
Slides prepared by Jean-Claude Dufourd and Cyril Concolato.



  • History
  • Bases
    • Syntax, variables, functions, expressions, loops, conditions
  • Advanced programming
    • Object, Array and other globals
    • Function, arguments, call, apply, map
  • ES6:
    • classes, destructuring, arrow, Promise…


  • Programming language created by Brendan Eich, Netscape, in 1994/1995
    • Written in a few weeks
    • At the height of the battle with Microsoft (“browsers war”, JScript)
    • First named Mocha, then LiveScript, then JavaScript,
    • Called JavaScript to quell an argument with Sun, in reference to the Java language
      • But very different from Java: do not confuse !
  • Standardized under the name ECMA-262, ECMAScript …
    • 1st version (1997)
    • 3rd edition (1999)
    • 5th Edition - ES5 (2009)
    • 6th edition - ES6 (2015)
    • 7th edition - in progress

Language specifics

  • Interpreted language (client side)
  • Inspired by Scheme and Self languages (and Java for syntax)
  • Very powerful, but with youthful errors worthy of a beta
  • Videos: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford


  • Syntax inspired by C, Java
    • Using {} to separate blocks of code
    • Using () for functions, if, …
    • Comments
      • On a line with //
      • On multiple lines with /* */
    • Case sensitivity: variable a is different from A
  • Some peculiarities:
    • The use of ; after each expression is not obligatory, but strongly advised !

equivalent to

a = 3; 

Everything by example: variables

  • declare a variable
    • We do not declare the type of a variable
    • The initial value defaults to the special value: undefined
    var x;
  • declare and assign a value to a variable
var y = 0;
  • Values can be any type in : boolean, number, string, object, function, or undefined
    • check with: typeof
  • The type of a variable can change over time:
x = 0;              typeof x; // integer         -> "number"
x = -0.01;          typeof x; // float           -> "number"
x = "hello";        typeof x; // string          -> "string"
x = 'Hello world!'; typeof x; // string          -> "string"
x = true;           typeof x; // boolean         -> "boolean"
x = null;           typeof x; // null object     -> "object"
x = undefined;      typeof x; // undefined value -> "undefined"
x = NaN;            typeof x; // Not-a-Number    -> "number"


  • Declare an array:
var primes = [2,3,5,7];            
  • Access one item:
primes[0];                 // → 2
primes.length;             // → 4
primes[primes.length – 1]; // → 7
primes["2"];               // → 5
primes.2;                  // → SyntaxError: unexpected number          
  • An array is dynamic and each item can be anything:
var tableau = [];        // initially empty
tableau[0] = "test";     // item 0 is added and its value set
tableau[1] = true;       // each item may have a different type
tableau[2] = {}; 
tableau[3] = null;
tableau[4] = undefined;
tableau[5] = []; 
tableau[18] = 2;         // no items between 5 and 18             


  • An object is a set of properties, that is to say of (name, value) pairs
  • Declare an object (object literal expression):
var book = {
    topic: "JavaScript",
    fat: true,
    "major version": 1 // space in the name: to avoid !!!
  • Access a property of the object:
book.topic; // → "JavaScript", pointed syntax
book ["fat"]; // → true, an object is an array of properties
  • You can assign a property at any time: = "John Smith"; // add the 'author' property
book.contents = {}; // add the 'contents' property
book ["title"] = "JavaScript for Dummies"; // add the 'title' property
book ["main language"] = "french"; // property with a space

Arrays and objects

var empty = []; // empty array
empty.length; // → 0

var points = [ // array of objects
   {x: 0, y: 1},
   {x: 1, y: 1},
   {x: 1, y: 1, z: 2} 

var data = { // object containing objects
   p1: {x: 0, y: 1},
   p2: {x: 1, y: 1}

var trials = { 
   trial1: [[1, 2], [3, 4]], // array of array ~ matrix 
   trial2: [[1, 2], [4, 6]]


3 + 2;         // → 5
3 * 2;         // → 6
3 – 2;         // → 1
3 / 2;         // → 1.5
3 % 2;         // → 1   // modulo
"3"+"2";       // → "32"  // concatenation
"3"-"2";       // → 1  // type casting
var count = 0;
count += 2;
count -= 4;
count *= 5;
+"21";               // → 21  // converts "21" to a number 21 
+"21toto";           // → NaN // impossible 
parseInt("21");      // → 21  // converts "21" to a number 21 
parseInt("21toto");  // → 21  // looks for an integer at the beginning
parseFloat("21.5toto");  // → 21.5  // looks for a float at the beginning

