The NICE project

NICE project (2020-2022)
The NICE project – is short for “A Neuroscientific investigation of the Interaction between Crowdedness and Environment typology” was a 18 month research project funded by Singapore’s National Research Foundation, hosted at the Future Cities Laboratory Global, in Singapore.
The aim was to understand how the typology (green vs built), design, and crowding in urban spaces interact with the people’s affective experience and cognitive performance during active mobility.
PIs: Mavros Panos & Dominique Makowski; Co-Is: Prof Christoph Hölscher, Prof Annabel CHEN, Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo; Team: Stephanie Kirk, NGOI Ziliang (Max), TE An-Shu. Collaborators: Dr Jascha Grubel, Dr Leonel Aguilar.
We conducted three studies:
- A large online study, which is currently under review – preprint here
- A lab-based follow-up study, which is currently in manuscript stage
- A field-based study, which is also under analysis & write-up.
Publications coming out of the study: