Articles pour l'examen de l'UE AIV
Articles sur le raisonnement dans les images, la fusion, les théories de l'incertain :
- J.S. Franco, E. Boyer : Fusion multi-vue d'informations de silhouettes à l'aide d'une grille d'occupation 3D, RFIA 2006, Tours - PDF : Catherine Herold
- L. Pénard, N. Paparoditis, M. Pierrot-Deseilligny : Reconstruction 3D automatique de façades de bâtiments en multi-vues - PDF : Soraya Bettouche, Stéphane Rigaud
- L.S. Aït-Ali, S. Prima, G. Edan, C. Barillot : Segmentation longitudinale des lésions SEP en IRM cérébrale multimodale - PDF : Alice Lebois
- C. Ciofolo, C. Barillot : Analyse de forme pour la segmentation de structures cérébrales 3D par ensembles de niveau et commande floue - PDF : Rosalie Couvert
- F. Faux, F. Luthon : Modélisation de visage par fusion d'informations couleur dans la cadre de la théorie de l'évidence et suivi par filtrage particulaire - PDF : Anne-Charlotte Philippe, Rémi Slysz
- V. Lacroix, M. Idrissa, A. Hincq, H. Bruynseels and O. Swartenbroekx: Detecting urbanization changes using SPOT5,
Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 27, Issue 4, March 2006, Pages 226-233 - PDF : Stavros Alchatzidis
- Pierre Valin, Francois Rhéaume, Claude Tremblay, Dominic Grenier, Anne-Laure Jousselme and Éloi Bossé: Comparative implementation of two fusion schemes for multiple complementary FLIR imagery classifiers,
Information Fusion, Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2006, Pages 197-206 - PDF
- Adams Kong, David Zhang and Mohamed Kamel: Palmprint identification using feature-level fusion,
Pattern Recognition, Volume 39, Issue 3, March 2006, Pages 478-487 - PDF : Mariem Gargouri, Mehdi Felhi
- Ioannis K. Vlachos and George D. Sergiadis: Parametric indices of fuzziness for automated image enhancement,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 157, Issue 8, 16 April 2006, Pages 1126-1138 - PDF
- Keh-Shih Chuang, Hong-Long Tzeng, Sharon Chen, Jay Wu and Tzong-Jer Chen: Fuzzy c-means clustering with spatial information for image segmentation,
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 9-15 - PDF : Xia Liu
Articles sur les graphes :
- G. Slabaugh, G. Unal: Graph cuts segmentation using an elliptical shape prior, ICIP 2003 - PDF : Imade Zarrari - Adrien Cariou, Nicolas Linard
- N. Xu, R. Bansal, N. Ajuja: Object segmentation using graph cuts based active contours, CVPR 2003 - PDF : Elmahdi Sadouni - Thomas Jannaud, Simon Micollier
- C. Rother, S. Kumar, V. Kolmogorov, A. Blake: Digital Tapestry, CVPR 2005 - PDF
Articles sur l'indexation :
- B.S. Manjunath, J.R. Ohm, V. V. Vasudevan, A. Yamada: Color and Texture Descriptors, IEEE Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2001 - PDF : Romain Bachy
- G. Th. Papadopoulos, Ph. Mylonas, V. Mezaris, Y. Avrithis, I. Kompatsiaris: Knowledge-Assisted Image Analysis Based on Context and
Spatial Optimization, International Journal on Semantic Web & Information Systems, 2(3), 17-36, July-September 2006 - PDF
Articles sur la vision et le 3D :
- Poisson Surface Reconstruction.
Michael Kazhdan, Matthew Bolitho, Hugues Hoppe.
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2006 - PDF : Lilia Elouaer, Youssef Liouane
- Efficiently Combining Positions and Normals for Precise 3D Geometry.
Diego Nehab, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, James Davis, Ravi Ramamoorthi.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005), August 2005 - PDF
- Isosurface Stuffing: Fast Tetrahedral Meshes with Good Dihedral Angles.
François Labelle and Jonathan Richard Shewchuk.
ACM Transactions on Graphics 26(3):57.1-57.10, August 2007. Special issue on Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2007 - PDF
- Mixed-Integer Quadrangulation.
David Bommes, Henrik Zimmer, Leif Kobbelt.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 28(3), Article No. 77, 2009
Proceedings of the 2009 SIGGRAPH Conference - PDF
- Isotropic Remeshing with Fast and Exact Computation of Restricted Voronoi Diagram.
Dong-ming Yan, Bruno Lévy, Yang Liu, Feng Sun and Wenping Wang.
ACM/EG Symposium on Geometry Processing / Computer Graphics Forum 2009 - PDF
- Reconstructing Building Interiors from Images.
Yasutaka Furukawa, Brian Curless, Steven M. Seitz, Richard Szeliski.
ICCV 2009 - PDF : Frédéric Deschamps