IGR 204: Visualization
- Instructor
- James Eagan
- Teaching assistants
- Period
- Spring 2022 (P4)
Access to data is increasing exponentially, yet our ability to analyze and make sense of them is limited. The goal of information visualization is to provide users with the tools necessary to visually explore, understand, and communicate complex data.
Course goals
- Introduce the fundamental principles of visualization.
- Provide an overview of the state of the art and historical work in the domain.
- Learn how to critically analyze visualizations applied to a particular data analysis task.
This course is taught in English.
Please use the class Moodle (eCampus) discussion forum. The system is catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates or from the instructors. I encourage you to post questions and discussions there.
The textbook for this class is Visualization Analysis & Design, by Tamara Munzner. It is available through the link above. In addition to chapters from that book, various scholarly articles will be assigned as in-home readings.
We also recommend Envisioning Information, by Edward Tufte. This book really needs to be read in dead-tree form. You may consult my personal copy in my office. The link here points to Amazon for convenience, but if you wish to purchase it, I recommend using your preferred local book pedlar.
Grades are determined by three primary criteria:
- Project
- Final exam
- Quizzes
- Labs & short homework assignments
Grades may be adjusted by up to 5% based on class participation. See the class moodle for the grading breakdown.
Plagiarism policy
All work submitted is expected to be your original work. Feel free to discuss your work with your fellow students, use available resources (e.g., books, articles, web pages, source code), but these resources should serve as inspiration or supporting materials only. Do not forget to cite any such resources appropriately. Failure to appropriately cite your sources may result in a grade of 0 and/or academic sanctions.