1-Simulation software for Windows platform

Download the zip file (simulation.zip) and unzip it in a repertory (simulation for example)

simu1 simu2

2-Basic tests (Card repertory)

a- Start the openeapsmartcard simulator named openeapsmartcard.exe
b- Start the smartcard reader simulator winreader_socket.exe

.winreader_socket openeapsmartcard
In winreader go in Script/Exec and select one of the four following scripts
- test_digest_t0.txt, tests for EAP-MD5 and EAP-SHA1 methods
- test_eap_tls_t0.txt, tests for EAP-TLS smartcards
- test_mode1_tls_t0.txt, tests for EAP-TLS smartcards, mode one faciliities
- test _psk_t0.txt, tests for EAP-PSK smartcards
- test_aka_t0.txt, tests for EAP-AKA smartcards

3-EAP-TLS tests (TLS repertory)


a- Start the openeapsmartcard simulator named openeapsmartcard.exe
b- Start the smartcard reader simulator reader_socket_tlp.exe
c- Start the TLS server ServerTLS.exe, and enter the password pascal
d- Start the software bridge (smarthook.jar) with the runhook.bat command.
      It may be necessary to modify the content of  runhook.bat which is used to start
      the java virtual machine.