Revues internationales

"Raman-tailored photonic crystal fiber for telecom band photon-pair generation. pump profile" Cordier, M., Orieux, A., Gabet, R., Harlé, T., Dubreuil, N., Diamanti, E., ... & Zaquine, I. Optics Letters B, 42(13) 2583-2586 (2017)

"Multi-user quantum key distribution with entangled photons from an AlGaAs chip." Autebert, C., Trapateau, J., Orieux, A., Lemaître, A., Gomez-Carbonell, C., Diamanti, E., ... & Ducci, S Quantum Science and Technology, .,1(1), 01LT02,(2016).

"Logical and inequality-based contextuality for qudits. " Sohbi, A., Zaquine, I., Diamanti, E., & Markham, D. Physical Review A, ,94(3), 032114 (2016)

"Multi-user distribution of polarization entangled photon pairs." Trapateau, J., Ghalbouni, J., Orieux, A., Diamanti, E., & Zaquine, I. Journal of Applied Physics, 118(14), 143106 (2015)

"Spontaneous four-wave mixing in liquid-core fibers: towards fibered Raman-free correlated photon sources." Barbier, M., Zaquine, I., & Delaye, Journal of Physics, 17(5), 053031. (2015).

"Decoherence effects on the nonlocality of symmetric states." Sohbi, A., Zaquine, I., Diamanti, E., & Markham, D. Physical Review A, 91(2), 022101 2015.

"Optimal photon pair single mode coupling in narrow-band spontaneous parametric down-conversion with arbitrary pump profile" J. L. Smirr, M. Deconinck, R. Frey, E. Diamanti, I. Agha, and I. Zaquine. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 30 pp.288-301, 2013.

"Experimental wavelength division multiplexed photon pair disptribution" J. Ghalbouni, I. Agha, R. Frey, E. Diamanti, and I. Zaquine. Optics Letters,38 p34, 2013

"Analysis of elliptically polarized maximally entangled states for bell inequality tests". Laser Physics, 22(6), 2012. A. Martin, J.-L. Smirr, F. Kaiser, E. Diamanti, A. Issautier, O. Alibart, R. Frey, I. Zaquine and S. Tanzilli. Laser Physics, 22(6), 2012.

"Performance of spontaneous down conversion sources for quantum information applications", J. L. Smirr, R. Frey, E. Diamanti, R. Alléaume et I. Zaquine, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 28, n° 4, pp. 832 841, 2011

"Simple performance evaluation of pulsed spontaneous parametric down conversion sources for quantum communications",J. L. Smirr, S. Guilbaud, J. Ghalbouni, R. Frey, E. Diamanti, R.All�aume et I. Zaquine, Optics Express, vol. 19, n° 2, pp. 616 627, 2011

"Bragg diffraction in thin 2D refractive index modulated semiconductor samples"
Q. He, I. Zaquine, R. Frey and G. Roosen,
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 26, pp390-396, mars 2009

"Efficient Bragg diffraction in thin semiconductor 2D gratings"
He, I. Zaquine, R. Frey, R. Andre, G. Roosen
 Optics Letters, 33, pp2868-2870, décembre 2008

"Numerical analysis of a high-resolution fast tunable filter based on an intracavity Bragg grating"
D Bitauld, I Zaquine, A Maruani, R Frey
Applied Optics,
46, n° 21, pp. 4728-4735, 2007

"Intracavity gain gratings"
A Moreau, Q He, I Zaquine, A Maruani, R Frey
Optics Letters,
32, n° 3, pp. 208-210, 2007

"Band-edge-induced Bragg diffraction in two-dimensional photonic crystals"
Qiong He, Isabelle Zaquine, Alain Maruani, Sébastien Massenot, Raymond Chevallier, Robert Frey
Optics Letters
31, pp. 1184-1186, 2006

"Efficient Bragg-like operation of intracavity low-efficiency plane gratings
A Moreau, I Zaquine, A Maruani, R Frey
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
22 n° 11, pp. 2289-2294, 2005

"Diffraction of Gaussian beams on intracavity Bragg gratings"
D Bitauld, L Menez, I Zaquine, A Maruani, R Frey
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
22, n° 6, pp. 1153-1160 ,2005

"Uniform response high resolution tunable optical filtering using a grating-assisted acousto-optic device”
D Bitauld, I Zaquine, A Maruani, R Frey
Optics Express,
13, n° 17, pp. 6438-6444, 2005

"Bragg thickness criterion for intracavity diffraction gratings"
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey.

