Research activities
Research interests: I'm mostly interested in signalling schemes and digital signal processing related to optical fiber communication systems and optical fiber sensors. I have worked particularly on modulation design and DSP for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication schemes.
- Digital signal processing for optical fiber communications
- Power margin reduction in optical transmission systems
- Novel interrogation techniques of optical fiber sensors (mainly for distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) applications)
Open positions
- December 2022: [Position has been filled] Open post-doc position on sensing over optical fiber networks.
Current Supervised Research and Collaborations
- Henrique Pavani Pereira Ramos: PhD student started April 2023, Topic: Distributed Acoustic Sensng on Optical Telecom Fibers: Impact of Laser Coherence and Classification Challenges. Jointly supervised with Christian Dorize and Renaud Gabet.
- Isaia Andrenacci: PhD student started July 2022, Topic: Modeling transmission properties in optical networks using artificial intelligence. Jointly supervised with Stéphan Clémençon, Ekhiñe Irurozki, as well as Petros Ramantanis and Matteo Lonardi from Nokia.
- Louis Tomczyk: PhD student started April 2022, Topic: Enhanced monitoring solutions for optical fiber networks. Jointly supervised with Cédric Ware. The project is sponsored by BPI France in the frame of the Celtic-Next AI-NET project.
- Jingtian Liu: PhD student started November 2020, Topic: Shaping for non-linear effects in optical fiber communications. Jointly supervised with Yves Jaouën. The project is sponsored by Huawei Research France.
- Xiaoyan Ye: PhD student started November 2020, Topic: Machine learning for optical fiber communications. Jointly supervised with Yves Jaouën, and Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi from Nokia Bell Labs.
Former Students and Collaborations
- Alix May: PhD thesis, Nov 2019 - Apr 2023, Topic: Enhanced monitoring and anomaly detection schemes in optical fiber networks. Jointly supervised with Philippe Ciblat, and Fabien Boitier and Petros Ramantanis from Nokia Bell Labs. Alix joined Nokia Bell Labs as a research engineer after defending her thesis.
- Sterenn Guerrier: PhD thesis, Jan 2019 - Jan 2022. Topic: Distributed acoustic sensing. Jointly supervised with Christian Dorize and Renaud Gabet. Sterenn joined Nokia Bell Labs as a research engineer after defending her thesis.
- Alice Guillaume Manca: Master thesis, Jun 2021 - Aug 2021. Topic: Equalization schemes in IM-DD systems for free-space optical communications.
- Arnaud Dumenil: Master thesis Mar 2016 - Sep 2016, then PhD thesis, March 2017-March 2020, jointly supervised with Cyril Méasson. Topic: Designing 4D modulations for polarization-multiplexed optical fiber communications. Arnaud joined Nestwave as a research engineer after defending his thesis.
- Jingtian Liu: Master thesis, Mar 2020 - Sep 2020. Topic: Equalization schemes in IM-DD systems for access networks. Currently doing a PhD with Yves Jaouën and myself.
- Wendy Tomboza: Master thesis, Mar 2019 - Sep 2019. Topic: Distributed acoustic sensing. Currently doing a PhD jointly with Safran and CEA.
- Osama Barakat: Master thesis, Mar 2016 - Sep 2016. Topic: Enhancing ENoB in high speed DACs/ADCs for optical communications. Now working as research and development engineer at Huawei Technologies France.
- El Mehdi Amhoud: Master thesis, Mar 2015 - Sep 2015. Topic: Mode selection in spatial division multiplexed systems. Now Assistant Professor with Mohammad VI Polytechnic University, Morocco.