August 2008 This directory includes the ENST-TELECOM ParisTech database of ancient printed characters. These characters were extracted from an ancient printed book (XVII century) written in French. The Training set includes about 1,500 characters from 3 clean pages. The Test_standard set includes 1,106 characters from 2 clean pages The Test_degraded set includes 1,191 characters from 2 degraded pages. This last set includes many fainted characters. Please reference this database with following citation: L. Likforman-Sulem and Marc Sigelle, Recognition of degraded characters using dynamic Bayesian networks, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, 3092-3103, 2008. Please note that we provide here the full set of lowercase characters but the experiments described in [Likforman-Sulem and Sigelle, 2008] use only 16 character classes (the most populated ones).