Cascading Style Sheets



  • Language used to associate styles to documents
  • Companion specification to HTML
    • But can be applied to any document structured as a tree (e.g. HTML, XML, SVG)
  • Separation CSS / HTML
    • To manage presentation aspects (CSS) separately from structural aspects (HTML)
    • To present the content differently to different users using different CSS
    • To present different HTML content with the same presentation aspects, same CSS
  • Demonstration
    • Deactivate CSS

A bit of history

  • CSS 1.0 (1996)
  • CSS 1.0 (2nd ed., 1999)
  • CSS 2.1 (2011):
    • Stable version, implemented interoperably by browsers
  • CSS 3:
    • Modular specification of CSS 2.1
    • Many additions (50+ modules, see list of specifications)
    • Partly implemented by browsers


  • Language based on rules to be associated with document elements
  • Each rule sets some properties on some elements
    • A rule is one or more selectors and a declaration block (block of properties)
  • Types of properties (more than 400 defined)
    • Visual properties (background-*, border-*, …)
    • Text properties (text-*, font-*, color, …)
    • Box properties (padding-*, margin-*, …)
    • other properties (visibility, display, z-index, …)
  • Style Sheet
    • A set of rules in a separate file is a style sheet
    • Multiple style sheets can be applied to a document
      • Author style sheets
      • User style sheets
      • Device Style sheets

Declaration of properties

  • each property is declared using the syntax: property_name + ‘:’ + value
font-weight: 600       /* property with a unitless number value */
font-size: 16px        /* property with a number value with units */
width: 99%             /* property with a percentage value */
background-color: red  /* property with a keyword value */
font-family: 'Arial'   /* property with a string value */
background-image: url('') /* property with a complex value */
  • use of ; to group properties applying to the same element(s)
background-color: red; font-size: 16px;
color: red;
width: 50%;

CSS Units

  • Size and position units
    • Absolute units
      • px
      • pt, pc, cm, mm, in: 1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm = 72pt = 6pc
    • Relative units
      • percentage units (%)
      • Font-relative units: em,ex,ch,rem
      • Viewport relative units: vw,vh,vmin,vmax
  • Other units
    • deg,grad,rad,turn
    • s,ms
    • Hz,kHz
    • dpi,dpcm,dppx


Select to which element(s) a block of properties apply (using { })

  • Selecting elements in the document tree by tag name
p { /* these properties apply to all p elements in the page */
  • Selecting using multiple tag names (separated by a comma)
h1, em { /* these properties apply to all h1 and em elements in the page */
  color: blue;

Selectors - more

  • Addressing of 1 specific element in the document tree by id attribute using #
<!-- HTML -->
<p id="p1">text 1</p> <!-- each par has a unique id attr -->
<p id="p2">text 2</p>
/* CSS */
#p2 { /* this prop applies to the element whose id is p2 */
    color: red;
#p1 { /* this prop applies to the element whose id is p1 */
    color: blue;
  • Addressing of several specific elements by class name using .
<!-- HTML -->
<!-- each par has a class attr with one or more class values -->
<p class="pType1">text 1</p> 
<p class="pType1">text 2</p>
/* CSS */
.pType1 { /* this prop applies to all elements whose class 
             attr contains pType1 */
    color: blue;

Linking CSS content with HTML content

  • Via the style attribute (inline stylesheet)
    • Styles attached to a given element (syntax without selector)
    <p style="color:red;">text</p>
    • should be avoided
  • Via the style element (internal stylesheet)
    • Styles attached to a given document
     p { color: red; }
    • should be avoided
  • Via an external stylesheet (separate file)
    • Styles can be attached to a document
    <link href="file.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    • should be preferred

CSS Cascade

  • If different rules conflict (e.g. when multiple style sheets are used)
  • The rule that has precedence is determined by:
    • media type of style sheet
    • origin of rule (user agent, user, author, !important author, !important user)
    • specificity of the selector
    • order in file

