
Research topics:


"Convergent plug-and-play with proximal denoiser and unconstrained regularization parameter"
(Samuel Hurault, Antonin Chambolle, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis),
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2024.
ArXiv preprint. doi.

"Plug-and-Play image restoration with Stochastic deNOising REgularization"
(Marien Renaud, Jean Prost, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis),
Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024.
arXiv preprint.

"On strong basins of attractions for non-convex sparse spike estimation: upper and lower bounds"
(Yann Traonmilin, Jean-François Aujol, Pierre-Jean Bénard, Arthur Leclaire),
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 66, pp. 57-74, 2024.
Hal preprint.

"On the potential benefits of entropic regularization for smoothing Wasserstein estimators"
(Jérémie Bigot, Paul Freulon, Boris P. Hejblum, Arthur Leclaire), 2023.
arXiv preprint.

"On the Gradient Formula for learning Generative Models with Regularized Optimal Transport Costs"
(Antoine Houdard, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis, Julien Rabin),
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023.
arXiv preprint. OpenReview.

"Convergent Bregman Plug-and-Play Image Restoration for Poisson Inverse Problems"
(Samuel Hurault, Ulugbek Kamilov, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis), 2023.
NeurIPS, 2023.
arXiv preprint.

"Optimal Transport Between GMM for Multiscale Texture Synthesis"
(Julie Delon, Agnès Desolneux, Arthur Leclaire),
Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14009, pp. 379-392, 2023.
Hal preprint. doi.

"A relaxed proximal gradient descent algorithm for convergent plug-and-play with proximal denoiser"
(Samuel Hurault, Antonin Chambolle, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis),
Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14009, pp. 627-638, 2023.
arXiv preprint. doi.

"A Generative Model for Texture Synthesis based on Optimal Transport between Feature Distributions"
(Antoine Houdard, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis, Julien Rabin),
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 65, pp. 4-28, 2023.
arXiv preprint. Webpage.

"Débruiteur “descente de gradient” pour la convergence d’une méthode Plug-and-Play"
(Samuel Hurault, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis), Actes du GRETSI, 2022.
Hal preprint.

"Transport optimal entre GMM pour la synthèse de texture"
(Julie Delon, Agnès Desolneux, Arthur Leclaire), Actes du GRETSI, 2022.
Hal preprint.

"Proximal denoiser for convergent plug-and-play optimization with nonconvex regularization"
(Samuel Hurault, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis),
Proceedings of the Thirty-ninth International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022. arXiv preprint.

"Gradient Step Denoiser for convergent Plug-and-Play"
(Samuel Hurault, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis), 2022.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022.
arXiv preprint.

"The basins of attraction of the global minimizers of non-convex inverse problems with low-dimensional models in infinite dimension"
(Yann Traonmilin, Jean-François Aujol, Arthur Leclaire),
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 2022.
Hal preprint.

"Wasserstein Generative Models for Patch-Based Texture Synthesis"
(Antoine Houdard, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis, Julien Rabin),
Proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12679, pp. 269-280, 2021.
arXiv preprint. Webpage. doi.

"A Stochastic Multi-layer Algorithm for Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport with Applications to Texture Synthesis and Style Transfer"
(Arthur Leclaire, Julien Rabin), Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 63(2), pp. 282-308, 2021. Hal preprint. doi. Webpage.

"Projected gradient descent for non-convex sparse spike estimation"
(Yann Traonmilin, Jean-François Aujol, Arthur Leclaire),
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 1110-1114, 2020. Hal preprint. doi. Source code.

"Maximum entropy methods for texture synthesis: theory and practice"
(Valentin de Bortoli, Agnès Desolneux, Alain Durmus, Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire),
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, vol. 3, no. 1, 2021.
arXiv preprint. doi. Webpage.

"Redundancy in Gaussian Random Fields"
(Valentin de Bortoli, Agnès Desolneux, Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire),
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, vol. 24, pp. 627-660, 2020. Preprint. Hal. doi.

