JS Frameworks for the web


Telecom Paris

Slides prepared by Jean-Claude Dufourd


  • JS is a very fast changing environment, everything changes in 2 years
  • jQuery was the first framework, a ground breaker
  • Other early frameworks have all died: prototype, mootools, yui, dojo…
  • Other functions have been integrated in frameworks
    • link to a database, marshalling / unmarshalling
    • responsive design
    • JS module management
    • compilation


  • Manage the differences between browsers
  • Develop faster, less verbose,
  • Facilitate DOM manipulations, CSS selectors
  • Manage mobile screen/feature differences
  • Add UI sugar (including animations), through plugins
  • A few tens of Kb
  • CONS:
    • Opinion: horrible syntax: $
    • Encourages spaghetti code that is hard to debug: e.g. impossible to debug CSS if jQuery changes CSS on-the-fly
    • It is easy not to follow good practices
    • No high level abstraction
    • Opinion: No logic in the API, e.g. a return value can be a single value or an array, depending on context
  • PROS:
    • Huge success, used everywhere
    • Lots of very vocal fans
    • Lots of variants and refactored versions

Common Notions in Modern Libraries

  1. Modules and manifest
  2. Compilation, obfuscation, minifier
  3. HTML+CSS+JS components
  4. Communication and async code
  5. Binding
  6. JS Dialects
  7. Routing

Notion 1: Modules and manifest

  • Need for encapsulation: the notion of private in Java
  • Closure:
    • The closure is a function call.
    • The variables and functions defined in a closure are not visible outside.
    • The return value of the closure makes variables and functions accessible outside.
    • The closure call parameters allow you to inject dependencies that can remain hidden.
    • The closure continues to exist as long as there is a pointer to his space.
    • The manifest is a documentation of everything that goes in or out out of a module / closure.
function checkscope() {
  var scope = "local scope";
  function f() { return scope; } 
           // 'f' is a closure around 'scope'
  return f;
var x = checkscope(); // x is a function
x(); // → "local scope"

Example of manifest

  "name": "mpat",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "description": "",
  "main": "webpack.config.js",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "NODE_ENV=dev webpack-dev-server --content-base react_src --host --port 8888",
    "build": "NODE_ENV=production webpack --progress",
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "axios": "^0.15.3",
    "babel-core": "^6.26.0",
    "react": "15.3.1",
    "redux": "^3.7.2",
    "webpack": "^1.13.1",

Modules, Node.js and the browser

  • Node.js + npm: a lot of very professional modules
    • Node.js: Chrome’s JS interpreter, packaged as a python interpreter
    • npm: package manager, equivalent of pip in python or gem in Ruby
  • What about the browser?
    • A module management framework … there are many
    • Require.js: import require.js, then a manifest, then everything is loaded (2 script objects)
    • webpack: a kind of compiler + linker that generates a big chunk of JS
  • In the scope:
    • ES6, not everywhere … sometimes translated into ES5 > ES3
    • babel to handle all dialects
    • JSX to edit in HTML-like syntax
  • There is now a big cost of entry into a JS project: module environment, packaging, dialects …

Notion 2: Compilation, Obfuscation, Minifier

  • The problem is less serious on the server side/node.js: use require() or import
  • Many scripts to import into the HTML page -> 1 only
  • Large number of hierarchical dependencies
    • Example of my last project: 655 module dependencies
    • Order of loading
    • Dependency additions, vulnerabilities
    • Single loading
  • Reduce the size and the loading time
    • Compress / Minify
    • Remove the useless
  • Protect the code (bof)
  • Need a manifest that documents the module and its dependencies: package.json
  • Many different systems, but it converges

Notion 3: Components and templates

  • A component is a coherent set of HTML + CSS + JS for a function
  • More dependencies on other components
  • Some frameworks do as much as possible in JS, others separate structure, content, style and code well
  • The HTML part can be seen as a template

Notion 4: Communication and asynchronous code

  • As soon as a request goes through the Internet, the answer comes later and you should not wait because waiting would block other browser processes.
  • Callback method

Async: Promise

function get(url) {// Return a new promise.
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    req.open('GET', url);
    req.onload = function() {
      if (req.status == 200) {
            // Resolve the promise with the response text
      } else {
            // Otherwise reject with the status text
    req.onerror = function() { // Handle network errors
      reject(Error("Network Error"));
    req.send(); // Make the request

  function(response) { console.log("Success!", response); },
  function(error) { console.error("Failed!", error); });

Notion 5: Binding

One-way vs two-way data binding

  • Make the link between model variables and views
  • There may be a need for a link in one direction and / or the other

