Gitlab telecom with open access codes (since 2020) RING (Radar Imaging Group) RING
multiple open access codes of the last contributions of the group
MERLIN: SAR image denoising with supervised learning
SAR2SAR: SAR image denoising with semi-supervised learning
SAR2SAR:-GRD SAR image denoising with semi-supervised learning for GRD Sentinel-1 data
Geometric mean denoising
RABASAR: Ratio-based Multi-temporal SAR Images denoising
Code: open source software distributed under CeCILL licence, available soon on the web page of Charles Deledalle link
Illustrations on the web page of W. Zhao link
NL-SAR: Non-local regularization in SAR imagery
Code: open source software distributed under CeCILL licence, available on the web page of Charles Deledalle link
2SPPB: SAR time series - START2
Code: open source software distributed under CeCILL licence, available here code
Funding: Thanks to the CDS Saclay for the funding of the open source code development
NORCAMA: change detection
Data (not yet available)