"Determinantal Patch Processes for Texture Synthesis"
(Claire Launay, Arthur Leclaire), Actes du GRETSI, 2019. Hal preprint. Webpage.

"Patch Redundancy in Images: a Statistical Testing Framework and some Applications"
(Valentin de Bortoli, Agnès Desolneux, Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire),
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 893-926, 2019.
Preprint. Hal. doi.

"A Fast Multi-Layer Approximation to Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport"
(Arthur Leclaire, Julien Rabin),
Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11603, pp. 341-353, 2019.
Hal preprint. Webpage. doi. Slides.

"Macrocanonical Models for Texture Synthesis"
(Valentin de Bortoli, Agnès Desolneux, Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire),
Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11603, pp. 13-24, 2019.
Hal preprint. doi.

"A Texture Synthesis Model Based on Semi-discrete Optimal Transport in Patch Space"
(Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire, Julien Rabin),
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 2456-2493, 2018.
Hal preprint. doi. Webpage. Git.

"Stochastic Image Models from SIFT-like descriptors"
(Agnès Desolneux, Arthur Leclaire),
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 2305-2338, 2018.
Revised Preprint. Hal. doi. Webpage.

"Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport in Patch Space for Enriching Gaussian Textures"
(Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire, Julien Rabin), Geometric Science of Information (GSI), 2017.
Revised Preprint. Talk. Hal. Webpage.

"Stochastic Image Reconstruction from Local Histograms of Gradient Orientation"
(Agnès Desolneux, Arthur Leclaire), Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10302, pp. 133-145, 2017.
Revised Preprint. Webpage.

"Texture Inpainting Using Efficient Gaussian Conditional Simulation" (Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire), SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1446–1474, 2017.
Published version. Hal. doi. Webpage. Online demo.

"An Algorithm for Gaussian Texture Inpainting" (Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire),
Image Processing Online, vol. 7, pp. 262--277, 2017.
Revised preprint. Webpage. doi. Online demo.

"Texton Noise" (Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire, Lionel Moisan),
Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 36, no. 12, 2017.
Hal. Research Gate. Webpage.

"Microtexture Inpainting through Gaussian Conditional Simulation"
(Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire, Lionel Moisan),
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2016.
Revised Preprint. Hal. Slides. Webpage.

"No-reference image quality assessment and blind deblurring with sharpness metrics exploiting Fourier phase information" (Arthur Leclaire, Lionel Moisan),
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 145--172, 2015.
Revised Preprint. Webpage.

"A Texton for Fast and Flexible Gaussian Texture Synthesis"
(Bruno Galerne, Arthur Leclaire, Lionel Moisan),
Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco), pp. 1686-1690, 2014.
Revised Preprint. Published Version. Hal. Webpage. Poster.

"Une Variante non Périodique du Sharpness Index"
(Arthur Leclaire, Lionel Moisan), Actes du GRETSI, 2013.

"Blind Deblurring Using a Simplified Sharpness Index" (Arthur Leclaire, Lionel Moisan),
Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7893, pp. 86-97, 2013.
Revised Preprint. Slides. Webpage.

"An implementation and detailed analysis of the K-SVD image denoising algorithm"
(Marc Lebrun, Arthur Leclaire), Image Processing On Line, vol. 2, pp. 96--133, 2012 .
Webpage. doi. Online demo.

"Convergence arbitrairement lente dans le lemme de Riemann-Lebesgue" (Arthur Leclaire), Revue de Mathématiques Spéciales, 118(3), 2007-2008.

Habilitation à diriger des recherches

"Synthèse et Restauration d'Images par Transport Optimal et Apprentissage Profond".
Defended on 14 November 2023 at Université de Bordeaux. Dissertation.

PhD Thesis

"Random Phase Fields and Gaussian Fields for Image Sharpness Assessment and Fast Texture Synthesis". Written under the supervision of Lionel Moisan and Bruno Galerne.
Defended on 26 June 2015 at Université Paris Descartes. Dissertation.

