SLR210 Algorithmic Basics of Blockchains


Petr Kuznetsov, office hours: C213-2, appointment by email
INFRES, Telecom ParisTech

Matthieu Rambaud
INFRES, Telecom ParisTech

Slides and exercises


We study the algorithmic basics behind decentralized and consistent storage systems that tolerate churn and malicious behavior of participating nodes. We begin with the study of classical protocols for reconfigurable storage and Byzantine fault-tolerance. Then we explore the protocols designed for "open" systems, exemplified by the prominent blockchain technology.


Slides and exercises

Date Class Exercises Solutions Supplementary
19.04.2019 Introduction, distributed computing at large scale, blockchains and distributed storage Quiz 1 Sol 1 John Oliver on cryptocurrencies
26.04.2019 Project discussion (reports to be received before 14.06.19 ) AKKA: java tutorial, java patterns
10.05.2019 Consensus, state machine replication, Paxos Quiz 2 Rachid Guerraoui on Paxos
17.05.2019 Project: indulgent consensus and Paxos
07.06.2019 Byzantine agreement, PBFT, Hyperledger Fabric, permissioned Blockchain Quiz 3
14.06.2019 Permissionless blockchains: proof-of-work, Bitcoin
21.06.2019 Project presentations
26.06.2016 Q&A session
26.06.2019 Exam
