The purpose of this lab is to study the concepts discussed during INF203 on Web technologies and in particular JavaScript. The goal of this lab is to experiment with WebSockets, technology allowing messaging between a Web page and its server.
The steps of this lab are:
In a file called serverws.mjs
, create a simple server using express. You can use elements from the server2
lab, simplified to just deal with serving files from a folder.
Start and test this server.
Then add the WebSockets functionality with:
import {server as WebSocketServer} from 'websocket';
const app = express();
const server = createServer(app);
const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({httpServer: server});
wsServer.on('request', processRequest);
function processRequest(request) {
const connection = request.accept(null, request.origin);
connection.on('message', (o) =>, o));
connection.on('close', () =>;
connection.on('error', (o) =>, o));
The first line imports the WebSocketServer function. Next two lines are known stuff from the server2 lab. Line 5 creates the WebSocket server as an extension of the HTTP server. Line 6 says: whenever something happens with WebSockets, call the function processRequest.
The WebSockets server sits there and listens. When someone connects, the WebSockets server calls processRequest. processRequest just opens and configures a connection object.
Within a connection, three things can happen: a message, an error, the end of the connection (=close). You need to program the three functions that will deal with these three types of events.
Other events than those three exist, but we are not using them in this lab.
For a first version, program the three connectionOn*
functions with just console.log
You can run this server, but nothing will happen until you create a page that connects.
Create an HTML page called test.html
. It should contain just a div
with id="content"
and a script element pointing to file test.js
Create the test.js
file with:
const connection = new WebSocket("ws://";
const contentDiv = document.getElementById("content");
The first line connects to the same server from which the HTML comes. The second line creates an object to display responses.
In the navigator, the WebSockets events are: onopen, onclose, onmessage, onerror.
So you should program four functions in this way:
.onopen = function () {...}; connection
Initially, just use console.log
to display what happens. Or you could change the textContent
of the div
, as you wish.
Place the HTML and JS files in the files folder of the server. Start the server. Open your browser and get the HTML file.
To be checked:
Experiment with this setup:
At this moment, the messages to and from the server are plain text.
We are going to send back and forth more complex messages, so it is good to “upgrade” the messages to JSON.
When page or server receive a message, they should try to JSON.parse
it. If it does not work, then just display the message.
Test this by adding a button in the HTML, which calls a function send
. This function sends the string '{"type": "message", "content": "whatever"}'
to the server.
On the server, the received string is processed with JSON.parse
, and since the type
is "message"
, it is just displayed with console.log
It is time to add a complete request with a meaningful response: display the files present on the server.
Add a button in the HTML, calling a function sending '{"type": "ls"}'
on the websocket connection.
Add in the server the processing: if type === "ls"
, then look for the list of files in the files folder, construct a response and send it to the page in another message of type "ls"
too, with another property called "response"
which contains an array of file names.
Then in the JS file of the client side, when you receive a message of type "ls"
, from the response property, you can construct, in the div
, a list of a
elements pointing to the files.
It is time to add a more complex request: display the content from a URL.
Add a text input
in the HTML, with an ID
attribute so that you can fetch the value typed by the user. Add a button in the HTML, calling a function with the intent to display the content of the URL typed in the text input. We assume the URL points to an HTML resource. The type of the message the client is sending in this case is “geturl”.
Add in the server the processing: if type === "geturl"
, then:
property of the received message<< problem 1
Then in the JS file, when the message type is “geturl”, you get the text of the HTML to display. << problem 2
Problem 1: there are multiple solutions to get the content of a URL from inside a node.js program. One way is to use the request
function from the http
module. Another way I have also tried is to use the get
function of the axios
Problem 2: there are multiple solutions to display HTML contained in a string. If it was an HTML fragment we could put it directly in the innerHTML property of the div
. Here, it will be a complete HTML with header and body, so I have put it in the property srcdoc
of an iframe
element, child of the div
In this lab, you have coded:
JavaScript is a “complete” programming language. You can program in JavaScript everything you could do with any other programming language (Python, Java, C, …).
NodeJS is a runtime environment of JavaScript code. NodeJS uses the same JavaScript engine as Google Chromium. It can be used on the server side to generate web pages. It can also be used on the command line (like python for example) to run a program. That’s what we will do.
On machines in the TPT lab rooms, you can use it as follows: the >
symbol at the beginning of the line refers to the NodeJS prompt, i.e. where NodeJS waits until you input code and press Enter, and the $
symbol refers to the Unix command prompt; the other lines are the results of the execution.
$ nodejs
> console.log ('Hello World');
Hello World
The first line displays the desired result. The second displays the return value of the console.log
function which is undefined
This way of using NodeJS is very convenient for testing short programs, one line. This becomes more complicated for several lines. For this purpose, NodeJS accepts the name of a file as parameter. For example, if the hello.js
file contains:
console.log ('Hello World');
The use of this file is simply:
$ nodejs hello.js
Hello World
NodeJS also offers the possibility to debug your code, set breakpoints, inspect variables and stack, etc. To use the debugger, run node with the command:
$ nodejs debug hello.js
The debug mode documentation is located here.
At the top of each file, put "use strict";
as a first line
If you have messages like “SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode” then the “use strict”; at the top of your file is missing.
On the Télécom computers, there is a very old version of node.js which does not treat modules well.
The easiest solution to use a modern node is to install nvm
Copy this and paste it in a terminal on one of the Télécom computers:
curl | bash
Possibly, execute what is asked at the end of the previous process. Then run:
nvm install node
This will install the latest version, compatible with modules (*.mjs files).
Doing this once on one of the Télécom computers will be enough while you are using the same account.
On your own computer, you will probably install the latest version. If you have problems with modules, check the version of node with
node --version
. If the version is 10.* or below, install nvm as above.