
This is a very short introduction to the Verilog-A language


Verilog-A is an industry standard modeling language for analog circuits. It is the continuous-time subset of Verilog-AMS , behavioral language for analog and mixed-signal systems derived from the IEEE 1364 Verilog hardware description language (HDL) specification.


Verilog-A language:

  • is designed to allow modeling of systems that process continuous-time signals.

  • is multidisciplinary, models for electrical, mechanical, fluid and thermodynamic systems.

  • supports top-down design and speeds up system simulation times.

Conservative systems

There are two values associated with every node:

  • the potential (also known as the across value or voltage in electrical systems): the potential of the node is shared with all ports and nets connected to the node.

  • the flow (the through value or current in electrical systems): the flow from all ports and nets at a node sum to zero.

A branch is a path of flow between two nodes through a component. Every branch has an associated potential (the potential difference between the two nodes) and flow.


A behavioral description of a conservative component is constructed as a collection of interconnected branches satisfying the generalized Kirchoff’s Potential Law (KPL) and Kirchoff’s Flow Law (KFL):

  • KPL: The algebraic sum of all the branch potentials around a loop at any instant is zero (0).

  • KFL: The algebraic sum of all flows out of a node at any instant is zero (0).

Natures, disciplines

Verilog-A allows definition of nets based on disciplines. The disciplines associate potential and flow natures for conservative systems (or only potential nature for signal-flow systems).

The natures are a collection of attributes, including user-defined attributes, which describes the units (meter, gram, newton, etc.), absolute tolerance for convergence, and the names of potential and flow access functions.

// Electrical discipline
discipline electrical
    potential    Voltage; // Voltage nature, access function V()
    flow         Current; // Current nature, access function I()

Signal-flow systems

A discipline may specify two nature bindings, potential and flow, or it may specify only a single binding, potential. A discipline with only a potential nature is known as a signal flow discipline. Module outputs are functions of potentials at the inputs without taking flow into account.



Reference documentation for Verilog-A can be found in Verilog-AMS reference manual from Accellera:

VAMS-LRM-2-3-1, Annex C


Code highlight in this document is for Verilog HDL specification. Verilog-A reserved words are not highlighted

see VAMS-LRM-2-3-1, Annex B for the list of keywords

Module, Ports, Hierarchy

The components (modules) connect to nodes through ports to build hierarchy. The description of a system contains instances of modules and how they are interconnected.


Descriptions of primitive modules are given behaviorally. That is, a mathematical description is given that relates the signals at the ports of the module.


The fundamental structural unit within Verilog-A is the module.

A Verilog-A module contains some combination of:

  • Ports that interface to the external world

  • Internal nodes local to the module

  • Parameter and variable declarations

  • Analog block that specify the module’s behavior

    • analog statement

    • only this block can contribute to an analog net

  • Hierarchical structure (instantiate instances of other modules)

module resistor(p,n);
    inout p,n;
    electrical p,n;
    parameter real r=0 from [0:inf);

    analog      // analog block
        V(p,n) <+ r*I(p,n);



  • Ports provide a way to connect modules to other modules and devices

  • A port has a direction: input, output, or inout, which must be declared

  • The ports are listed after the module declaration

  • The port type and port direction must then be declared in the body of the module

module resistor(p,n);           module modName(outPort, inPort);
   inout p,n;                       output outPort;
   electrical p,n;                  input inPort;
   ...                              electrical outPort, inPort;


Modules may hierarchically instantiate instances of other modules or circuit elements:

module rc_filter(in,out);
    inout in,out;
    electrical in,out,gnd;
    ground gnd;

    resistor #(.r(10k)) r1 (in,out);
    capacitor #(.c(10n)) c1 (out,gnd);

Data Types

  • Parameters

    • real, integer, string

    • array of the above

  • Variables

    • real, integer, string

    • array of the above

  • Nets

  • Branches

  • Genvars

parameter integer bits = 8 from [1:inf);
inout [1:bits] out; //Vector port (bus) specification
electrical [1:bits] out;
electrical int_node; //Internal node
branch(in, int_node) int_br; //Branch declaration
parameter real thresh = 1.5;
parameter real high = 2*thresh;
real x, y;
real arr[1:bits];
string bit_string;
genvar i; // index for loop that contain a analog operator (transition())
analog begin
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1)
        V(out[i]) <+ transition(value[i], td, tr);


See the Data types section in VAMS-LRM-2-3-1

Verilog-A Statements

  • Variable assignments

  • Contribution statements 1

  • Conditional statements

    • if, then, else

  • Looping constructs

    • for, while, repeat

  • Input/Output Statements 2

    • textual display ($strobe, $debug, …)

    • file handling ($fopen, $fstrobe, …)


See the Analog behavior section in VAMS-LRM-2-3-1


See the System tasks and functions section in VAMS-LRM-2-3-1

Contribution statements

The branch contribution statement is used in the analog block to describe continuous-time behavior between a module’s analog nets and ports.

for example, electrical behavior can be described using the branch contribution operator <+:

V(n1, n2) <+ expression;


I(n1, n2) <+ expression;

Analog Operators

A Verilog-A lauguage defines analog operators for:

  • Transition operator (transition)

  • Time derivative and integral (ddt, idt)

  • Time delay operator (delay)

  • Laplace transform operator for CT filter (laplace)

  • Z-transform operator for DT filter (zi)

For example, the transition operator smooths out piecewise constant waveform by defining delay (td) rise time (rise_time) and fall time (fall_time) to signal transitions:

transition ( expr [ , td [ , rise_time [ , fall_time [ , time_tol ] ] ] ] )

integer result[0:bits-1];
genvar i;
analog begin
    for (i = 0; i < bits; i = i + 1)
        V(out[i]) <+ transition(result[i], dly, ttime);


See the Expressions section in VAMS-LRM-2-3-1

Event Driven Modeling

Event-driven modeling uses the @ operator to execute a block of code when an event occurs.

Types of events supported by Verilog-A modeling:

  • Global events generated by the simulator at various stages of the simulation

    • @(initial_step()) : At beginning of simulation

    • @(final_step()) : At end of simulation

  • Monitored events triggered by change in signals, simulation time, or other runtime conditions.

    • @(timer()) : Periodically at a specific time

    • @(cross()) : At analog signal crossings

Event or operator

analog begin
    @(initial_step or cross(V(smpl)-2.5,+1))
    V(out) <+ 0 ;


See the Analog behavior section in VAMS-LRM-2-3-1