Boolean expressions

var x=3, y=2;
x == y               // → false
x != y               // → true
x < y                // → false
x >= y               // → true
"two" == "three"     // → false
"two" > "three"      // → true (lexicographic)
false == (x < y)     // → true
(x == 2) && (y == 3) // → true
(x == 2) || (y == 4) // → true
!(x == y)            // → true


if (b == 0) x = 4;        

if (b == 0) { x = 4; }

if (b == 0) { x = 4; y = 2; }

if (b == 0) {
    x = 4;
    y = 2;
if (b == 0) {
    x = 4;
    y = 2;
} else {
    x = -4;

if (b == 0) {
    x = 4;
    y = 2;
} else if (b == 1) {
    x = -4;


  • == (resp. !=) tests equality (resp. difference) after conversion
2 == 2              // → true
"2" == 2            // → true !!!attention
"2" != 2            // → false !!!attention
  • === (resp. !==) tests equality (resp. difference) with no conversion, on original types
    • The above syntax is to be preferred
    "2" === 2           // → false
    "2" !== 2            // → true
  • Inequality and conversions
"22" > "3"          // → false
+"22" > "3"         // → true    


"0" == false
> true
"" == false
> true
"" == "0"
> false ???

Beware of some tests

  • The following tests evaluate to false and thus the code does not execute
if (false) { ... }
if (0) { ... }
if ("") { ... }
if (null) { ... }
if (undefined) { ... }
if (NaN) { ... })    
  • All of this evaluates to true, which may not be obvious to you
if (true) { ... }
if (1) { ... }
if (-1) { ... }
if ("true") { ... }
if ("false") { ... }
if ("1") { ... }
if ("0") { ... }
if (Infinity) { ... }
if ([]) { ... }
if ({}) { ... }
if ([0]) { ... }
if ([1]) { ... }    


while (...) {

do { 
} while (...);

var i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {

for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {

// enumerate the properties of an object
for (var a in obj) { 


// strict equality test 
switch(type) {
    case "a": // string 
    case 1:  // number


function inc(x) { return x+1; }    
function mul(x, y) { return x*y; } 
inc(4);              // → 5
mul(2, inc(3));      // → 8

function (x) { return x-1; }; 
// anonymous function, useless 
// because it cannot be called 
(function() { ... })();  
// anonymous function called upon definition
function f() { ... }
var points = {};
points.dist = f;  
points.rotate = function(a) { ... }; 

Functions and formal parameters

  • The arguments are separated by commas, and used in order
  • Unspecified arguments are undefined
  • Arguments can be accessed via the arguments array
function f(x,y) {
    console.log("x: "+x+", y: "+y+", z: "+arguments[2]);

f(1,2,3);     // x: 1, y: 2, z: 3
f(1,2);       // x: 1, y: 2, z: undefined
f(1);         // x: 1, y: undefined, z: undefined


  • A function is an instance of Object
  • A function can have properties like another object
  • A function can be put in a variable
  • A function can be passed as a parameter of a function call
  • A function can be returned by another function
  • So a function is a “first class object” in the language
var foo = function bar(){ return 12; };
typeof bar();  -> Reference Error        


throw new Error('This is an Error!');

try {
} catch(e) {
} finally {


  • JavaScript uses a Garbage Collector
  • We can help
var o = { x: 1, y: 2}; 
delete o.x;
"x" in o;  // → false, the property has disappeared

var a = [1,2,3];
delete a[2];
a.length;        // → 3, unchanged array length
a[2];            // → undefined as new value
  • delete operators don’t affect local variables. The delete operator doesn’t delete prototype property.

Variable scope

  • in Java or C, variables have a block scope
  • in JS, variables have a function scope (except using the keyword ES6 Let)
function test(o) {
    var i = 0;
    if (o !== null) {
        var j = 0;
        for(var k=0; k < 10; k++) {
            console.log(k, i);
        console.log(k); // variable k is still accessible
    console.log(j); // variable j is still accessible
  • An undeclared variable (no var statement) is global !!

