IV. First results and remarks

Labeling the head tetrahedra with labels BRAIN, SKULL or SCALP

1. Results

We can see in the following figures the results (exteriors surfaces) of our labeling algorithm, first for the scalp, then for the skull and finally for the brain.
In figures concerning the brain, we can see that the set B is smaller than the set in the MRI volume. The reason is the size of the tetrahedra, since the length of an edge of a tetrahedron belonging to the ART volume for n=4 is close to the thickness of the skull. This problem will disappear with a resolution level of the ART resolution n higher than 4 (see Results with n=5).

Initial segmented MRI volume.

External surface of the scalp.

External surface of the skull.

Surface of the brain.

2. Remarks

a) The method presented here is adaptable for more than 3 components as long as they have the same structure, i.e. imbricated spheres. For example we can imagine to use the same strategy to label the head with SCALP, SKULL, CEREBRO-SPINAL FLUID and BRAIN as labels.

b) The choice of the thresholds mu is very important for the quality of the results. In fact, the conservation of the different topologies is guaranteed by the use of simple tetrahedra, but the thicknesses and the accurates of the tetrahedral tissues components strongly depend on these thresholds.

I. Introduction
II. Topological tools
III. Method to label the head
IV. First results and remarks
V. Results with n=5
VI. Numerical values
VII. Visible Human with CSF

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