Keywords: Modeling of real-time systems, Modeling of system-on-chip, Formal Description Techniques, Formal validation, Real-time embedded applications, Communication protocols, Distributed Systems
1st ex-aequo Price of the best internships, delivered by the Telecom Foundation
I was lucky to supervise the intership of Suzanne Schoaraee, ARM, 2014. She won the prize of the best internship given by the Fondation telecom.For the competition, we made this movie together.
Research: Supervision
- Bastien Sultan, A model-driven approach for handling vulnerabilities in critical embedded systems after they have been released, 2021-2024
Ph.D. students
- Alexandre Yalei Zhang, Definition and implementation of an agile method for designing and verifying communicating embedded systems. Ph.D. expected to start in Oct 2025.
- Hichame Ben Youssef, Integrating Vehicular Safety and Cybersecurity to Systems and Architecture Design. Expected to start in April 2025.
- Nathanaël Simon, Automated evaluation of RISC-V architectures. Defense expected end of 2027.
- Alan Birchler De Allende, Modeling and verification techniques for secure and performant smart cities. Defense expected of 2027.
- Mahreen Khan, AI-based analysis of RISC-V hardware architectures. Defense expected in 2027.
Past Post-doc
- Jawher Jerray, Model-based High-level Integration of Heterogenous Components, 2022-2024
- Skander Turki, Model-based High-level Integration of Heterogenous Components, 2020-2021
- Neslihan Kose, Comparison of classification techniques, and contribution to the Alligator classifier, 2014.
- Chan Leduc, Using First Order Logic for the Formal Verification of Process Algebra, 2007.
Past Ph.D. students
- Sahar Berro, Model-based Joint Analysis of Safety and Security. Ph.D. stopped in its 6th year.
- Hui Zhao, Multi-Level Design for Cyber Physical Systems. Successfully defended in Mar. 2022.
- Maysam Zoor, Latency verification in execution traces of HW/SW partitioning model. Successfully defended in Dec. 2021.
- Emna Gharbi, Constraint programming for design space exploration of dataflow applications on multi-bus architectures. Successfully defended in Oct. 2021.
- Benjamin Dauphin, Liveness analysis techniques and run-time environment for memory management of dataflow applications. Successfully defended in March 2021.
- Matteo Bertolino, Efficient scheduling of applications onto cloud FPGAs. Successfully defended in Jan. 2021.
- Giovanni Camurati, Design for User Trust in an Ecosystem of Ubiquitous Internet of Things. Successfully defended in Dec. 2020.
- Letitia Li, Safe and secure model-driven design for embedded systems. Successfully defended in Sept. 2018, with congratulations of the whole jury.
- Florian Lugou, Environments for Analyzing the Security of Smart Objects. Successfully defended in Feb., 2018.
- Andrea Enrici, Model Driven Engineering of Parallel and Distributed Systems: the Psi-chart approach. Successfully defended in December, 2015.
- Gabriel Pedroza, Assisting the Design of Secured Applications for Mobile Vehicles. Successfully defended in January, 2013.
- Sabir Idrees, A requirement engineering driven approach to security architecture design for distributed embedded systems, Successfully defended in September, 2012.
- Daniel Knorreck, UML-based design space exploration, fast simulation and static analysis. Successfully defended the 26th of Oct., 2011.
- Chafic Jaber, High-Level SoC Modeling and Performance Estimation Applied to a Multi-Core Implementation of LTE EnodeB Physical Layer. Successfully defended the 27th of Sept., 2011.
- Benjamin Fontan, Méthodologie de conception de systèmes temps réel et distribués en contexte UML/SysML. Successfully defended in July 2008.
Master-level internships and student projects
- Guillaume Blanc, Pierre Dontenville, "Testing security features of TTool", Fall 2023.
- Chala Jilo, "Using ChatGPT as a design assistant for engineers", Fall 2023.