Software and Tutorials

Plug-and-Play Image Restoration

Generative Networks for Texture Synthesis

Texture Synthesis with Patch Optimal Transport

Reconstruction from SIFT descriptors

Texton Noise

Microtexture Inpainting through Gaussian Conditional Simulation

Fast and Flexible Gaussian Texture Synthesis with the Synthesis-Oriented Texton

Phases Coherence Indices, Sharpness, and Blind Deblurring

An implementation and detailed analysis of the K-SVD image denoising algorithm


Marien Renaud, PhD candidate (2023-...), co-advised with Nicolas Papadakis

Samuel Hurault, PhD candidate (2020-2023), co-advised with Nicolas Papadakis

Valentin de Bortoli, PhD candidate (2017-2020), co-advised with Agnès Desolneux and Bruno Galerne

Moussa Atwi, M2 intern (2020), co-advised with Nicolas Papadakis


9 April 2024. ICMS workshop, Edinburgh.
     Convergent Bregman Plug-and-Play Image Restoration for Poisson Inverse Problems (Poster).

24 November 2023. Télécom Paris, Journée Recherche.
     Plug-and-Play Methods for Inverse Problems in Imaging

23 June 2023. Télécom Paris.
     Mathematical analysis of Plug and Play methods for inverse problems in imaging

24 May 2023. SSVM'23, Cagliari.
    Optimal transport between GMM for multiscale texture synthesis (Poster)

13 April 2023. Imaging in Paris, IHP.
    Mathematical analysis of Plug and Play methods for inverse problems in imaging

25 January 2023. Edinburgh.
    Mathematical analysis of Plug and Play methods for inverse problems in imaging

7 September 2022. Colloque GRETSI, Nancy.
     Transport Optimal entre GMM pour la Synthèse de Texture

15 October 2021. Working Group on VAE, Paris.
     Variational auto-encoders and mixture models

25 June 2021. Congrès SMAI, La Grande Motte.
     Complétion d'images de textures

15 June 2021. AG du GdR Isis, Biarritz.
     Projet Rémoga : Régularisation de Modèles génératifs adverses

20 May 2021. Séminaire Signal-Communications, IRIT, Toulouse (online).
     On the differential properties of WGAN Problems

15 April 2021. IOP Seminar, IMB (online).
     On the differential properties of WGAN Problems

18 January 2021. Lycée Pierre Mendès France, Marseille.
     Quelques illustrations du problème de transport optimal

5 March 2020. Journée ANR Mistic, Paris.
     A Multi-layer Approximation of Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport

21 November 2019. GIS Albatros meeting, Bordeaux.
     Mesurer la Régularité d'une Région d'Image via les Phases de Fourier

9 July 2019. GdR ISIS Meeting "Transport optimal en apprentissage statistique et traitement du signal", Paris.
     A Multi-layer Approximation of Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport

3 July 2019. SSVM 2019. Hofgeismar, Germany.
     A Multi-layer Approximation of Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport (Slides)

21 March 2019. Université de Poitiers, Colloquium du Printemps de la Recherche.
     Random Models for Texture Synthesis

14 March 2019. Institut Henri Poincaré, Workshop Statistical Modeling for Shapes and Imaging.
     Maximum Entropy Models for Texture Synthesis (Slides)

29 January 2019. Soirée classe prépa à l'IMB.
     Du Traitement d'Images avec une Pelle et un Seau (Slides)

25 October 2018. IMB Welcome Party.
     Texture Synthesis with Optimal Transport

27 September 2018. Séminaire Image, Optimisation, Probabilité, Institut Math. de Bordeaux.
     Maximum Entropy Models for Image Synthesis and Image Reconstruction

6 June 2018. SIAM Imaging Science 2018, Bologna, Italy.
     Mini-symposium Optimal transport and patch based methods for color image editing
     Semi-discrete Optimal Transport in Patch Space for Enriching Gaussian Textures

11 January 2018. Imaging in Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré.
     Semi-discrete optimal transport in patch space for structured texture synthesis

