Master Quantum, Light, Materials and Nano Sciences, Université Paris-Saclay & Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Principle of Semiconductor Lasers
Modulation, Nonlinear, and Ultra-fast Dynamics (2023)
Final exams (without corrections) 2022, 2021, 2020
Applied Quantum Mechanics (EE270), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
Course Syllabus
Applied Quantum Mechanics (Full)
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Midterm Exam
Hilbert Space, Dirac Notation, and Matrix Mechanics
Time-Independent Perturbation Theory &
WKB Approximation
Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
Definition and Properties of Hermitian Operators
Dynamics of Lasers (EE272), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
Course Syllabus
Dynamics of Lasers (Full)
Homework 1: Laser Bifurcations
Homework 2: Semiconductor Lasers
Homework 3: Maxwell-Bloch Equations
Homework 4: Mode-Locking of Lasers
Télécom Paris (also formerly known as Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications) is a top French public institutions of higher education and research of engineering in France. Located in Paris, it is a member of the ParisTech Group and Institut Télécom. Télécom Paris is also one of the approved application schools for the École Polytechnique , making it possible for fourth-year students to complete their studies with one year of specialization at Télécom ParisTech. Télécom ParisTech also provides education for the prestigious Corps des Mines-Télécoms. Télécom Paris is also a founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris that envisions to be within the top ten universities in the world.
The organization of the curriculum in Télécom ParisTech is constituted of a one-year telecommunication engineering general course leading to a level of study equivalent to a Bachelors and a two-years master course in engineering based on a large choice of teaching units. From the second year, the Communication Devices and Systems (Socom) track in which I am involved brings a global and exhaustive understanding of the physical layer of communication networks both from a theoretical and experimental point of view. During the 3rd year, students can also follow one of the very selective Master of Science programs (M2) proposed elsewhere within the UPSay. This choice gives them a double degree hence the Master of Engineering from Télécom ParisTech and the Master of Science from the UPSay.
UPSay/IP Paris: M2 Quantum, Light, Materials and Nano Sciences
Within the Nanodevice and Nanotechnology track, both a conceptual and technological approach is proposed not only in engineering sciences (Physics, Communication Technologies, Chemistry, Materials), but also in Biosciences and Biotechnologies. In this program, I review novel integrated photonic architectures as well as the key-technologies for optical sources and ultrafast optoelectronics like quantum dot semiconductors, quantum cascade lasers, nanolasers, silicon lasers, etc. I also focuse on dynamic effects in semiconductor lasers, nonlinear photonics features, as well as experimental lab works.
UPSay/IP Paris: M2 Optical Networks and Photonic Systems
This module gives vertical knowledge on optical communications: from device physics, through optical transmission to networking, information theory and digital signal processing, open knowledge from optical communications to other applications of photonics, offer a practical ability with substantial laboratory work for all topics, offer both opportunity for future research work or applied work in companies linked with the photonics domain. In this program, I lecture semiconductor lasers and experimental lab activities.
Telecom 203: Optical Communications
This basic unit introduces the components and functions of an optical system, through the emblematic example of a very high rate optical communication. This teaching unit covers the functions (and associated components) for the transmission (lasers), amplification modulation, photo reception, multiplexing and the properties of optical channels (optical fibres: guiding, attenuation, dispersion, solitary waves). In this program, I teach nonlinear waves, propagation in dispersive media, and semiconductor lasers.
Phy 101: Micro and Nano-Physics
This course gives the basics in quantum and statistical physics as well as an overview of semiconductor physics: Principle of quantum mechanics, electrons in crystals, conductors, insulator, and semiconductors, PN junction, principle of MOS structure.
Planches de cours (résumé du cours EE272, uniquement disponible en Anglais)
Com 101: Optics and Photonics
This module is an introduction to optics. Over the past few decades, optics, which up until now has remained a traditional discipline, has become strongly linked to information and communication technologies: Propagation of light in optical fibres, resonators and thermal radiation; Introduction to lasers: gas lasers and semiconductor lasers, coherency and addition of optical signals: beats, interference, spectroscopy by Fourier transformation, diffraction: scalar theory, applications, resolution of optical instruments, diffraction networks, Introduction to holography, optical information processing: filtering of spatial frequencies, optical transfer functions, image sampling.
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