Notion 6: JS Dialects

  • JSX
    • HTML-like markup to define the HTML in the JS
    • Allows the UI to be described within the JS code
    • Combines templating and JS
    • Can be translated on the fly
  • TypeScript
    • JS with variable and function types
    • OO, enum, generics, any
    • Complicated … but in Angular
  • CoffeeScript (losing speed)
  • All “can” be compiled in ES3 and ES5

Notion 7: Routing

  • Routing is usually on the server side
  • Map URLs of a server
    • / routed to the intro
    • /docs routed to a webspace with docs
    • /restServ … routed to a REST service with urls like /RestServ/obj1/obj2/param/param2
    • /formResp … routed to a service that responds to an HTML form (?par=val&par2=val2)
    • It can be complicated, dynamic …
  • Angular provides routing between views

Introduction to a few frameworks

  • Bootstrap:
    • Origin: Twitter and the need for “responsive” (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    • One page, only predefined components
    • CSS Framework
  • React + Redux:
    • Origin: Facebook and their need to have plenty of components      active on the screen
    • MV (c) multi component, multi thread
    • A state and a binding update cycle
    • Less framework and more library
    • One-way binding
    • React Native and React Navigation
  • Angular:
    • Origin: Google
    • Full MVC, multi component, multi views
    • A rigid project structure (with CLI support)
    • Two-way binding
  • D3.js: data visualization, origin: Stanford



  • CSS compatibility between browsers (reset of different defaults)
  • 12 columns grid system for layout
  • Multi-screen support (responsive design)
  • The mobile has priority over the desktop
  • Full of cool and easy to use widgets
  • Plugins (dialogs, tabs, carousel, tooltips …)

Load Bootstrap from a CDN

<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/>


How to use the grid

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <!-- content -->
    <!-- 8 columns remaining -->
  • col-xs-[num] no max size
  • col-sm-[num] up to 750px
  • col-md-[num] up to 970px
  • col-lg-[num] up to 1180px
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-6">
        <!-- content -->
    <div class="col-md-8 col-xs-6">
        <!-- content -->


Existing Components

  • defines easy to reuse classes


Introduction to a few frameworks

  • Bootstrap:
    • Origin: Twitter and the need for “responsive” (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    • One page, only predefined components
    • CSS Framework
  • React + Redux:
    • Origin: Facebook and their need to have plenty of components active on the screen
    • MV (c) multi component, multi thread
    • A state and a binding update cycle
    • Less framework and more library
    • One-way binding
  • Angular:
    • Origin: Google
    • Full MVC, multi component, multi views
    • A rigid project structure (with CLI support)
    • Two-way binding
  • D3.js: data visualization, origin: Stanford


  • Assumes DOM is slow (apparently true)
  • At each change, React recreates a rendering tree (in JS)
  • Makes a diff with the previous tree and applies the diff to the DOM
  • Data flows from parent component to children by props
  • Component life cycle: component[Will|Did][Unm|M]ount()
  • As soon as it is necessary to modify data, use the state / Redux
  • In theory, React is usable alone
  • In practice, use with Redux (or another state manager)
  • Management of the state of the component: setState() (asynchronous and managed as an event)
  • It is possible to insert React in existing HTML and even having lots of little bits of React in HTML, bits all connected to some piece of the Redux store


  • React: the components
  • Redux: the data flow and the state
    • Actions: React components that need to change something call (dispatch) actions (like events)
    • Reducers: actions are processed (asynchronously) by reducers: state + action –> new state
    • Store: the state and the reducers form the store (unique), to which the components subscribe to have subsets of the state
  • Do not keep data out of the store
  • The state of the components is ephemeral, unlike the state of the store
  • Do not try to change the DOM, the DOM will be modified at the next change of state of the store
  • Do not try to understand how it works (poorly documented)
  • Do not modify a “props” (parameters of the component)
  • Do not reorder the objects in the state, this breaks the optimizations
  • Yes, we must always copy objects even if it seems useless
  • The performances are very good despite everything

React and JSX

  • JSX is designed so that everything can be done in the JS, even the HTML
  • Parametric content: insert variables / expressions between {}
  • Loops / tables: build a JS chart
  • A component receives a list of parameters: props
  • and passes some props to subcomponents
  • An example of JSX:
export function BooleanInput({ label, label2, onChange,
                value = '', placeholder = '' }) {
  return (
    <div className="boolean-input">
      {label} {label && <br />}
      {label2} {label2 && <br />}
      <input type="checkbox"

React example

  • iOS Calculator – https://github.com/ahfarmer/calculator – Example to run
  • File structure
    • package.json
    • src / index.js that connects the HTML with the main component
    • the components
    • in each component, render, propTypes, handleClick
    • the logic
  • Initialized with create-react-app

Redux: One-Way Binding

Tons of asynchronous components that all change the state in // = hell to debug

  • The choice of Redux: component –> action –> reducer –> store –> component
    • The store is a single object, an array of model objects (MVC)
    • An action is an event whose semantics belong to the application, with parameters
    • A reducer takes a type of action and a state / store and makes a new state (copy). It is therefore necessary to have one reducer per type of action existing in the application
  • Flow:
    • Interaction in the DOM
    • A listener JS reacts and launches an action (queuing wait)
    • The actions are handled by the reducers and the state is updated
    • The DOM is updated from the state
    • The starting DOM is not the same as the updated DOM
  • To note:
    • The first choice of Flux was in the same direction (a store)
    • There is an automatic competitor at Redux, MobX …
    • In the Two-Way binding, there are listeners and updates in both directions.

