Professionnal experience
- 2023-. : Head of the IDS department
- 2021-2023 : Research deputy for the IDS department (deputy director for LTCI lab)
- 2014-2020 : Head of the IMAGES (Image, Modeling, Analysis, GEometry, Synthesis) team
- 2010-2014: Teaching
deputy for the IDS department
- 1997-1998 : Research Ingeneer
of SAGEM in Morpho
Systems Unit on fingerprint recognition
- 2007 : Habilitation
Diriger des Recherches, Markov Random Fields on Graph for SAR image
processing, rapport.
- 1994-1997 : PhD of
Telecom Paris on : Pattern recognition and SAR image analysis
(cum laude).
- 1991-1994 : Sudent
engineer at Telecom Paris, Master in Image Processing.
- 1989-1991: Classes
Préparatoires: Math Sup, Math Spé M', Lycée Saint
Louis, Paris.
- 1989 : Baccalauréat
C (mention très bien), Lycée Jules Renard, Nevers.
Last update: 08/2024