- Miguel POLO-GUILLEN, Delphine RICHARD, Marius-Cristian POPARASCU, "Creating an escape room with security challenges for Ph0wn", Fall 2020
- Anish KAUSHAL, Imene Khefacha, "Secure code generation from TTool models", Fall 2020
- Louis BARBE, "Design of a low-cost stabilization system for cameras", Spring 2020
- Prince AMANKWAH, "Code generation of security functions from high-level models", Spring 2020
- Andrea TRUFINI, Antonino VITALE, " Create an IoT challenge for Ph0wn", Spring 2020
- Adib RACHID, "Code generation for ev3 platforms from high-level models", Spring 2020
- Abbe AHMED-KHALIFA, "Code generation for ev3 platforms from high-level models", Fall 2019
- Siyuan NIU, "Improvement of a system-level simulation engine", Spring 2019
- Jakob FITTLER, "Automated code generation for Nucleo boards", Spring 2019
- Roman SUCHWALKO, "Adding auto-spawn of docker container to CTFd", Spring 2019
- Javier ERREA MORENO, "Automated code generation for Nucleo Boards", Fall 2018
- Dhiaeddine ALIOUI, "Automated code generation for Arduinos", Fall 2018
- Roman SUCHWALKO, "Creating Internet of Things Capture The Flag challenges", Fall 2018
- Romain VELU, Alexandros Ilias SPARTALIS, "Modeling and Verification of the LIDAR of an Autonomous Rover", Fall 2018
- Radhwen BOUAOUN, Mohamed Amine GRITLI, "Modeling and Verification of an the sonar of an Autonomous Rover", Fall 2018
- Martina Fogliato, Luca Rossi, "Car Tracking Devices for Insurance Reports". Spring 2018
- Kim-Anh-Nhi Nguyen, Samuel Pierre, Arthur Renault, Jean Kergall, Jean Yves Ouattara, "Listen&Warn". Fall 2017 and Spring 2018
- Jacques Molliere, "Android Malware Detection with Efficient Classification Techniques", Fall 2017
- Esteban Bernard, "Automated code generation for IoTs, Application to Nucleo64 boards", Fall 2017
- Berkay Koksal, "Automated code generation for IoTs, Application to Arduinos", Fall 2017
- Sejal JAIN, ChinTe LIAO, "The Internet of Insecure things, buzzwords and reality", 2017
- Michele RUSSO, Anders Been WILHELMSEN, "Privacy and Security Analysis of Google's Chromecast", 2017
- David BREDA, Jean-Rémi DUCRUEUX, "Security analysis of messaging applications (telegram, whatsapp, etc.)", 2017
- David BREDA, "Efficient classification of Android Applications for Malware Detection", 2016
- Elfilani JOO, NAS-based Personal Cloud, 2016
- Chiara CREMON, Federico MADOTTO, Alessio ALBERTINI, Nghia LY, Autonomous navigation for mini drones by visual self-learning, 2016
- Quentin MARGUERITTE, Sending forged Bluetooth Smart packets, 2016
- Corrado RAIMONDO, Giuseppe PACELLI, Matteo BERTOLINO, Bartosz GRZESIAK, Reverse Engineering of Suspicious Android Applications, 2016
- Nghia LY, Tramy NGUYEN, People detection and tracking by mini drones, 2015-2016
- Isa A. Halmøy FREDRIKSEN, Marc-André BÄR, Reverse Engineering of Suspicious Android Applications, 2015-2016
- Slim ALAOUD, Radhwene ELHADJ ELARBI, Aicha SIFI, Modelling and Validating a Personal Cloud Storage Solution, 2015-2016
- Ismail MOURTADA, Wael TELLAT, Chi-Kien DIEP, Private Photo Sharing using Smartphones and WebDav Personal Clouds, 2015-2016
- Dario DURANDO, Android Marketplace Application Crawler, 2015.
- Maciej BIELSKI, Linux / Xenomai software drivers for the Embb Digital Signal Processor, 2015.
- Angeliki AKTYPI, Marie FORRAT, Huynh Dan VO, Quang Huy TRUONG, Attack Crawler for Modern Networked Systems, 2014-2015.
- Amen OUALI, Shiqian YU, Moises David SOLORZANO MANZANO, Jorge Luis BARANGUAN CASTRO, Private Photo Sharing using Smartphones and Personal Clouds, 2014-2015.
- Robin Jollans, Drone4u: Beyond GoPro, June 2014.
- Lorenzo Bracco, Flavia Canino, People Tracking for Autonomous Flying using the AR.Drone 2.0, June 2014.
- Quynh-Giang Dam, Roaming of WIFI-controlled drones between different Wifi hotspots, 2014.
- Tuong.Nguyen, Nelly Riou, Indoor drone localization", 2014.
- Anh-Dung Le, Displaying the video sent by on drone on an Android smartphone with RosJava, 2014.
- Elsa Mpondo-Dika, Remotely controlling a drone from an Android smartphone with RosJava, 2014.
- Praveer Singh, Aakanksha Rana, Following a person with drones, 2014.
- Jean de Campredon, Autonomous drone navigation with signs at crossings, 2013.
- Yuxin Zhang, A first Android Implementation of TTool, 2012.
- Pratik Borhade, Teng Huan, Sign-based Mini-Drone Navigation, 2012.
- Sylvia Grewe, Model and Proof fo Security Properties on Cryptographic Protocols Using UML and ProVerif, 2012.
- Andrea Enrici, Andrea Mascheroni, Manuel di Giuseppe, Modeling Security-oriented Drivers for Automotive Onboard Systems, 2011.
- Mickael Bobyck, Using a Real-time UML Profile for Modeling Power Management, 2010.
- Fabienne Semeria, Developing an Open-source Environment for NXT Robots, 2009.
- Daniel Knorreck, Fast SystemC Simulation of Hardware Components, 2008.
- Cristian Macario, Simon Inizan, Improving a System-level Simulator, 2008.
- Chafic Jaber, Un modèle composant pour la modélisation des applications des Système sur puce, 2007.
- Muhammad Khurram Bhatti, Designing SoC with data abstraction in mind, 2007.
- Malek El Hajj, Etude et implémentation d'une sém;antique formelle sous forme d'automates pour le profil UML TURTLE, 2006.
- Emil Salageanu, A UML Profile for the Specification of Distributed Component Systems, 2006.
- Muhamad Rashid, ASIP Design for Multimedia Algorithms, 2006.
- Fayrouz Haddad, Comparative Study of Architecture Synthesis Techniques, 2005
- Yoann Lopez, Michael Fillinger, Comparative Study of Electronic Architectures Obtained from Automatic Synthesis, 2004
- Benjamin Fontan, Application d'UML 2.0 et du profil TURTLE à la modélisation et validation du protocole DCCP, 2004