Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition (bibtex)
by Mariano Tepper, Francisco Gómez, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa, Marta Mejail
We present a novel shape recognition method based on an algorithm to detect contrasted level lines for extraction, on Shape Context for encoding and on an a contrario approach for matching. The contributions naturally lead to a semi-local Shape Context. Results show that this method is able to work in contexts where Shape Context cannot, such as content-based video retrieval.
Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition (Mariano Tepper, Francisco Gómez, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa, Marta Mejail), In (CIARP 2009) Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, Springer, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
	Abstract = {We present a novel shape recognition method based on an algorithm to detect contrasted level lines for extraction, on Shape Context for encoding and on an a contrario approach for matching. The contributions naturally lead to a semi-local Shape Context. Results show that this method is able to work in contexts where Shape Context cannot, such as content-based video retrieval.},
	Address = {Guadalajara, Mexico},
	Annote = {LNCS vol 5856.},
	Author = {Tepper, Mariano and G\'{o}mez, Francisco and Mus\'{e}, Pablo and Almansa, Andr\'{e}s and Mejail, Marta},
	Booktitle = {(CIARP 2009) Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications},
	Date-Added = {2015-02-18 17:00:16 +0000},
	Date-Modified = {2015-02-18 17:00:54 +0000},
	Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-10268-4\_15},
	Month = nov,
	Number = {ii},
	Pages = {129--136},
	Publisher = {Springer},
	Title = {{Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition}},
	Url = {\_15},
	Year = {2009},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
	Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
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