Journal of the Optical Society of America B 19, No 5:965-972, May 2002.

"Intracavity Refractive Index Bragg gratings in absorbing and amplifying media"
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey.

Optics Communications 204:267-275, April 2002.

"Experimental Investigation of Intracavity Bragg Gratings"
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey.

Optics Letters 27, No7:479-481, April 2002.

"Intracavity Bragg Grating"
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 16, No 11:1849-1855, Nov. 1999.

"Carrier Diffusion in CdMnTe"
 C. Moussu, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey
Physical Review B 58, No 12:7753-7760, 1998.

"Index gratings in semimagnetic semiconductors"
C. Moussu, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey
Journal of Crystal Growth 184-185 (1-4):701-705 1998.

"De-Embedding Slotline Propagation Parameters".
M.-H. Murgulescu, P. Legaud, E. Moisan, E. Penard and I. Zaquine
Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 4 No 12:393, December 1994.

"New small 90° hybrid coupler"
Murgulescu, P. Legaud, E. Penard and I. Zaquine
Electronics Letters 30 No 16:1289, 4th August 1994.

"Design formulas for generalised 180° hybrid ring coupler"
M.-H. Murgulescu, E. Penard and I. Zaquine.
Electronics Letters 30 No 7:573, 31st March 1994.

"New wideband, 0,67 lg circumference 180° hybrid ring coupler"
M.-H. Murgulescu, E. Moisan, P. Legaud, E. Penard and I. Zaquine.
Electronics Letters 30 No 4:299, 17th February 1994.

"High critical current density obtained by focused ion beam patterning of high temperature superconducting thin films"
I. Zaquine (INT), G. Ben Assayag, J. Gierak (L2M-CNRS), B. Dessertenne, B. Marcilhac, M. Mercandalli and J.C. Mage (THOMSON-CSF-LCR)
Journal of Applied Physics 72 (1):270, 1 july 1992.

"Microwave detection with high Tc superconducting Thin Films"
I. Zaquine, J.C. Mage, B. Marcilhac and D. Dieumegard.

IEEE Transactions on Magnetism 27, No 2:2507, March 1991.

"Superconducting thin films of YBaCuO compound deposited on Si and Alumina substrates".

P. Alnot, R. Cabanel, J. Chazelas, G. Creuzet, D. Dieumegard, J.P. Ganne, G. Garry, R. Kormann, J.C. Mage, J. Olivier and I. Zaquine (Thomson-CSF/LCR) and P. Beauvillain and C. Chappert (IEF Orsay).
Solid State Communications 67 No 3:275, 1988 .

"Ferrite thin films for microwave applications"
I. Zaquine, H. Benazizi and J.C. Mage.

Journal of Applied Physics 64 (10):5822, 15 Nov. 1988.

"Separation of the different contributions to FMR linewidth of microwave ferrites up to 40GHz"
 I. Zaquine and M. Urban
IEEE Transactions on Magnetism 24, No 2:1904, March 1988.

"Recent results on SIS mixers at LETI and ENS with Nb/Ox/PbIn junctions".
A. Régent, I. Zaquine, G. Matheron and J.C. Villégier (LETI, Grenoble) and J.C. Pernot, C. Letrou, D. Crété and P. Encrenaz (ENS Paris).
Physica 129B:511-515, 1985.

