3rd Conference Abstracts |
Phonology Laboratory, Department of Linguistics
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
In speculation about the evolutionary development of speech much significance has been attached to the lowered larynx in humans. The lowered larynx, the argument runs, creates a pharyngeal cavity that is separate from the buccal cavity (the oral cavity bounded on the sides by the cheeks) and that this two-cavity configuration permits the production of more distinct vowels which, it is assumed, is essential or at least advantageous to speech communication. I offer the following arguments against this proposal:
The function of the lowered larynx in humans, especially males, is probably to enhance threat displays rather than speech itself. Threat displays involve both visual and acoustic components. A cross-species analysis of agonistic vocalization in birds and mammals reveals what is called the 'frequency code': vocalizations in threats tend to have low fundamental frequency (F0), whereas non-threat (submissive or affinitive) vocalizations have high F0. Ohala (1984, 1994) suggested that the same code applies not only to the F0 but also to the resonances shaping the vocalization, too. Predominantly low resonances should correlate with threat and high resonances with non-threat. Functionally this comes about since the natural frequencies of a sound producer are inversely related to its size. Low frequencies are associated with a larger – and thus more dangerous – vocalizer. This explains the temporal coincidence of the larynx lowering, vocal cord enlargement, and the growth of facial hair in male humans during puberty. (Facial hair, i.e., beards, in males presumably functions as a visual, implastic, component in threat displays: it makes the bearded one seem larger since his head subtends a larger angle in the visual field of the viewer.) With sexual maturity, males, by virtue of the common sex role they must assume, need to compete for resources. This would account for why males have these anatomical features enhancing threat displays more than females.
Whether the lower larynx, as an adaptation for threat displays, occurred before, during, or after the evolution of speech and language is uncertain. My point is that it is independent of and thus irrelevant to the evolution of speech.
Ohala, J. J. 1984. An ethological perspective on common cross-language utilization of F0 of voice. Phonetica 41.1-16.
Ohala, J. J. 1994. The frequency code underlies the sound symbolic use of voice pitch. In L. Hinton, J. Nichols, & J. J. Ohala (eds.), Sound symbolism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 325-347.
Conference site: http://www.infres.enst.fr/confs/evolang/