Tribute to Francis SCHMITT

A satellite workshop of the conference "A week of Color in Paris"

Sunday, October 20, 2019 - Telecom Paris - 46 rue Barrault - 75013 Paris France

A workshop dedicated to the memory of Francis SCHMITT, who served from 1974 to 2008 as a professor in image processing at Telecom Paris (former ENST = Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications). Pr. Schmitt contributed to the creation of the image processing lab there, set-up the courses on Color, 3D, Image Synthesis and Virtual Reality. He devoted his research to the precise measurement of colour from real objects, to the conception of reliable colour management processes, to powerful and accurate meshing techniques for 3D object representation. Many of his theoretical contributions in these domains were developed in support of Museum collection protection and diffusion.

(Provisional) Program of the workshop:

2:00 - Opening of the Workhop: Nicolas Bonnier (Chair CIC27), Florence Tupin (Head IMAGES Group, Telecom-Paris)

Scientific and memorial presentations: Chair Person = Pr. Isabelle Bloch

  • Pamela Harford-Schmitt             :     A few words from Pamela ...
  • Henri Maître     (Emeritus Professor, Telecom Paris, France):     Francis Schmitt: A brief survey of his scientific life
  • Jon Hardeberg     (Professor, NTHU, Trondheim, Norway)      Color management
  • Nicolas Bonnier     (Senior research scientist, Apple, USA)      How Francis took me to the next level
  • Norimichi Tsumura     (Professor, Chiba University, Japan)      Visualization technique for change of edema condition by volume measurement using depth camera
  • Tony Tung     (Research Scientist Manager, Facebook, USA)      3D Modeling for Virtual Reality
  • Sabine Süsstrunck     (Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)      Sculpture Paintings
  • Patrick Callet     (Research Scientist, Mines-ParisTech, and CFC, France):     Colour, appearance and Cultural Heritage: on the tracks of Francis Schmitt
  • Françoise Viénot     (Research Scientist, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France)     Francis Schmitt’s modelling: a milestone in the area of metamerism
  • Alejandro Ribes     (EDF, Paris, France)     Scanning the Mona Lisa with Francis
4:00 - break

Scientific and memorial presentations (cont'd): Chair Person : Pr Jon Hardeberg

  • Pierre Alliez     (Senior Research Scientist, Inria/Titane, Sophia-Antipolis, France)     Optimal Transport for Geometry Processing
  • Yucel Yemez     (Professor, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey):      In memory of Francis Schmitt
  • Jaime Lopez-Krahe     (Professor, Université Paris 8, France):      De la compression de la couleur, jusqu'à la fabrication du cidre (From color compression to cider production)
  • Tamy Boubekeur     (Professor, Telecom-Paris, and Adobe):      A Decade of Computer Graphics research at Telecom-Paris
  • Jeremy Gerhardt     (research Scientist, IRYStec, Canada)      Color management: yesterday and today
  • Raouf Benjemaa, Xin Chen, Thomas Chaperon     (Trimble, France)     Measuring 3D
  • François Goulette     (Professor, Mines-ParisTech, France):     From static to mobile systems, past and future trends in 3D laser scanning
  • Ceyhun Burak Akgul and Bülent Sankur     (CTO Vispera Information Technologies & Professor, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul): 3D Object Retrieval Before The Deep Learning Era
  • Jacques Fleuret      (Private consultant, Paris):      Hommage à Francis
  • Isabelle Bloch     (Professor, Telecom-Paris, France)      Lecture of contributions from: Jean Sequeira, Thomas Hurtut, Carlos Hernandez-Esteban, Maria-Elena Algorri, Thibault Napoléon, Benoît Macq, Rémi Ronfard ... (more to come)
6:00 - Cocktail: cheese and wine party.

Access to the Workshop: The Workshop is in free access to persons who have been registered. Registration by email to Henri Maître (address below)
Contact: - Henri Maître - +33 1 4581 7655 - Mail:
To come to the Workshop Metro: "Corvisart" on line 6 or "Cité Universitaire" on RER B.

October, 18 2019