2797132.
Papers (215)

G. Richard, (2014), Informed Audio source Separation, "AES International Conference on Semantic Audio", London, GB.
Manuel Moussallam, Alexandre Gramfort, Laurent Daudet et Gaël Richard, (2013), Débruitage Aveugle par Décompositions Parcimonieuses et Aléatoires, "GRETSI", Brest, France.


Miguel Alonso, Gaël Richard and Bertrand David, “Extracting Note Onsets from Musical Recordings”, International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE-ICME’05), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2005

M. Guillaume, Y. Grenier et G. Richard ,”Iterative Algorithms for Multichannel Equalization “, 23rd VDT International Audio Convention, Leigzig, Allemagne, Nov. 2004.

Richard G., “The SpeechDat-Car Project: Overview of a very large multilingual speech database recorded in cars”, Proc. of XLDB 2000 (satellite workshop to LREC2000), Athens, Greece, May 29th, 2000.

Levinson S, Krane M, Kubli R., Coker C., Flanagan J.L., Richard G., Sinder D., Davis D., Slimon S., "Studying the effects of fluid dynamics on speech production", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Simulation, Visualization and Auralization for Acoustic Research and Education (ASVA97), (Tokyo, Japan), Apr. 1997.

Levinson S., Krane M., Slimon S., Richard G., Sinder D., Duncan H., Lin Q., Flanagan J., Davis D., (1996), " Fluid flow measurements and simulations in stylized geometries of dental fricatives", Int. Conf. of Spoken Lang. Proc. (ICSLP96), Philadelphia, PA, Oct 3-6 1996.