Example of a CSS property definition

The border-top-width property

Syntax: <length> | thin | medium | thick


Initial value medium
Applies to all elements. It also applies to ::first-letter.
Inherited no
Media visual
Computed value the absolute length or 0 if border-top-style is none or hidden
Animatable yes, as a length

CSS Inheritance

CSS Inheritance

  • For a given element, if the value for a given property is not specified, the value is obtained as follows:
    • if the property is inheritable by default (i.e. “inherited: yes”),
      • if the element has a parent in the DOM tree, the computed value on that parent is used
      p { color: green }
      <p>The text and the span will be <span>green</span> because 'color' is inheritable.</p>
      • otherwise (for the root), the initial value is used.
    • if not (i.e. “inherited: no”), the initial value is used
    p { border-width: 1px }
    <p>Only the text will have <span>a border</span> because 'border-width' is not inheritable.</p>
  • The computed value is obtained:
    • by converting a relative value (when possible) to an absolute value
    • otherwise (% values when layout is involved), using the relative value

The CSS Box Model

  • Each element in the DOM produces zero, one or several boxes depending on the type of element
    • The page rendering consists in displaying those boxes
  • Each box has generic properties that controls some generic aspects: margin, border, padding
  • The layout (size and position) of a box depends on multiple factors:
    • The size of the box and of its content (e.g. images)
    • The type of box (block, inline, …)
    • The positioning scheme: normal, absolute, float
    • The other elements and boxes around (siblings, parent, containers)
    • The viewport (e.g. the window size)

CSS Box Types

  • There are 2 main types of boxes:
    • block boxes: Boxes that don’t display on the same line as the previous box and as the next box
      • Sizing properties such as width and height can be used.
    • inline boxes: Boxes that stay on the same line as the previous box and the next box (when possible)

CSS Box Types (continued)

  • The type of box is defined by the standard:
    • block boxes: p, div, h1, h2, footer …
    • inline boxes: a, img, span …
  • The default type can be overriden by the display property
<p>A first par</p>
<p>A second par</p>
<a>A first link</a>
<a>A second link</a>
p { display: inline; }
a { display: block; }

CSS Positioning Schemes

  • CSS defines the position property with the values
    • static: default value
    • relative: moved compared to its original position (initial place left empty)
    • absolute: positioned relative to the origin of the parent box
    • fixed: positioned relative to the window
  • Floats

  • z-index

Responsive Design


  • Design pages that adapt to the screen size using CSS Media Queries

CSS Media Queries

  • Adapt the CSS rules to apply based on client characteristics
    • Screen size, aspect-ratio, resolution or orientation
    • Type of device (pc, mobile, printer …)
    • Number of colors
<link rel="stylesheet" 
      media="screen and (max-width: 1280px)" 
      href="file.css" />                    


<link rel="stylesheet" 
      href="file-with-mediaqueries.css" />                    
@media screen and (max-width: 1280px)
    /* SomeCSS ruleshere */

Advanced Selectors

All elements:
* { }
Elements with a given attribute:
element[foo] {}
Elements with a given attribute value:
element[foo=‘bar’] {}
Element as a descendant of another:
h3 em { }
Element as a child of another:
div > p { }
Element preceded by another:
p ~ div { }
a:link {color:#FF0000;} 
a:visited {color:#00FF00;} 
a:hover {color:#FF00FF;} 
a:active {color:#0000FF;}
li:nth-child(2) {color:#0000FF;}
:first-line { color: red; }

Advanced property notation

  • Short-hand notation
    • group several related properties into one
    • specific order without missing properties
    padding: 4px 9px;
    border: 1px solid #fff;
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
  • Vendor-prefix notation (-o-, -ms-, -moz-, -webkit-,…)
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3);

Authoring CSS

Summary of this lesson

  • history, principle
  • syntax, properties
  • selectors, link with HTML
  • inheritance, box model
  • responsive design, media queries
  • authoring