Élie Michel

Élie Michel

Adobe Research  |  Research Scientist

Formerly PhD Candidate at the LTCI, Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (CG Group, IDS Department).

I am a research scientist in Computer Graphics at Adobe Research. I graduated my PhD from IP Paris, under the supervision of Pr. Tamy Boubekeur, about Interactive Authoring of 3D Shapes Represented as Programs. I previously studied Computer Science at the École normale supérieure and the MVA Master as well as Computer Arts at Paris 8 University.

This page presents my research work. For other activities, see my personnal website at eliemichel.fr.


Academic writing

Interactive Authoring of 3D Shapes Represented as Programs

Élie Michel. PhD Thesis. [PDF 169MB]

Interactive Authoring of 3D Shapes Represented as Programs

DAG Amendment for Inverse Control of Parametric Shapes

Élie Michel et Tamy Boubekeur. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH). 2021.

DAG Amendment for Inverse Control of Parametric Shapes

Formes paramétriques différentiables

Élie Michel et Tamy Boubekeur. In Journées Françaises d’Informatique Graphique (JFIG). 2020.

Real Time Multiscale Rendering of Dense Dynamic Stackings

Élie Michel et Tamy Boubekeur. In Computer Graphics Forum journal (Pacific Graphics). 2020.

real-time stacking

Poster: Real time multi-scale sand rendering

Élie Michel et Tamy Boubekeur. Poster, in Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D). 2020. Best poster award. [PDF 13MB]

Rendu de sable multi-échelle en temps réel

Élie Michel et Tamy Boubekeur. In Journées Françaises d’Informatique Graphique et de Réalité Virtuelle (JFIGRV). 2019.

M.Sc. Internship Report Thesis

Élie Michel. M.Sc. Internship Report Thesis, at Télécom ParisTech - CG Group, with Tamy Boubekeur. [PDF 47MB]


Generation of Folded Terrains from Simple Vector Maps

Élie Michel, Arnaud Emilien, Marie-Paule Cani. In Eurographics. 2015. [PDF 6MB]


Non (or less) academic writing

I enjoy writing in a more relaxed style and, although I couldn't get myself to feed it regularly, I hold a blog: https://blog.exppad.com
