by Cecilia Aguerrebere, Andres Almansa, Yann Gousseau, Julie Delon, Pablo Muse
Single shot high dynamic range imaging using piecewise linear estimators (Cecilia Aguerrebere, Andres Almansa, Yann Gousseau, Julie Delon, Pablo Muse), In (ICCP 2014) IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, IEEE, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
Author = {Aguerrebere, Cecilia and Almansa, Andres and Gousseau, Yann and Delon, Julie and Muse, Pablo},
Booktitle = {(ICCP 2014) IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography},
Date-Added = {2015-02-18 16:31:30 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2015-02-18 16:31:30 +0000},
Doi = {10.1109/ICCPHOT.2014.6831807},
File = {:Users/almansa/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/PDFs/Aguerrebere et al. - 2014 - Single shot high dynamic range imaging using piecewise linear estimators.pdf:pdf},
Isbn = {978-1-4799-5188-8},
Keywords = {Cameras,Dynamic range,Image reconstruction,Image restoration,Noise,Optical imaging},
Language = {English},
Month = may,
Pages = {1--10},
Publisher = {IEEE},
Title = {{Single shot high dynamic range imaging using piecewise linear estimators}},
Url = {\_shot\_hdr/},
Year = {2014},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}