Sahar Berro, Ludovic Apvrille, and Guillaume Duc.
Optimizing system architecture cost and security countermeasures.
In Graphical Models for Security, pages 50--67. Springer
International Publishing, 2019.
Letitia W. Li, Guillaume Duc, and Renaud Pacalet.
Hardware-assisted memory tracing on new SoCs embedding FPGA
In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Computer Security Applications
Conference, ACSAC 2015, pages 461--470. ACM, December 2015.
[ DOI ]
Salaheddine Ouaarab, Guillaume Duc, and Renaud Pacalet.
Performance optimizations of integrity checking based on merkle
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Hardware and
Architectural Support for Security and Privacy, HASP'15, pages 10:1--10:4.
ACM, 2015.
[ DOI ]
Jérémie Brunel, Renaud Pacalet, Salaheddine Ouaarab, and Guillaume Duc.
SecBus, a Software/Hardware Architecture for Securing External
In 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing,
Services, and Engineering, MobileCloud 2014, pages 277--282, April 2014.
[ DOI ]
Gunnar Schomaker, Andreas Herrholz, Guillaume Duc, Renaud Pacalet, Salvatore
Raho, Miltos Grammatikakis, Marcello Coppola, and Ignacio Garcia Vega.
TRESCCA - Trustworthy Embedded Systems for Secure Cloud Computing.
In Eighth International Conference on Availability, Reliability
and Security, ARES 2013, pages 844--845, September 2013.
[ DOI ]
Guillaume Barbu, Philippe Hoogvorst, and Guillaume Duc.
Tampering with Java Card Exceptions - The Exception Proves the
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and
Cryptography, pages 55--63, 2012.
[ DOI ]
Guillaume Barbu, Philippe Hoogvorst, and Guillaume Duc.
Application-Replay Attack on Java Cards: When the Garbage Collector
Gets Confused.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Engineering Secure Software and Systems, ESSoS'12, pages 1--13.
Springer-Verlag, 2012.
[ DOI ]
Sébastien Thomas, Didier Regis, David Faura, Marc Gatti, Guillaume Duc, and
Jean-Luc Danger.
Non intrusive fault detection through electromagnetism analysis.
In IEEE 16th Conference on Emerging Technologies Factory
Automation, ETFA, pages 1--8, September 2011.
[ DOI ]
Guillaume Barbu, Guillaume Duc, and Philippe Hoogvorst.
Java Card Operand Stack: Faults Attacks, Combined Attacks and
In 10th International Conference on Smart Cards Research and
Advanced Applications, CARDIS 2011, pages 297--313. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, 2011.
[ DOI ]
Pascal Cotret, Jeremie Crenne, Guy Gogniat, Jean-Philippe Diguet, Lubos Gaspar,
and Guillaume Duc.
Distributed security for communications and memories in a
multiprocessor architecture.
In IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Workshops and Phd Forum (IPDPSW), pages 326--329, May 2011.
[ DOI ]
Sylvain Guilley, Olivier Meynard, Maxime Nassar, Guillaume Duc, Philippe
Hoogvorst, Houssem Maghrebi, Aziz Elaabid, Shivam Bhasin, Youssef Souissi,
Nicolas Debande, Laurent Sauvage, and Jean-Luc Danger.
Vade mecum on side-channels attacks and countermeasures for the
designer and the evaluator.
In 6th International Conference on Design Technology of
Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, DTIS, pages 1--6, April 2011.
[ DOI ]
Philippe Hoogvorst, Guillaume Duc, and Jean-Luc Danger.
Software Implementation of Dual-Rail Representation.
In Second International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel
Analysis and Secure Design, COSADE 2011, February 2011.
Youssef Souissi, Sylvain Guilley, Jean-Luc Danger, Sami Mekki, and Guillaume
Improvement of power analysis attacks using Kalman filter.
In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing, pages 1778--1781, March 2010.
[ DOI ]
Maxime Nassar, Shivam Bhasin, Jean-Luc Danger, Guillaume Duc, and Sylvain
BCDL: A high speed balanced DPL for FPGA with global precharge and
no early evaluation.
In 2010 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference
Exhibition, DATE 2010, pages 849--854, March 2010.
[ DOI ]
Sebastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, Guillaume Duc, and Ronan Keryell.
Building Secure Resources to Ensure Safe Computations in Distributed
and Potentially Corrupted Environments.
In Euro-Par 2008 Workshops - Parallel Processing, pages
211--222. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
[ DOI ]
Guillaume Duc and Ronan Keryell.
CryptoPage: an efficient secure architecture with memory
encryption, integrity and information leakage protection.
In Proceedings of the 22th Annual Computer Security Applications
Conference, ACSAC 2006, pages 483--492. IEEE Computer Society, December
[ DOI ]
Guillaume Duc and Ronan Keryell.
Un panorama des architectures informatiques sécurisées et de
In Computer & Electronics Security Applications Rendez-vous,
CE&SAR, December 2008.
Guillaume Duc and Ronan Keryell.
Support architectural pour identification de programmes chiffrés
dans une architecture sécurisée sans système d’exploitation de
In Symposium en Architecture de Machines, February 2008.
Cyril Brulebois, Guillaume Duc, and Ronan Keryell.
CryptoPage: une architecture efficace combinant chiffrement,
intégrité mémoire et protection contre les fuites d’informations.
In Symposium sur la Sécurité des Technologies de
l’Information et des Communications, SSTIC, pages 35--51, 2007.
Guillaume Duc and Ronan Keryell.
CryptoPage/Hide : une architecture efficace
combinant chiffrement, intégrité mémoire et protection contre les fuites
In Symposium en Architecture de Machines, SympA'2006, October
Guillaume Duc and Ronan Keryell.
Portage de l'architecture sécurisée CryptoPage sur un
microprocesseur x86.
In Symposium en Architecture nouvelles de machines, SympA'2005,
pages 61--72, April 2005.