Current Research Interests

  1. -Future Routing Architectures for the Internet

  2. -Software Defined Networks

  3. -Network Function Virtualization

  4. -Routing games, Application of Game Theory

  5. -Vehicular Networks and their applications (SmartCity)

  6. -Green Networking

PhD Students

  1. -Mathis Obadia (co-advised with Luigi Iannone, and Mathieu Bouet from Thales). Ph.D funded by Thales.

  2. -Wenquin Shao (co-advised with Luigi Iannone). Ph.D funded by Border6.

  3. -Roman Sorokin. Ph.D funded by Alcatel Lucent Entreprise (spin-of from ALU).

Past Students

  1. -Xavier Misseri. Research engineer at Renater.

  2. -Aruna Prem Bianzino. Research Engineer at Lepida s.p.a (Italy).

  3. -Stefano Secci. Associate professor at LIP6, UPMC, France.

  4. -Federico Larroca. Assistant Professor at the Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.

  5. -Anthony Busson, professor at Université de Lyon, France.

  6. -Nedal Abaneh (postdoc in 2010-2011), assistan professor at the university of Bahrain.

Web Page of Jean-Louis Rougier

Web Page of Jean-Louis Rougier


On-going Projects

SystemX. I was one of the initiator of the Network Architecture Project. With ALU Bell Labs, Orange Labs and INRIA. It has started (at last) in October 2013 !!!

I’ll aso be involved in ANR Reflexion that is starting soon...

Some Past Projects (selected list)

ETICS(FP7). Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services. 2010-2013. European Research project funded by European Commission within the 7th Framework. 15 partners from 9 countries.


EuroNF (FP7). Networks of the Future. 2008-2011. European Network of Excellence funded by European Commission within the 7th Framework. 36 partners from 17 countries.

NimbleNet (System@tic). Large Scale Dynamic, reconfigurable and Robust WiMax Mesh Network Deployment. 2010-2013. Funded by the french gouvernement. With Martec, Thales.
TIGER-II (Celtic). Together GMPLS, IP, and Ethernet Reconsidered – Phase two. In collaboration with Dario Rossi.

Nov 2008- Dec 2010. European CELTIC project. 16 partners from France, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Spain and Turkey.

INCAS: Inter-Carrier Alliance Strategies

Sep.2008 - Sep.2009. EuroNF specific research activity.

With Alcatel-Lucent, Politechnico di Milano & Warsaw University of Technology

I-GATE: Internet - Game Theoretical Analysis of Traffic Engineering mechanisms.

Jan-Dec 2008. Funded by Institut TELECOM.

ACTRICE: Combined Economic and Networking Technologies for Inter-Carrier Solutions. 2006-2008. French funded project (ANR). With Alcatel Lucent, Orange Labs (France Telecom), Transatel and UVSQ (University of Versailles)

R2M: Wireless Mesh Network with Fast Mobility. 2006-2008. French funded project (ANR). With LUCEOR, Siemens Transportation Systems and University of Orsay.