The LaTeX package tptlibressavoirs ---------------------------------- Copyright © Cédric Ware and Institut Mines-Télécom, 2007-2017. All rights reserved. All logos are property of their respective institutions. Usage is reserved to Télécom ParisTech personnel and students. For more information, contact . This package contains style files and graphics / logos for Libres Savoirs- style presentations and textbooks. The latest version can be obtained from: Quick start ----------- If the package is not already installed on your system (on Unix, see e.g. if the command "kpsewhich tptbranding.sty" outputs a location), then: -- Download: -- Unzip the archive in a work directory of your choice. -- Copy and edit one of the example .tex files from the doc/ subdirectory. Installation instructions ------------------------- Installation may be performed by any of four methods; choose the most suitable for you and your system. -- Quick start: see above, copy the extracted files for each new document. -- Direct copy: * Download the precompiled package from: * Extract the files in a directory where your LaTeX system can find locally-installed packages (e.g. /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/...) -- From Debian package (Debian GNU/Linux systems): * Debian packages may be downloaded from: (download the .deb; no special Apt repository available at this time). * Alternatively, packages may be created from the sources. Download: * Extract the archive into a work directory of your choice. * chdir to the tptlibressavoirs- subdirectory of that directory. * Execute "dpkg-buildpackage". -- From source (Unix systems): * Compilation requires a working LaTeX installation, Make, Perl 5.8 or later, and the fig2dev command from the transfig package. * Download the package sources from: * Extract the files in a work directory of your choice, chdir to the tptlibressavoirs- subdirectory of that directory. * Execute the command "./configure" to set up the build system. It will autodetect the installation prefix and such. You may override the default values through command-line options, which are documented in the output of "./configure --help". * Execute "make" to build the package and examples, then "make install" (as root, or with sudo) to install them.