
Starting November 2018, I am on extended academic leave. This website, as well as contact information, etc. are no longer up-to-date. Please check for more information


Unfortunately the DSI migration to an LXC based solution (with no root access!) completely broke the seminar system. My whole poor-man system was built over BibTex/Web and Cron. Unfortunately the LXC PHP version conflicts with PmWiki and my previous system, so I migrated to Jekyll. Unfortuantely Jekyll scholar is very fragile and picky, so that typos, UTF-8 characters etc. risk of breaking my full webpage! Unfortunately the LXC does not support anything (cron, svn, git) and does not allow any outbound connections. As such, as a bonus, the migration also broke the automated email annouce :( Despite the amount of effort I put into it so far, I haven't been able to find a fix. Having run this service for 10 years now, I am happy to let it run by any volounteer from now on -- please raise your hand!

Upcoming seminars 8
