ENST Medical Imaging CNRS
  Département TSI   CNRS UMR 5141 LTCI


Cardio-vascular imaging:

Brain imaging:

3D echography:

Thorax imaging:

Contact : Isabelle Bloch

Regularized reconstruction of 3D MRA images of high resolution from images of anisotropic resolution
PhD thesis of Elodie Roullot (in collaboration with Alain Herment and Elie Mousseaux, INSERM)

Two corresponding slides fron the anisotropic acquisitions.
Reconstruction without constraints Reconstruction with smoothness constraints, but without contour preservation Reconstruction with smoothness and contour preservation constraints

Modeling the heart and its deformations
PhD thesis of Anne Robert (in collaboration with Elie Mousseaux)
3D MRI acquisition Modeling using superquadrics Volume of the left ventricle during the cardiac cycle

Segmentation of blood vessels in 3D angiography
PhD thesis of Bert Verdonck (in collaboration with Dirk Vandermeulen and Paul Suetens, univ. Leuven)




Segmentation of anatomical structures
PhD theses of Jean-François Mangin, Thierry Géraud, Yann Cointepas, Hilmi Rifai
Post-doc of Petr Dokladal



Segmentation of the brain, the brainstem and the cerebellum


   Segmentation of the skin, the muscles, the skull, the brain, the cerebellum, the brainstem

Segmentation of the skull
PhD thesis of Hilmi Rifai (in collaboration with Seth Hutchinson, Univ. Urbana Champaign, and Joe Wiart, CNET France Telecom)

Segmentation and modeling of the internal ear
PhD thesis of Hilmi Rifai (in collaboration with Seth Hutchinson, Univ. Urbana Champaign, and Joe Wiart, CNET France Telecom)

Segmentation and recognition of cortical sulci
PhD thesis of Jean-François Mangin (in collaboration with CEA-SHFJ)




Precise segmentation of the cortex
PhD thesis of Yann Cointepas (in collaboration with Line Garnero, LENA Salpétrière)


Modeling of the cortex evolution
PhD thesis of Arnaud Cachia (in collaboration with Jean-François Mangin, CEA-SHFJ)




Recognition of internal structures in MRI images from an anatomical atlas
PhD thesis of Thierry Géraud, Aymeric Perchant, Olivier Colliot (in collaboration with Dominique Hasboun, La Pitié Salpétrière Hospital)
Contrainsts with respect to already recognized structures Approximate location provided by the atlas Information provided by the grey levels of the image Relative position with respect to recognized structures Relative position with respect to recognized structures (3D view)

Superimposition of the atlas and the image before recognition of the caudate nucleus Approximate location provided by the atlas Fusion of informations Segmentation and recognition of the caudate nucleus

Of few structures of the atlas Structures recognized in the 3D image

Integration of spatial relations into deformables models
PhD thesis of Olivier Colliot, with a contribution by Oscar Camara (in collaboration with Dominique Hasboun, Pitié-Salpétrière)




Measures of symmetry
PhD thesis of Olivier Colliot (in collaboration with Alexander Tuzikov, Minsk)



Registration of anatomical and functional images
PhD thesis of Jean-François Mangin (in collaboration with CEA-SHFJ)

Detection of activations in functional imaging
PhD thesis of Olivier Coulon (in collaboration with Vincent Frouin and Jean-François Mangin, CEA-SHFJ)

Multi-scale analysis of functional images (TP and fMRI) and graph matching
Superimposition of activation areas during a primary motor task (right hand) on the subject anatomy Localization of an activation due to a vibration in the hand with respect to two cortical sulci

Meshes of head tissus for the resolution of direct and inverse problems in EEG and MEG
PhD thesis of Jérémie Pescatore (in collaboration with Line Garnero, LENA Salpétrière)
Post-doc of Elena Martinez
3D MRI Image Segmentation of the skin, the skull, the brain

High resolution mesh Surface of a tetraedral mesh Smoothed mesh

Study of the effects of electromagnetic waves on head tissues
Post-doc of Jorge Marquez (in collaboration with Alcatel and RNRT project COMOBIO)

Acquisition of a head range image, triangular mesh after filtering constituting a head model.

Morphological measurements on the ear.

Average ear included in a generic phantom.

Voxel representation used for numerical simulations of field propagation, superimposition of voxel components on the mesh.

Maximum SAR (``specific absorption rate'') in a cube of 10 gramms.

Extraction of white matter fiber bundles in diffusion MRI
PhD thesis of Cyril Poupon (in collaboration with Jean-François Mangin, CEA-SHFJ)

Detection of brain tumors
PhD theses of Lars Aurdal and Aymeric Perchant (in collaboration with Catherine Adamsbaum, Saint-Vincent de Paul Hospital)

Acquisition and visualization of 3D echographic data
PhD thesis of Bruno Robert (in collaboration with Bruno Richard, Cochin Hospital)
3D reconstruction of a foetus 3D reconstruction of carotid and thyroid

Processing and visualization of the bronchic tree (complex3D structures)
PhD thesis of Jorge Marquez


Non linear matching in oncology
PhD theses of Oscar Camara and Gaspar Delso, with a contribution by Olivier Colliot (in collaboration with Jean-François Stévenet and Sylvie Hammer, Segami, Hervé Foehrenbach, Val-de-Grâce Hospital, Xavier Marchandise and Jean-Yves Rousseau, CHRU Lille, Jean-Pierre Rigo, Monaco hospital)