Revue nationale

"Source de photons intriqués en polarisation : travaux pratiques de physique quantique" Y.Menesguen, J.L. Smirr, G. Pillet, R. Alleaume, A. Maruani, I. Zaquine, R. Frey and L. Jacubowiez, Le Bup(Bulletin de l'Union des Professeur de Physique et de Chimie), Vol. 102, n°908, Cahier enseignement supérieur, pp 61-80,novembre 2008.


"Procédé de filtrage optique mono ou multi-fréquence rapidement accordable" R. Frey, L. Menez, I. Zaquine.

Brevet français N°FR2823563 déposé par l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (avril 2001).

Conférences internationales

"Multi-user photon pair distribution", J. Ghalbouni, E. Diamanti, and I. Zaquine. Quantum Information Processing and Communication Conference, Florence, Italy, July 2013

"Dwdm distribution of photon pairs produced by spontaneous parametric down conversion", J. Ghalbouni, I. Agha, R. Frey, E. Diamanti, and I. Zaquine. EOSAM, Aberdeen Royaume- Uni, October 2012.

"Optimal pump beam profile for maximum collection of spdc into a single mode" J.-L. Smirr, M. Deconinck, R. Frey, I. Agha, E. Diamanti, and I. Zaquine ; International Conference on Quantum Technologies", Moscow, Russia, July 2011.

"Analysis of elliptically polarized maximally entangled states and application to a waveguide based photon-pair source", A. Martin, J.L. Smirr, F. Kaiser, R. Frey, V. d’Auria, O. Alibart, I. Zaquine and S. Tanzilli, Laser Physics Workshops, Sarajevo, juillet 2011

"Bragg diffraction regime in thin semiconductor 2D refractive index gratings", Q. He, I. Zaquine, R. Frey, R. Andre, G. Roosen ;Photorefractive 2009 (PR09) Bad Honnef, Allemagne, Juin 2009

"Gain grating in a Nd: YVO 4 microlaser" A Moreau, Q He, I Zaquine, A Maruani, R Frey ; Optical Society of America-CLEO/QELS Conference, Baltimore, USA, May 2007

"Diffraction enhancement in 2D photonic crystals" ; Q.He, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani, S. Massenot, R. Chevallier and R. Frey ; European Optical society Annual Meeting, Paris, octobre 2006

"Intracavity Bragg diffraction in microlasers"; A. Moreau, Q.He, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey ; European Optical society Annual Meeting, Paris, octobre 2006

"A fast tunable high resolution filter" ; D Bitauld, I Zaquine, A Maruani, R Frey,
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Münich, 2005.

"Diffraction regime of an intracavity thin grating" ; Moreau, A.; Zaquine, I.; Maruani, A.; Frey, R.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Münich, 2005.

""Tunable optical filtering with an intracavity Bragg grating associated to a standard grating"
D. Bitauld, C. Martins, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani, R. Frey, R. Chevallier and L. Dupont ; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 04, San Francisco, USA, May 2004.

"Intracavity Bragg diffraction of gaussian beams"
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 03, Baltimore, USA, June 2003.

"Bragg Thickness criterion for intracavity Bragg gratings".
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 02, Long Beach, USA, May 2002.

""Refractive index Bragg gratings in amplifying Fabry-Perot cavities"
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 02, Long Beach, USA, May 2002.

"Experimental investigation of intracavity Bragg diffraction"L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 01, Baltimore, USA, May 2001.

"Diffraction properties of intracavity Bragg gratings" L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Europe '00, Nice, FRANCE, September 2000.

"Diffraction efficiency of an index grating in a Fabry-Perot resonator" L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 99, Baltimore, USA, May 1999.

"Microsecond duration free carrier induced gratings in CdMnTe".
C. Moussu, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Europe '98, Glasgow, UK, September 1998.

"Population and Photorefractive-like Index Gratings in Semimagnetic Semiconductors".
C. Moussu, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani and R. Frey.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 98, San Francisco, USA, May 1998.

"Index gratings in Semimagnetic Semiconductors".
C. Moussu, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani, and R. Frey.
8th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Grenoble, France, September 1997.