Variables and call stack

  • How to determine which variable to use when multiple local variables to nested functions have the same name?
  • In the call stack, the variable used is searched:
    • in the current function
    • then in the calling function (going back)
    • then in the code outside the functions
var currentScope = 0; // global scope
(function () {
  var currentScope = 1, one = 'scope1';
  (function () {
    var currentScope = 2, two = 'scope2';
    (function () {
      var currentScope = 3, three = 'scope3';
      alert(currentScope); // 3
      alert(one + two + three); // scope1scope2scope3
    alert(currentScope); // 2
  alert(currentScope); // 1

Scope of function declaration

  • declaring a function is declaring a variable of type function
function run(obj) { ... } 

is equivalent to:

run = function (obj) { ... } 
  • a function can be defined inside another function, and will not be accessible from outside, just like any other variable
function run(obj) {
    function myPrint(x) {
run({a: 1, b: "toto"});  // prints 1 then toto
myPrint(2); // ReferenceError: myPrint is not defined            

Advanced typing

  • Primitive types: contain a single value, no method, no properties
    • boolean: true, false
    • number: integers and floats (IEEE 754 watch the precision), +Infinity, -Infinity, NaN
    0.1 + 0.2; // → 0.30000000000000004
    • string
    • null
    • undefined
1.toString(); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL(…)
true.toString(); → "true"
null.toString(); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL(…)
"toto".toString(); → "toto"
undefined.toString(); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL(…)

Advanced typing 2

  • Complex types, with predefined methods
    • Object and its derivatives
      • Boolean, Number, String, Array, Math, Date, Regexp, Function, Set, JSON
var b = new Boolean(true);
b.toString(); // → "true"
var n = new Number(3.14);
n.toString(); // → "3.14"

Watch the types

  • The variables of primitive type are not objects, which can give rise to bizarre behaviors (type coercion)
var s = "hello, world";
typeof s; // → "string" primitive type, not an object
s.x = 15; // → 15 no error because equivalent (new String (s)) x = 15
typeof s; // → "string" s did not change type
s.x // → undefined problem because the temporary String object has disappeared        
  • In this case, directly use a variable of type String
s = new String ("hello, world");
typeof s; // → object: s is an object in its own right
s.x = 15; // → 15
s.x; // → 15 the property is persistent   


var s = new String("hello, world");
s.indexOf("l", 3);
s.replace("h", "H");


Math.pow(3, 1/3);


a = new Array();   // usage not recommended
a = [];            // recommended usage
a = [1, 2, 3];
a.length;          // → 3
b = a.pop();       // → 4
delete a[1];       // a[1] is now undefined
1 in a;            // → false
a.length;          // → 3 : length unmodified by delete
a.join();          // → "1,2,3"
a.join(" ");       // → "1 2 3"
a.slice(…);        // -1 is the last element …
a.splice(…);       // complex surgery
a.shift();         // = pop to the left
a.unshift();       // push push to the left
a.toString();      // like join()

Array in ES 5

a.forEach(f); // applies function f;           
// applies function f + returns the array of results
a.filter(f);  // selects according to predicate f
a.every(f);   // && on f applied to items
a.some(f);    // || on f applied to items
a.reduce(f,i);// applies f to items and sums 
// results from left to right
a.reduceRight(f,i); // same from right to left


  • this is a keyword similar but different from other languages such as Java or C++
  • JavaScript code (almost) always runs with a this defined:
    • Outside of a function, this represents the context overall execution, ie:
      • The window object in browsers
      this === window; // true
      • The global object in NodeJS
      this === global; // true
    • Inside a function:
      • the object on which the function was called (if it exists),
      • the this of the global execution context (if no object calling) in normal mode or
      • undefined in" strict mode ".

this - examples

var A = {};          
function f() { return this === A; }
A.g = function () {  
  this.z = 2;
  return this === A;
f();            // → false
A.g();          // → true
A.z;            // → 2: property z is assigned on object A 
this.z;         // → undefined: z is unknown outside of A
function h() { this.x = 2; }
var B = new h();// any function can be a constructor
                // in this case, in h: this === B → true 
B.x;            // → 2 

