CoTeX is a volume texture plugin for PointShop
3D and allows to build a CSG tree which is not designed for representing the geometry but the color of an object : the Constructive Texturing Tree.
As a simple and easy to write format, we use SRF point clouds. SRF is an ASCII format, with chunks of 9 floats (x y z nx ny nz r g b). SRF might have a global surfel radius information at the begining of the file: (e.g. #1.2 at the first).
I am currently re-implementing this plugin with new and more robust features for PointShop 3D 2.0 (the release below is for PointShop 3D 1.2 only).
SRF2SFL is a filter program, which convert srf files
in SFL files (PointShop 3D v1.2 format). The files
1.sfl and 2.sfl
have been generated by srf2sfl (downloadable here),
from files 1.srf and 2.srf.
The SRFFileFormat plugin, allows PointShop to read and write SRF
files :