Short CV
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Gaël Richard received the State Engineering degree from Telecom
Paris, France (formerly ENST) in 1990, the Ph.D. degree from
LIMSI-CNRS, University of Paris-XI, in 1994 in speech synthesis,
and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches degree from the
University of Paris XI in September 2001. After the Ph.D. degree
, he spent two years at the CAIP Center, Rutgers University,
Piscataway, NJ, in the Speech Processing Group of Prof. J.
Flanagan, where he explored innovative approaches for speech
production. From 1997 to 2001, he successively worked for Matra,
Bois d’Arcy, France, and for Philips, Montrouge, France. In
particular, he was the Project Manager of several large scale
European projects in the field of audio and multimodal signal
processing. In September 2001, he joined Telecom Paris where he
is now a Full Professor in machine learning and audio signal
processing. From 2015 to 2021, he was the Head of the Image,
Data, Signal department and since September 2020 he is the
executive director of Hi! Paris, the joint center between HEC
Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris on Artificial
Intelligence and Data Analytics for Society. He is a coauthor of
over 220 papers and inventor in a number of patents. He was an
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and
Language Processing between 1997 and 2011, one of the guest
editors of the special issue on “Music Signal Processing” of
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (2011) and
the lead guest editor of a special issue of the IEEE
Transactions on ASLP on sound scene and event recognition (2017)
. In 2020, He was awarded the IMT-Académie des Sciences
Grand prix. He currently is the Vice-chair of the IEEE
Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee, member
of the EURASIP and AES and fellow member of the IEEE.
Longer CV

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