React Native and React Navigation

  • React Native
    • extension of React to create native apps for major stores (iOS, Android)
    • uses native widgets/components when possible
    • mostly achieves similar experience on all phones
    • a server observes your working directory and feeds your phone as you design and debug the app
    • a React Native tool compiles the app for the target system, removing the need for a server, then the target system platform is used to compile the native app
  • React Navigation
    • manages multiple pages with the same webapp (change page, tabs, drawers, etc)

Introduction to a few frameworks

  • Bootstrap:
    • Origin: Twitter and the need for “responsive” (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    • One page, only predefined components
    • CSS Framework
  • React + Redux:
    • Origin: Facebook and their need to have plenty of components active on the screen
    • MV (c) multi component, multi thread
    • A state and a binding update cycle
    • Less framework and more library
    • One-way binding
  • Angular:
    • Origin: Google
    • Full MVC, multi component, multi views
    • A rigid project structure (with CLI support)
    • Two-way binding
  • D3.js: data visualization, origin: Stanford

Design Pattern: Decorator @name

  • Function to add properties to an object
  • Used to modify the object, for example to add properties
  • To be used on a simple object, a function, a class …
function superhero(target)
  target.isSuper = true;
  target.power = "flight";
class SuperMan() {}
console.log(SuperMan.isSuper) //true

Design Pattern: Dependency Injection

Fragility of certain classes

export class Car {
  public engine: Engine;
  public tires: Tires;
  constructor() {
    this.engine = new Engine();
    this.tires = new Tires();

Stronger code: I can change the engine type without modification of Car

export class Car {
  public engine: Engine;
  public tires: Tires;
  constructor(public engine: Engine, public tires: Tires) {
    this.engine = engine;
    this.tires = tires;

Dependency Injection

Pattern Factory OK but heavier and not OO

createCar() {
  let car = new Car(this.createEngine(), this.createTires());
  car.description = 'Factory';
  return car;


export class Car {
  constructor(public engine: Engine, public tires: Tires) {}

Usage of Dependency Injection

Service creation and declaration as injectable

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HEROES }     from './mock-heroes';
export class HeroService {
  getHeroes() { return HEROES; }

Declaration of use within the application

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HeroService } from './hero.service';
  providers: [ HeroService ],
export class HeroesComponent { }

Use of the service

constructor(heroService: HeroService) {
    this.heroes = heroService.getHeroes();


  • Origin: Google (2009+)
  • JS Dialect: TypeScript
  • Claims to do as well as native web apps
  • A command line helps to create the structure:
    • components, modules, services
    • a node.js server monitors your files and recompiles everything after every change
  • A component manages a page end / screen
  • A template is the HTML view on the component
  • A service can be a lot of things: logger (provides a functionality), data (provides data), encrypt (provides calculation)
  • Directives add if, for and switch to HTML
  • Decorators are used to indicate metadata for Angular
  • Dependency Injection simplifies reuse of elements
  • A life cycle to the Android for components
  • Can be compiled to “native” iOS and Android applications

Template / HTML++

  • Expression:
  • Statement:
<button (click)="onSave($event)">Save</button>
<button *ngFor="let hero of heroes">{{hero.name}}</button>
<div *ngIf="existsLetter">...</div>
<button [style.color]="isSpecial ? 'red' : 'green'">
<img [src]="heroImageUrl">
<form #heroForm (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(heroForm)"> ... </form>


  • from model to view:
<button [disabled]="isUnchanged">...</button>
  • from view to model, through event:
  • both ways, for use in a form:

Angular Routing

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', component: HomeComponent },
{ path: 'path/:routeParam', component: MyComponent },
{ path: 'staticPath', component: ... },
{ path: '**', component: ... },
{ path: 'oldPath', redirectTo: '/staticPath' },
{ path: ..., component: ..., data: { message: 'Custom' } }

const routing = RouterModule.forRoot(routes);

<a routerLink="/path">
<a [routerLink]="[ '/path', routeParam ]">
<a [routerLink]="[ '/path', { matrixParam: 'value' } ]">
<a [routerLink]="[ '/path' ]" [queryParams]="{ page: 1 }">
<a [routerLink]="[ '/path' ]" fragment="anchor">

