Original theoretical results
Simplicity Theory

This law predicts that events close in time and space are more likely to raise interest.
It also predicts the fascination of coincidences, story rounds, and several other spectacular aspects of spontaneous communication.
Generative theory of spontaneous dialogue

- Dessalles, J.-L. (2016). A Cognitive Approach to Relevant Argument Generation.
- more on my model of argument generation
Altruism, social signalling, and the evolutionary emergence of language

➜ My answer: Language evolved to display social signals.
This evolution was possible in the particular political context of our species.
My model of Social Signalling also provides a new explanation for many cases of apparently altruistic behaviour, in several species, independently from language.
- Dessalles, J.-L. (2014). Optimal Investment in Social Signals. Evolution, 68 (6), 1640-1650.
- more on social signals and the emergence of language
The nature of semantic knowledge

We could show that any account of meaning using permanent symbolic representations is inconsistent. On the other hand, non-symbolic models do not account for systematic properties of language and reasoning. Together with Laleh Ghadakpour, we designed a model in which meaning is dynamically produced by cognitive operators like the contrast operator.
- Dessalles, J.-L. (2015). From conceptual spaces to predicates.
- more on my research on semantics
A cognitive model of Aspect

Together with Laleh Ghadakpour and Damien Munch, we showed that models in which Time is implemented in a static structure are inconsistent. We could capture an important part of the Aspectual competence as a minimal recursive procedure, by using new notions such as "predication".
- thesis (Laleh Ghadakpour’s PhD dissertation, in French)
- thesis (Damien Munch’s PhD dissertation, in French)
- more on my research on semantics
Problem solving isn’t purely procedural.
- thesis (Jean-Bernard’s PhD dissertation, in French)
- more on my research on Learning
Other important contributions

Non epiphenomenality of qualia
