Digital Design Introduction

Real-Time audio processing on FPGA (Lab)

Tarik Graba


In this Lab, you will implement digital signal processing functions on audio signals. The audio signals will be generated by your PC and processed in real-time on the FPGA of the DE1-SoC board.

Audio path on the board

The DE1-SoC board includes an audio CODEC connected to standard audio jacks. The audio CODEC contains both an ADC and a DAC to convert:

The digital signals (the output of ADC and the input of th DAC) are connected to the FPGA, so we can implement real-time digital signal processing using the FPGA resources.

In addition to the digital data signals, the CODEC can be configured through an I2C interface (sampling rate, gain…). This configuration interface is also connected to the FPGA.

FPGA project

As a starting point for this Lab, we will use this Quartus project. In addition to the top-level module, this project contains modules to configure and communicate with the CODEC.


The following figure shows the structure of the provided project.

The top-level module is DE1_SoC, it represents the FPGA with all available IOs. Inside this module, two submodules are instantiated:

Note The configuration module will configure the CODEC to sample the audio at 48 KHz. The sample are quantified as a 16-bits signed number.

Note regarding SystemVerilog syntax As the samples are signed, all the signals must be declared adequately using the signed keyword.

Processing protocol

The following figure shows how audio data are received at the user logic level.

All signals should be synchronous to the 12MHz audio clock,

Additionally, the audio_proc module receives as inputs:

The valid signal will go high for one clock cycle every 20.83µs (because of the sampling rate of 48 KHz).

The outputs of this module also represent 2\times 16-bit signed audio samples (dac_data_l and dac_data_r). These outputs will be captured by the CODEC interface module each time the enable signal is high to be sent to the DAC.

Realtime Signal processing on the board

In this lab, we will implement the following signal processing functions:

Scrambling by Spectrum inversion

Scrambling/Voice inversion is an old method to obfuscate an audio transmission by inverting the spectrum of the signal (high and low frequencies are swapped).

This scrambling of a band-limited signal, is achieved with amplitude modulation.

A sinusoidal carrier signal, with a frequency f_0 higher than the bandwidth of the audio signal is modulated with the audio signal. The resulting signal is filtered to only keep the lower frequency band. This process is depicted in the following figure, and we see that the shape of the resulting spectrum is the inverse of the initial spectrum.

Note that the scrambling can be reverted by applying the same process again.

Mathematically, amplitude modulation is the multiplication of the signal by the sinusoidal carrier (sine or cosine).

S_i(t) = S(t) \cdot \cos(2\pi f_0 t)

Or, expressed in discreet time

S_i(n) = S(n) \cdot \cos(2\pi \frac{f_0}{f_s} n)

Where f_s is the sampling frequency.

You can find here an example of a scrambled audio signal. This signal has been generated with the following configuration:

Work to do

FIR Filter

You should have noticed that by just multiplying the signal by a sinusoidal function, the audio signal is correctly unscrambled. Theoretically, an additional low-pass filter needs to be added, but here it seems unnecessary here.


Mainly because your ears (and the earphone that you are using) are not that sensitive above 12 KHz and naturally act as a low-pass filter.

To make it possible (with the lab equipment) to hear the difference between filtered and unfiltered signal, we will use an artificially modified audio sequence where a high-pitch noise (11 KHz sinusoidal signal on the left channel) have been intentionally added before scrambling.

This modified signal can be found here.

After unscrambling, you should still hear the high-pitch noise on the left channel.

To filter the signal, we want to implement an 8-tap FIR filter (not the best solution in terms of signal processing, but, it should be easy to implement in SystemVerilog).

The discrete-time equation of this filter is:

S_f(n) = \sum_{i=0}^7 c_i \cdot Si(n-i)

Where c_i are the 8 coefficients of the 8-tap FIR filter.

We have used a FIR filter calculator to compute these coefficients, and we have obtained the following values:

index value
0 -0.075163
1 0.024881
2 0.150253
3 0.288582
4 0.34898
5 0.288582
6 0.150253
7 0.024881

Note To keep things simple for the lab, this filter is designed to reject frequencies above 10 KHz with a transition starting at 6 KHz. A more efficient filter will necessitate more taps or a different architecture (IIR for example).

You can find an online FIR calculator tool here.

Work to do

  1. Propose a representation of the filter tap coefficients that we can use to implement the filter in SystemVerilog.
  2. Propose an architecture to implement this filter.
  3. Implement the filter in SystemVerilog and test its effectiveness on the noisy signal.

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