Setting this: call, apply et bind

  • It is possible to set the value of this
var A = { 
    x: 2, 
    f: function (y, z) { console.log(this.x+y+z); }
A.f(1,2);             // 5: f is called with this=A
var B = { x: 3 };
B.f(1,2);     // TypeError: undefined is not a function, 1, 2);    // 6: f is called with this=B
A.f.apply(B, [1, 2]); // 6: f is called with this=B
  • It is possible to create a function with a different this and call it later
var g = A.f.bind(B, 1, 2); // creates a function
      // this and other arguments are preset
g();  // f is called with this=B and the values 1 and 2


  • when you define a fonction inside a function, the internal this is not the one you think
var A = { id: "toto"};
var id = "titi";
A.getId = function () {
  setTimeout(function() {alert(}, 100);
A.getId(); // shows "toto" and 100ms later "titi"
  • this in the inner function is not A but global
  • one solution is to remove the ambiguity by defining another variable such as that, self or me.
var A = { id: "toto"};
var id = "titi";
A.getId = function () {
  var that = this;
  setTimeout(function() {alert(}, 100);
// or you could
// setTimeout((function() {alert(}).bind(this), 100);


Now this is somewhere else

JavaScript: OO programming

Now, this is somewhere else

Warning: for/in

  • Loops for (a in b) { … } include inherited properties (including system ones)
  • unless you use hasOwnProperty()
for(a in b){
    if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) {

Strict JavaScript

A stricter version of JavaScript can be used

"use strict";
function f() {
    "use strict";
  • var is not optional
  • functions called without this:this is undefined, instead of being the global object
  • “silent” errors make a throw
  • eval () does not create anything in global (no variables, no functions)
  • no with (which is so evil it is only mentioned here)

“eval is evil”

  • Ability to evaluate a string of characters as being JavaScript
eval("3+2"); // → 5
  • eval is a function that runs where it is called, in the local context
  • to avoid: prevents optimizations

Cleaning up your code

JS on the server

  • node.js: runtime environment for JavaScript programs on the command line
    • based on the V8 engine (Google Chrome)
    • allows to use JavaScript outside the browser
    • use similar to many other languages (java.exe, perl, python, …)
  • http daemon included by default
    • makes it easy to deploy a web server
    • to develop server logic in JavaScript
    • equivalent of J2EE, Apache Tomcat and servlets in Java
  • Has a system of modules
    • Possibility to import a library developed by someone else
    • there is a module / package manager: npm


  • JSON is the use of JS object litterals to transmit data
  • Lighter alternative to XML
  • Read and Write
obj = JSON.parse(line);
line = JSON.stringify(obj);        
  • Example
// → '{"topic":"JavaScript","fat":true,"author":"Jean Dupont","contents":{}}'        
  • Availability
    • frequent extension of ES3
    • native in ES5+

New in ES 6

  • class, extends for prototype-based inheritance, see this
  • Arrow function, using =>
function (s){ return s.length }

is equivalent to

s => s.length        

An arrow function does not have a this (or a context), it shares the this/context of the enclosing function.

  • $ and ` (backtick): string templating
var name = "Bob", time = "today";
var t = `Hello ${name}, how are you ${time}?`;
console.log(t); // → "Hello Bob, how are you today?"     

More ES 6

  • Destructuring
var t = [1,2,3];
var [a, , b] = t; // works for objects too
console.log(a,b); // → 1 3
var t2 = [...t, 4, 5, 6];
console.log(t2); // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  • let: variable with block scope
  • const: constant
  • export, import: gestion des modules
  • Default values for formal parameters to a function
function f (x, y = 7, z = 42, ...a) {
    return x + y + z
f(1) === 50
  • Regular expressions

More ES 6

  • Support for asynchronous programming: Promise
  • For requests made to an entity that does not answer immediately
  • Replaces callbacks
  • Example
// with callback
            function (content) { /* do something with content */ });
// with promise
  .then(content => /* do something with content */)
  .catch(error => /* display the error */);                        

Summary of this lesson

  • JS, history, type, syntax
  • objects, arrays, expressions, tests, conversions, equality, loops
  • functions, scopes, exceptions, types, this
  • packages: string, math, array
  • good JS: eval, use strict, cleanup
  • node.js, JSON, ES6 new elements

Closures and OO moved elsewhere