
We will now perform the parameter extraction from the final cell extracted from the layout. We should have results slightly different from original ones.

Extraction of the propagation times

  • cd to the directory containing the scripts for propagation time extraction of the TSPCFF.

  • create a new template directory from this one using the command make template_dir

  • rename this last directory with a suitable name (for example TSPCFF_CELL_RISE_PHYSICAL)

  • Download Makefile file and copy it inside the new directory. If the file is named “Makefile.txt” rename it “Makefile”

In the new directory execute:

make convert_cell

You should have a new version of you TSPCFF Verilog-AMS netlist named TSPCFF_phy. This verilog-AMS netlist as bin generated using the Spice extracted netlist.

You can now perform all operations (simulation, plot, etc…) using this new netlist.


Compare the obtained results with the original results.

Extraction of the setup time

You should be able to do the same thing for the setup time, and compare once again the results with the original results.