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SBL Mesh Filter:
A Fast Separable Approximation of Bilateral Mesh Filtering
Guillaume Vialaneix and Tamy Boubekeur
ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 - Talk Program
We develop a separable approach to bilateral mesh filtering based on restricted neigborhood gathered along curvature directions. We compare 3 different variants of the algorithm against exact, full resolution bilateral fitlering and demonstrate a significant speed up for a negligeable error. Our approach is simple, easy to implement on any bilateral mesh filter and can be generalized to other types of local filters. For more information, see the full paper at VMV 2011.
BibTex Reference:
author = {Guillaume Vialaneix and Tamy Boubekeur},
title = {SBL Mesh Filter: A Fast Separable Approximation of Bilateral Mesh Filtering},
booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 - Talk Program},
year = {2011},
Related Publications (ful version)
SBL Mesh Filter: A Fast Separable Approximation of Bilateral Mesh Filtering
Guillaume Vialaneix and Tamy Boubekeur
Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV) 2011
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