10 January 2018. GTTI, ENS Cachan.
     Semi-discrete optimal transport in patch space for structured texture synthesis

7 December 2017. Séminaire Image, Optimisation, Probabilité, Institut Math. de Bordeaux.
     Modè stochastiques pour la synthèse de textures et l'inpainting

9 November 2017. Geometric Science of Information. Mines Paristech.
     Semi-discrete optimal transport in patch space for enriching Gaussian textures

19 June 2017. Journée MIRES Textures, Espace Mendès France, Poitiers.
     Gaussian models for texture synthesis and inpainting

5 June 2017. SSVM'17, Kolding, Danemark.
     Stochastic Image Reconstruction from Local Histograms of Gradient Orientation

31 May 2017. GTTI, ENS Cachan.
     Semi-discrete optimal transport in patch space for enriching Gaussian textures

5 May 2017. GT Traitement d'images, Université Paris Descartes
     Texture synthesis with FRAME Models using neural networks filters

28 February 2017. Working group on Neural Networks, Télécom ParisTech
     Texture synthesis with FRAME Models using neural networks filters

6 February 2017. GTTI, ENS Cachan
     Texture synthesis with FRAME Models using neural networks filters

24 January 2017. Séminaire d'analyse harmonique, Université d'Orsay
     Modèles variationnels et stochastiques pour la complétion d'images

26 October 2016. GTTI, ENS Cachan
     An Algorithm for Gaussian Texture Inpainting

15 July 2016. Summer School on Calculus of Variations, Optimal Transportation, and Geometric Measure Theory: from Theory to Applications, Université de Lyon
     Gaussian Texture Inpainting

21 April 2016. Groupe de travail du MAPMO, Université d'Orléns
     Modèles Spot Noise pour la Synthèse Rapide de Microtextures par l'Exemple et la Complétion d'Images

24 March 2016. ICASSP'16, Shanghai, China
     Microtexture Inpainting through Gaussian Conditional Simulation (Slides).

16 March 2016. GTTI, ENS Cachan
     Microtexture Inpainting through Gaussian Conditional Simulation

1 December 2015. Cambridge Image Analysis Group. University of Cambridge
     Gaussian Models for Fast Synthesis and Inpainting of Microtextures

9 October 2015. Journée de rentrée du MAP5, Université Paris Descartes
     Modèles de Textures pour la Synthèse Rapide et la Désocclusion

2 October 2015. Séminaire Signal-Apprentissage, Université Aix-Marseille
     Modèles Spot Noise pour la Synthèse Rapide de Microtextures par l'Exemple et la Désocclusion

7 May 2015. SMATI, Télécom-ParisTech
     A Texton for Fast and Flexible Gaussian Texture Synthesis (Slides).

15 April 2015. GTTI, ENS Cachan
     A Texton for Fast and Flexible Gaussian Texture Synthesis

25 September 2014. Demi-journée de rentrée des doctorants, Université Paris Descartes
     A Texton for Spot-Noise Synthesis of Gaussian Textures.

10 April 2014. GTTJD, Université Paris Descartes
     A Texton for Spot-Noise Synthesis of Gaussian Textures.

3 June 2013. SSVM'13, Schloss Seggau, Austria.
     Blind Deblurring Using a Simplified Sharpness Index (Slides, Webpage).

7 May 2013. GTTJD, Université Paris Descartes
     Coupling from the past (Slides).

2 May 2013. Séminaire des Thésards de l'IMJ
     Bruits à phases aléatoires et indices de qualité image.

7 February 2013. 36è journée ISS, Ecole des Mines de Paris
     Caractérisation de la netteté d'une image (Résumé).

12 October 2012. GdT MATAIM, Université Paris Descartes
     Des mesures explicites de la cohérence de phase.

20 September 2012. GdR ISIS, Télécom-Paristech
     Indices de netteté netteté par mesure de cohérence de phase.

9 May 2012. Rénion du groupe de travail MISS, ENS Cachan
     Des mesures explicites de la netteté d'une image.

24 October 2011. GTTJD, Université Paris Descartes
     Introduction à la cohérence de phase.