Michèle Wigger

Professor in Information Theory

Bio: Michèle Wigger received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering, with distinction, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering both from ETH Zurich in 2003 and 2008, respectively. She was awarded two ETH Medals, one for her Master Thesis and one for her PhD Thesis. In 2009, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, San Diego, USA, before joining Telecom Paris, where she has been a full professor since 2018. She has held visiting professor appointments at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and ETH Zurich. Dr. Wigger has been an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and the IEEE Communications Letters, and has also served as a co-lead guest editor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory for the special issue on sensing. She has served as a TPC member for numerous conferences in information theory and communications and on a variety of committees of the IEEE Information Theory Society, including on the Board of Governors. Funding accomplishments include an Emergences Grant from the city of Paris, a Discruptive-ICT grant from Huawei, a Collaborative Project Grant from the French Funding Agency ANR, and both an ERC Starting Grant and an ERC Consolidator Grant.

This week: Tutorial at SPAWC on Tuesday, 10 September 2024, An Information-Theoretic View of Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC).

Past events: The first France PhD Workshop on Information Theory on Friday, 7 June 2024 at Telecom Paris.

Research Interests: I'm interested in all areas of information theory and related fields. In particular in multi-user systems.
Most of my previous research activities were related to one of the following topics:
  • Communication over networks with feedback, state-information, cooperation links, correlated sources, or caches.
  • Coordination of smart distributed agents over noisy networks.
  • Distributed compression and storage systems.
  • Distributed computing systems.
  • Distributed detection systems (hypothesis testing).
  • Free-space optical communication.
  • Integrated sensing and communication systems (ISAC) For more information about my research, please consider my publications and presentations.

    Several PhD and PostDoc positions are open in my group. Please contact me via email.
  • Where to find me:

    Telecom Paris, LTCI
    Room 3C58
    19 Place Marguerite Perey
    91120 Palaiseau

    Email: michele.wigger(at)telecom-paris.fr
    Tel.: +33 1 75 31 92 96