Digital Design Introduction

Quartus - Getting Started

Tarik Graba


This is a short guide to start a design on a DE1-SoC board.

The FPGA dev. Board

The DE1-SoC Board is an FPGA board designed by Terasic and Altera/Intel for teaching and student projects.

Main caracteristics

The complete User Manual can be downloaded HERE

Download the project

  1. Download the project archive HERE
  2. In a terminal, extract the project:
tar xzvf de1-soc.tar.gz

Lunch Quartus

quartus &

Open the project

From Quartus GUI, select Open Project from the File menu

Then selected the project file (*.qpf) from the extracted folder.

The top level module

The top level module is called fpga and can be edited by selecting the corresponding file in the project navigator.

The sdc file contains the clock constraints.

Build the project and program the FPGA

This will all the necessary steps (synthesis, map, place & route, bit stream generation). This will also trigger a timing analysis to verify that the timing constraints are respected.

Programming the FPGA

Make sure that the board is connected to the power supply and the power switch is ON. The USB programming cable must also be connected to your PC/workstation.

This should open the following window:

Clicking on the start button should program the FPGA.

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