I am full Professor, Head of the departement of Economics and Social Sciences at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and Academic Fellow at Institut Louis Bachelier. I am a member of the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), a joint interdisciplinary research center between ENSAE, ENSAI and Ecole Polytechnique, with research teams in economics, statistics, sociology and finance. My research is interested in digital economics and digital finance.

I collaborate with colleagues in Economics, Law, Statistics and Computer sciences from universities, public institutions and private research companies. Beyond academic journals, some of my works have been published in central banks' working paper series such as the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the Bank of Canada, De Nederlandsche Bank, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Austrian Central Bank, and the Colombian Central Bank.

I am the co-founder of the Research Chair Digital Finance (with Marianne Verdier, Univ. Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas) in partnership with Institut Louis Bachelier, Cartes Bancaires CB, Caisse des Dépôts and INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies).



Lancement de la Chaire de Recherche Finance Digitale :Galerie Photos.

11 mars 2019

Biais des algorithmes, discrimination et équité (Edito n°12 - VPIP)

Nov/Oct 2018

Présentations à la Chaire Valeur et Politique des Informations Personnelles (16/11) et à l'Institut Villebon Georges Charpak (30/11).

L’usage des espèces en France : priorité aux transactions de faible valeur

Oct. 2018

Bulletin de la Banque de France n°220, avec Emmanuelle Politronacci, Adeline Moret, et Abel François.

Participation au comité du programme de la prochaine conférence:Data for Policy 2019, Digital Trust and Personal Data

Oct. 2018

organisée à Londres en juin 2019.

Faut-il réguler l'intelligence artificielle et, si oui, de façon globale ou sectorielle ?

Sept. 2018

avec Winston Maxwell, Edition Multimédi@, n°196.


You can always send me a postal mail at the following address:

19 Place Marguerite Perey | Office 3A483
91120 Palaiseau, France
+33 1 75 31 98 80

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