"Long-lived free carrier induced refractive index gratings in semimagnetic semiconductors".
C. Moussu, I. Zaquine and R. Frey.
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science'97, Baltimore, USA, May 1997.

"Role of Auger Recombination in the photodarkening process of semiconductor doped glasses".
A. Vanhaudenarde-P\'eoc'h, C. Moussu, I. Zaquine and R. Frey.
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science 96, Anaheim, USA, June 1996.

"New small size wideband 180° ring coupler: theory and experiments".
Murgulescu M.H., Legaud P., Moisan E., Penard E, Goloubkoff M. and Zaquine I. ; 24th European Microwave Conference, Cannes, France, September 1994.

"A hybrid, low-noise grounded coplanar amplifier" M.-H. Murgulescu, M. Brandon and I. Zaquine.
Microwaves and Optronics, Sindelfingen, Germany, May 1993.

Conférences nationales

"Source de photons intriqués large bande pour distribution multiutilisateurs" ; Joe Ghalbouni, Imad Agha, Eleni Diamanti, R. Frey et I. Zaquine, Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 12, Marseille, pp. 105, juillet 2011.

"Source de photons intriqués de faible largeur spectrale pour les communications quantiques du futur" ; Sylvain Guilbaud, J. L. Smirr, Imad Agha, Eleni Diamanti, R. Frey et I. Zaquine, Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 12, Marseille, pp. 109, juillet 2011.

"Source de photons intriqués de faible largeur spectrale à 1550 nm pour un réseau de communications quantiques"; J.-L. Smirr, I. Zaquine, G. Mouret, P. Busch,  R. Alléaume,  E. Diamanti et R. Frey, Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 11, Mouans Sartoux, septembre 2009

"Diffraction de Bragg dans des cristaux photoniques 2D" ; Q. He, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani , R. Frey,
Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 10, Grenoble, juillet 2007

"Interface de changement de longueur d'onde conservant l'intrication en polarisation"; Y. Menesguen, J.-L. Smirr, G. Pillet, C. Bourdarias, R. Alléaume, A. Maruani, I. Zaquine and R. Frey, Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 10, Grenoble, juillet 2007

"Réseaux minces de diffraction en régime de Bragg" ; A. Moreau, I. Zaquine, A.  Maruani, R. Frey,
Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 9, Rennes, septembre 2005,
J. Phys. IV France, 135, 239-240 C 2006

"Filtrage fréquentiel par un dispositif acousto-optique associé à un réseau de diffraction".
D. Bitauld, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani, R. Frey.,
Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Paris, octobre 2004

"Filtrage fréquentiel par un dispositif à réseau intracavité inscrit sur cristaux liquides"
D. Bitauld, C. Martins, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani, R. Frey, R. Chevallier et L. Dupond.
Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 8, Toulouse, septembre 2003,
Journal de Physique IV 119, 129-130, 2004

"Etude expérimentale de la diffraction de Bragg intracavité".
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani et R. Frey.
Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 7, Rennes, septembre 2001,
Journal de Physique IV 12:297, Juin 2002.

"Diffraction de réseaux d'indice en cavité Fabry-Pérot".
L. Menez, I. Zaquine, A. Maruani et R. Frey.
Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 6, Bordeaux, septembre 1999.
Journal de Physique IV 10:251-252, 2000.

"Réseaux d'indices photoinduits dans les semiconducteurs semimagnétiques".
C. Moussu, I. Zaquine et R. Frey.
Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 5, Strasbourg, septembre 1997

"Effet Auger et photonoircissement dans les verres dopés au semiconducteur".
C. Moussu, A. Vanhaudenarde-Péoc'h, I. Zaquine et R. Frey.
Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique 4, Palaiseau novembre 1995

"Amplificateur en guide coplanaire avec plan de masse: élimination des modes parasites"M.H. Murgulescu, M. Brandon et I. Zaquine.
Journées Nationales Microondes, Brest mai 1993