Component Life Cycle

ngOnChanges(changeRecord) { ... }
  // Called after every change to input properties and
  // before processing content or child views.
ngOnInit() { ... }
  // Called after the constructor, initializing input
  // properties, and the first call to ngOnChanges.
ngDoCheck() { ... }
  // Called every time that the input properties of a component
  // or a directive are checked. Use it to extend change detection
  // by performing a custom check.
ngAfterContentInit() { ... }
  // Called after ngOnInit when the component's or directive's content
  // has been initialized.
ngAfterContentChecked() { ... }
  // Called after every check of the component's or directive's content.
ngAfterViewInit() { ... }
  // Called after ngAfterContentInit when the component's view has been
  // initialized. Applies to components only.
ngAfterViewChecked() { ... }
  // Called after every check of the component's view. Components only.
ngOnDestroy() { ... }

Angular Component: typescript

import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { HeroesComponent } from './heroes.component';
describe('HeroesComponent', () => {
  let component: HeroesComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<HeroesComponent>;
  beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [ HeroesComponent ]
  beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HeroesComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
  it('should create', () => {

Introduction to a few frameworks

  • Bootstrap:
    • Origin: Twitter and the need for “responsive” (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    • One page, only predefined components
    • CSS Framework
  • React + Redux:
    • Origin: Facebook and their need to have plenty of components      active on the screen
    • MV (c) multi component, multi thread
    • A state and a binding update cycle
    • Less framework and more library
    • One-way binding
  • Angular:
    • Origin: Google
    • Full MVC, multi component, multi views
    • A rigid project structure (with CLI support)
    • Two-way binding
  • D3.js: data visualization, origin: Stanford


  • Easily display data in a web page
  • Retrieve geographic data to draw on a map
  • Retrieve encrypted data to display in graphs
  • Display editable graphs
  • [Examples] (https://github.com/d3/d3/wiki/Gallery)
  • All in JS, à la jQuery: we chain the calls which always return the object
var svg = d3.select("svg"),
    width = +svg.attr("width"),
    height = +svg.attr("height");

var simulation = d3.forceSimulation()
    .force("link", d3.forceLink().id(function(d) { return d.id; }))
    .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody())
    .force("center", d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2));

d3.json("miserables.json", function(error, graph) {
  if (error) throw error;

Other frameworks

  • VueJS:
    • by a former Google employee
    • seems lighter in many ways, more progressive
    • looks like Angular without TypeScript
  • Polymer.js:
    • Google (again)
    • Component library, not a complete framework
    • Two-way binding
    • Would look more like React
  • Meteor.js:
    • integrated with PhoneGap / Apache Cordova
    • like the others + dev server
    • can integrate React, Angular …
  • Aurelia.js: (Microsoft)
  • Ember.js: by the author of jQuery (?)

Which one ?

  • If you work at Google: Angular
  • If you love TypeScript: Angular (or React)
  • If you love object-orientated-programming (OOP): Angular
  • If you need guidance, structure and a helping hand: Angular
  • If you work at Facebook: React
  • If you like flexibility: React
  • If you love big ecosystems: React
  • If you like choosing among dozens of packages: React
  • If you love JS & the “everything-is-Javascript-approach”: React
  • If you like really clean code: Vue
  • If you want the easiest learning curve: Vue
  • If you want the most lightweight framework: Vue
  • If you want separation of concerns in one file: Vue
  • If you are working alone or have a small team: Vue (or React)
  • If your app tends to get really large: Angular (or React)
  • If you want to build an app with react-native: React
  • If you want to have a lot of developers in the pool: Angular or React
  • If you work with designers and need clean HTML files: Angular or Vue
  • If you like Vue but are afraid of the limited ecosystem: React
  • If you can’t decide, first learn React, then Vue, then Angular.

How to choose

  • How mature are the frameworks / libraries?
  • Are the frameworks likely to be around for a while?
  • How extensive and helpful are their corresponding communities?
  • How easy is it to find developers for each of the frameworks?
  • What are the basic programming concepts of the frameworks?
  • How easy is it to use the frameworks for small or large applications?
  • What does the learning curve look like for each framework?
  • What kind of performance can you expect from the frameworks?
  • Where can you have a closer look under the hood?
  • How can you start developing with the chosen framework?
  • How old is the information on which I base my decision? (> 2 years == trash)
  • You have to identify the “hard” constraints of your project
  • There is no silver bullet
  • OK to choose with your heart, your tastes, …
  • OK to be wrong !
  • Do not spend too much time choosing.

Summary of the lesson

  • JS libraries, history, jQuery
  • Common notions: modules, manifest, compilation, components, async, binding, dialects, routing
  • Frameworks: Bootstrap, React, Angular, D3
  • Other frameworks, how to decide