Assistant Professor (Maître de conférences)
Computer Graphics Group - IMAGES Team
IDS Department - Telecom Paris
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Official email: amal [DOT] parakkat [AT] ip [HYPHEN] paris [DOT] fr
amal [DOT] parakkat [AT] telecom [HYPHEN] paris [DOT] fr
Personal email: adparakkat [AT] gmail [DOT] com
(previously adp [DOT] upasana [AT] gmail
[DOT] com)
Official address: Office 5.B22, Telecom Paris - Polytechnique Campus,
19 place
marguerite perey, Palaiseau, France - 91120
Phone (Office): +33 (0)1 75 31 97 02
I was born in Kerala, India. I am interested in practical algorithms for digital content creation
tasks with the main focus on Sketch-based interfaces. I also work on fundamental problems in digital
geometry processing, including reconstruction and meshing. Currently I am working as a tenured
Assistant Professor (Maitre de Conferences in French) at LTCI-Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique
de Paris since Sep 2021 (and unofficially part of VISTA and GEOMERIX teams). Previously, I worked as:
- Research Associate - Computer Graphics and Visualization Group, TU Delft (2020-2021 Advisor: Elmar Eisemann)
- Assistant Professor - Department of Computer Science, IIT Guwahati (2019-2020)
- Postdoctoral Researcher - GeoVic (formerly STREAM) team - LIX, École Polytechnique (2019 Advisor: Marie-Paule Cani)
- Predoctoral Fellow - Advanced Geometric Computing Lab, IIT Madras (2018-2019 Advisor: Ramanathan Muthuganapathy)
- Doctoral Researcher - Advanced Geometric Computing Lab, IIT Madras (2014-2018 Advisor: Ramanathan Muthuganapathy)
During my Ph.D, I also visited École Polytechnique (2018, Advisor: Marie-Paule Cani) and University of Tokyo (2016, Advisor Takeo Igarashi).
I'm always looking for exceptional and well-motivated students. Don't hesitate to contact me if
you are interested!!!
I lead ANR SketchMAD project on novel algorithms for Sketch-based Modeling (2024-2028)
At IP Paris, I hold the following administrative responsibilities:
- Head of Interaction, Graphics & Design
- International Mobility Chair of IGR filière at Telecom Paris
Conference Program Chair:
- Expressive 2025 Technical Papers Chair (with Chiara Eva Catalano)
- Eurographics 2024 Industrial Track Chair (with Mubbasir Kapadia)
- Pacific Graphics 2022 Conference Program Chair (with Yin Yang, Bailin Deng and Seung-Tak
Technical Program Committee Member:
- Eurographics (EG2024-2025, 2022(S))
- Pacific Graphics (PG 2022-2024)
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2022-24 (Technical communications and posters committee)
- Shape Modelling International (SMI 2020-24)
- Computer Graphics International (CGI 2020-24)
- Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC 2019-21,23-24)
- CyberWorlds (CW 2019-24)
- EurAsiaGraphics 2022