Lab: Javascript in the browser

The purpose of this lab is to study the concepts discussed during INF203 on Web technologies and in particular JavaScript. The objective of this lab is to program in JavaScript in the browser.

This session is automatically graded and you can test the grading. See at the end of this document. It is important to respect strictly the file names mentioned here.

Unlike previous labs, this one will not work if you stay “local”, i.e. if you leave all your files in a folder and you access them directly by “Open File” in the browser. You need to install a web server and use a folder in its server root, for example.

Telecom Paris offers a web container accessible via the school server. The documentation for this service is there. To activate this personal pages service, you have to go to Http://


For this lab, you will need to upload the different JavaScript files products and all the files necessary for their execution (HTML, resources). Use the “strict” mode of JavaScript, indentation and comments.

Thank you for using zip (and not tar and gzip or bzip2). Zip all files directly into a single zip, do not zip the folder.

No spaces or accented characters or special characters in the name of the zip file.

This work is to be done individually.

Please respect the file names and IDs given, otherwise automatic grading will not work and you will not get the correct grade for your work.

Exercise 1 - Get a file with AJAX and add its contents in the current HTML page

Save the results of this exercise to a file named exercise1.mjs

Create a text.txt file in your personal pages, which contains this

Create an html page named ex1.html that uses exercise1.mjs, and place it in your server space.

Question 1a: Write a function named loadDoc that loads the file text.txt and includes it in the page when you click a button. The id of this button shall be °°va1. The imported text is put in a textarea element placed below the button. The id of the textarea node shall be °°vj.

Question 1b: Write a function named loadDoc2 that inserts the text no longer in a textarea, but with each line in a p element with a style attribute that assigns different colors to each line of inserted text. The id of the button shall be °°va2 and the id of the div containing your p elements shall be °°vj2.

Automatic correction relies on your respect of filenames and ids.

Exercise 2 - Single Chat

Create the chat.php file in your personal pages from these lines:

$chaine = gethostbyname($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ;
$chaine .=  " - " . $_GET['phrase'] . "\n";
$fp = fopen("chatlog.txt","a");
if ($fp == false) {
  echo "Permission error on chatlog.txt: do 'chmod a+w chatlog.txt'";
} else {
  fwrite($fp, $chaine);
  echo "Success";

If you access then the above file will add “tatetitotu” to the file chatlog.txt present in the same folder. You only have to reload chatlog.txt to see the new line of the chat appear. YOU is your login name.

Question 2.1: Create files ex2.html and exercise2.js that contain:

You will be able to use the AJAX data retrieval function of Exercise 1 and the setTimeout function for the display loop.

If you still get the same text by Ajax while the file has changed, it may be the cache of the HTTP server, configure the .htaccess for no caching. Place this file at the folder on your web server.

# DISABLE CACHING: to include in .htaccess
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header set Pragma "no-cache"
Header set Expires 0

Edit these files ex2.html and exercise2.js to include

WARNING: do not put URLs with in ex2.html and exercise2.js. When deployed and used in a different configuration, these URLs will stop working. In the files, use relative URLs, e.g. chat.php rather than

The labgrader will deploy your code on another machine, so your grade depends on heeding this warning.

WARNING2: do not change the content of the file ‘chat.php’, the grader assumes that specific content and will not grade your work correctly if you change it.

Exercise 3 - Slides in JSON

Put the slides.json file on your personal space from the content below. This file is a specification of a 12s slideshow. Each slide consists of one start time in seconds and a URL to present

  "slides": [
      "time": 0,
      "url": "°°vb"
      "time": 2,
      "url": "°°vd"
      "time": 4,
      "url": "°°vc"
      "time": 6,
      "url": ""
      "time": 8,
      "url": ""
      "time": 10,
      "url": ""

Question 3.1: Create files ex3.html and exercise3.js that contain:

You can use the setTimeout function.

Question 3.2: create an ex4.html file and exercise4.js that contain the previous features plus:

In this version, you have to change the algorithm substantially from the simple version that worked for the previous question.


To submit and grade your work, you can just drop your zip below.

The zip file MUST be called

How to get help on grading messages

If anything goes wrong in the process of grading your work, contact me. This grader keeps the last upload you have made for each lab. If you have a problem, I can instruct the grader to replay any of your labs, or take a look at your uploaded code. So you do not need to send me your JS code by email, which is forbidden by email security rules at Telecom. Just tell me which lab you are working on and which error message from the grader is blocking.