Richard G., Liu M., Sinder D., Duncan H., Lin Q., Flanagan J., Levinson S., Davis D., Slimon S., (1995). ``Numerical simulations of fluid flow in the vocal tract,'' Proc. of Eurospeech, Madrid, Spain, septembre 18-21, pp. 1297-1300.
Richard G., d'Alessandro C., (1994). "Time-domain Analysis and synthesis of speech noises", ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, New Paltz, NY, USA, Sept. 22-25.
Grau S., d'Alessandro C. & Richard G., (1993). "A speech formant synthesizer based on harmonic + random formant-waveforms representations", Proc. of EUROSPEECH., Sept. 1993, Berlin, Allemagne.
d'Alessandro C., Richard G., (1992). "Random wavelet representation of unvoiced speech", IEEE symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Oct. 4-6, 1992.
Richard G., d'Alessandro C., Grau S. (1992). "Unvoiced speech analysis and synthesis using Poissonian random formant wave functions", Proc of 6th Eur. Signal Processing Conf., Aou. 25-281992, Bruxelles, in Signal Processing VI, Theories and applications, Elsevier Science Publishers, Arnsterdam
Richard G., d'Alessandro C., Grau S. (1992). "Synthèse de bruits par Formes d'Ondes Formantiques aléatoires", (en français), Proc. of l9th "Journées d'études sur la Parole, 19-22 mai, 1992, Bruxelles, Belgique (in French)
Richard G., d'Alessandro C. & Grau S., (1993). "Musical noise synthesis using random waveforms", Proc. of Stockholm Musical Acoustic Conference (SMAC93). Juil. 1993, Stockhohm, Suède.
Castellengo M., Richard G., d'Alessandro C. (1989). "Study of vocal pitch vibrato perception using synthesis", Proc. of 13th Int. Cong. on Acoust., Aou. 24-31, 1989, Yougoslavie (Belgrade).
Other Publications: Specific publications (summary only)
Olivier Derrien, Gaël Richard et Roland Badeau,, Damped sinusoids and subspace based approach for lossy audio coding, Acoustics’08, Paris, France, 29 juin - 4 juillet 2008
Durrieu J.-L., Richard G. and David B.,Single sensor singer/music separation using a source/filter model of the singer voice , Acoustics’08, Paris, France, 29 juin - 4 juillet 2008
B. David, R. Badeau, N. Bertin, V. Emiya et G. Richard, Multipitch detection for piano music: Benchmarking a few approaches,, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, novembre 2007, vol. 122, no. 5, pp. 2962
S. Chennoukh, D. Sinder, G. Richard and J. Flanagan, "Articulatory based low bit-rate speech coding", J. Acous. Soc. Of Amer., vol. 102, no. 5, p. 3163, Nov. 1997
Zussa F., Lin Q., Richard G., Sinder D., Flanagan J., (1995). ``Open-loop acoustic-to-articulatory mapping,'' JASA, Vol. 98, No 5, Pt 2, novembre 1995, pp2931.
Richard G., Lin Q., Zussa F., Sinder D., Che C., Flanagan J., (1995). ``Vowel recognition using an articulatory representation,'' JASA, Vol. 98, No 5, Pt 2, novembre 1995, pp2965-2966.
Richard G., Liu M., Sinder D., Duncan H., Lin Q., Flanagan J., Levinson S., Davis D., Slimon S., (1995). ``Vocal tract simulations based on fluid dynamic analysis'', JASA, Vol. 97, No 5, Pt 2, Mai 1995, pp3245.
Lin Q., Richard G., Zou J., Sinder D., Flanagan J., (1995). ``Use of TRACTTALK for adaptive voice mimic,'', JASA, Vol. 97, No 5, Pt 2, Mai 1995, pp3247
Internal reports
Richard G., (1990). Rules for fundamental frequency transition in singing synthesis, Trita/tom-90/03, ISSN 0280-9850, Mars 1990, Institut Royal de Technologie, Stockholm, Suede.
d'Alessandro C., Richard G., (1992). Random representation of speech noises, Notes et Documents LIMSI, 92-7,0rsay.
Richard G., Sinder D., Duncan H., Flanagan J., Levinson S., Krane M., Davis D., Slimon S.," Computational models for Speech Generation", CAIP Update, Vol 10, N°3, 1996.
MPEG input documents
Matra Nortel Com., “Test results of the evaluation of G722 compared to AMR-EFR and AMR-7.4 kbit/s”, ETSI SMG11-SQ, Tdoc SMG11, June 1999.
G. Richard, C. Venot,, “Report of practical complexity evaluation of an optimised HILN decoder”, March 1998, document M3293, Tokyo, Japan.
G. Richard, A. Le Doré, P. Lockwood, ,"Test results on speech codecs (MPEG4 CELP, G723.1, Scalable Speech codec based on G723.1 (M2917))", July 1998, document m3758, Dublin, Ireland.
C. Sibade, S. Weiss, A. Ledore, G. Richard, "MPEG4 Audio demonstrator", July 1998, document m3783, Dublin, Ireland.
G. Richard, C. Murgia, J-L Bonifas, A. Le Dore, P. Lockwood "Revised technical description of Matra's scalable speech/audio codec", Oct. 1997, input Document M2917, Fribourg, Switzerland.
G. Richard, A. Le Dore, "Results of Core Experiment on an extension of the narrow-band CELP VM coder to a bandwidth scalable CELP (m2486)", Oct. 1997, input Document M2682, Fribourg, Switzerland.
G. Richard, "Results of Core Experiment on Lossless Coding in the CELP core of the MPEG-4 Audio VM (m2495)", Oct. 1997, input Document M2698, Fribourg, Switzerland.
G. Richard, C. Murgia, J-L Bonifas, A. Le Dore, P. Lockwood, "Results of Core Experiment on Matra's low to medium bit rates scalable audio/speech codec (m2346)" , Oct. 1997, input Document M2699, Fribourg, Switzerland.
G. Richard, A. Le Doré, C. Murgia, C. Lacas, P. Lockwood “A Scalable Audio and Speech coder based on a Core Coder”, July 97, input document MPEG97/ M2346, Stockholm, Sweden.
P. Bonnard, G. Richard, C. Sibade, F. Rigoulet, “An implementation of graceful-degradation concept in a 3D audio compositor”, April 1997, document m1998, Bristol, UK.
G. Richard, P. Bonnard, A. Le Doré, “Solution for a Scalable Audio and Speech Coder based on Core Coders”, April 97, input Document MPEG97/M1997, Bristol, 1997.
J. Klaine, G. Richard, “Discrepancies between the MPEG-4 audio TTS reference software and written document (N2503, subpart 6)”, input Document MPEG99/M4435, Seoul, March 1999.
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