Calcul de Malliavin - Université Paris-Saclay¶
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Malliavin and dirichlet structures for independent random variables by L. Decreusefond and H. Halconruy
The fourth moment theorem on the Poisson space
by C. Döbler and G. PeccatiEstimation for the additive Gaussian channel and Monge–Kantorovitch measure transportation
by A.S. ÜstünelCentral Limit Theorem for a Stratonovich Integral with Malliavin Calculus
by D. Harnett and D. Nualart (use the article below)Central Limit Theorems for Multiple Skorokhod Integrals
by I. Nourdin and D. NualartUne inégalité d'interpolation sur l'espace de Wiener
by L. Decreusefond, Y. Hu et A.S. ÜstünelStein’s method on Wiener chaos
by I. Nourdin and G. PeccatiStein’s method, logarithmic Sobolev and transport inequalities
by M. Ledoux, I. Nourdin and G. PeccatiDensity formula and concentration inequalities with Malliavin calculus
by I. Nourdin, F. ViensRegularity properties of some stochastic Volterra integrals with singular kernel
by L. DecreusefondStein’s method and stochastic analysis of Rademacher functionals by I. Nourdin, G. Peccati, G. Reinert
The Stein and Chen-Stein Methods for Functionals of Non-Symmetric Bernoulli Processes by N. Privault and G.L. Torrisi
Approximation of Hilbert-Valued Gaussians on Dirichlet structures by Bourguin S. and Campese S.