Welcome to Chloé Paliard's Personal Page

My research focuses on fluid simulation and animation, and more specifically in recent deep learning advances in physics-based simulations. I work under the supervision of Kiwon Um, Nils Thuerey and Marco Cagnazzo.

Education & Experience

  • PhD Student in Télécom Paris, France (Oct 2020 - Present)
  • "Deep Model Reductions for Fluid Simulation and Animation", under the supervision of K. Um, N. Thuerey and M. Cagnazzo.

  • Master Internship in the GeoVic Team of the LIX, France (March 2020 - August 2020)
  • Working on character animation, more specifically walking on loose and dynamic grounds, under the supervision of Damien Rohmer and Marie-Paule Cani. This internship led to the publication of a short paper at Eurographics 2021.

  • Master Degree in Télécom Paris, France (2017 - 2020)
  • General knowledge in Computer Science and Engineering, with a specialization in Computer Graphics.


    Soft Walks: Real-Time, Two-Ways Interaction between a Character and Loose Grounds.

    C. Paliard, E. Alvarado, D. Rohmer, M-P. Cani. Eurographics (Short), May 2021, Vienna, Austria


  • IGR 201: Teaching Assistant for Geometry and Rendering practicals, supervising Master students at Télécom Paris who started to learn OpenGL and C++.
  • INF 224: Teaching Assistant for C++ practicals, supervising Master students at Télécom Paris.