Welcome to Yves Guiard’s Home Page
Last update: March 2018
yves.guiard @
telecom-paristech.fr (mind added
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique
UMR 8623 Université Paris-Sud & CNRS
Human-Centered Computing
Laboratoire de traitement et de
communication de l'information (LTCI)
Department INFRES
Guiard, PhD
de recherche CNRS Emeritus
Emeritus at Telecom-ParisTech
French-Government Fellow of Churchill
College, Cambridge, UK (1996-97)
editor of ACM Transactions on Computer-Human
Interaction (ToCHI)
of the Advisory Council of the International
Association for the Study of Attention and Performance
of the CHI
Special issue:
Guiard, Y. & M. Beaudouin-Lafon (Eds., 2004). Fitts’ law fifty years later:
Application and contributions from human-computer interaction. A special issue
of the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61 (6).
Book: Bardy, B. G.,
Bootsma, R. J., & Guiard, Y. (Eds., 1995). Studies in perception and
action III. Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Note. Below I am providing PDFs
of many of my recent basic-research papers on the speed/accuracy trade-off of
aimed movement, plus a selection of older ones on that subject and two other
subjects I explored many years ago: human laterality and stimulus-response
compatibility. For PDFs of my recent contributions to the field of
human-computer interaction, please visit the website of the DIVA Project (Design, Interaction,
Visualization, and Applications) in which I have been involved since 2008.
Sellen, A., Guiard, Y., & Buxton, W. (in
preparation). Two-handed input. In W. Buxton (Ed.), Human Input to Computer Systems: Theories, Techniques and Technology.
A draft of the book is available at
Gori, J., Rioul, O., Guiard, Y. (in press). A
Formal Information-Theoretic Transmission Scheme (FITTS) for the speed-accuracy
trade-off of aimed movement. ACM
Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (TOCHI). PDF.
Gori, J., Rioul, O., Guiard, Y., &
Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (in press). The perils of confounding factors: How Fitts’
law experiments can lead to false conclusions. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems. ACM. PDF.
J., Rioul, O., Guiard, Y., & Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2017). One Fitts’ Law, Two Metrics.
In Proceedings of IFIP Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 525-533). Springer. PDF.
Gori, J., Rioul, O., & Guiard, Y. (2017, May).
To miss is human: Information-theoretic rationale for target misses in Fitts'
law. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 260-264). ACM. PDF.
Liu, W., Rioul, O., Beaudouin-Lafon, M., &
Guiard, Y. (2017). Information-theoretic analysis of human performance for
command selection. In Proceedings of IFIP
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 515-524). Springer, Cham. PDF.
Y., & Rioul, O. (2015). A mathematical description of the speed/accuracy
trade-off of aimed movement. In Proceedings of the
2015 British HCI Conference (pp. 91-100). ACM Press. PDF.
Perrault, S. T., Lecolinet, E., Bourse, Y. P., Zhao, S., & Guiard, Y.
(2015). Physical Loci: leveraging spatial, object and semantic memory for
command selection. In Proceedings of the
33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp.
299-308). ACM Press.
R., Guiard, Y., Bailly, G, Lecolinet, E., & Rioul, O. (2015). Glass+Skin:
An Empirical Evaluation of the Added Value of Finger Identification to Basic
Single-Touch Interaction on Touch Screens. In INTERACT‘15: IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction, Springer. PDF.
Guiard, Y., & Piketty,
T. (2014). Mini-débat: Jusqu’où va le libre choix des auteurs dans la
présentation d’un graphique? Statistique
et Société 2(4), 69. PDF
Guiard, Y. (2014). La régressivité
de l’impôt chez les très hauts revenus: des chiffres incisifs sous le scalpel
émoussé de Landais, Piketty et Saez. Statistique et Société 2(4), 71-78. PDF (Thomas Piketty’s pretty evasive
reply is here).
Vo, D. B., Lecolinet, E., & Guiard, Y. (2014, October). Belly
gestures: Body centric gestures on the abdomen. In Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
(pp. 687-696). ACM Press.
Perrault, S. T., Lecolinet, E., Eagan, J., & Guiard, Y. (2013).
Watchit: simple gestures and eyes-free interaction for wristwatches and
bracelets. In Proceedings of CHI 2013,
the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp.
1451-1460). ACM Press.
Rioul, O., & Guiard, Y. (2013). The power model of Fittsʼ law
does not encompass the logarithmic model. Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics,42, 65-72. PDF
Roy, Q., Malacria, S., Guiard, Y., Lecolinet, E., & Eagan, J.
(2013). Augmented letters: mnemonic gesture-based shortcuts. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2325-2328). ACM Press.
Serrano, M., Lecolinet, E., & Guiard, Y. (2013). Bezel-Tap gestures:
Quick activation of commands from sleep mode on tablets. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3027-3036). ACM Press.
Rioul, O., & Guiard, Y.
(2012). Power vs. logarithmic model of Fitts’ law: A mathematical analysis. Mathematics and social sciences 199,
Olafsdottir, H.B., Guiard, Y.,
Rioul, O., & Perrault, S.T. (2012). A new test of throughput invariance in
Fitts’ law: Role of the intercept and Jensen’s inequality. In Proceedings of HCI 2012, 26th
Conference on People and Computers, Birmingham (UK). Conference’s best full
paper. PDF
Perrault, S. T., Malacria, S.,
Guiard, Y., Lecolinet, E. (2012). WatchIt: Simple Gestures for Interacting with
a Watchstrap. In Extended Abstracts of
CHI, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1467–1468).
ACM Press.
Baglioni, M., Malacria, S., Lecolinet,
E., Guiard, Y. (2011). Flick-and-Brake: Finger Control over Inertial/Sustained
Scroll Motion. Extended Abstracts of CHI,
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ( pp. 2281–2286). ACM
Baglioni, M., Lecolinet, E.,
& Guiard, Y. (2011). JerkTilts: Using Accelerometers for Eight-Choice
Selection on Mobile Devices. In Proceedings
of ICMI, ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp.
121–128). ACM Press.
Bailly, G., Vo, D.-B., Lecolinet,
E., Guiard, Y. (2011). Gesture-aware remote controls: guidelines and
interaction techniques. In ICMI, ACM
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 263–270). ACM
Guiard, Y., Olafsdottir, H.B.
(2011). On the Measurement of Movement Difficulty in the Standard Approach to
Fitts' Law. PLoS ONE 6(10): e24389.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024389. PDF
Guiard, Y., Olafsdottir, H.B.,
& Perrault, S. (2011). Fitts' law as an explicit time/error trade−off.
In Proceedings of CHI 2011, ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1619-28). New York:
Sheridan Press.
Perrault, S. T., Bailly, G.,
Guiard, Y., & Lecolinet, E. (2011). Promesses et contraintes de
la joaillerie numérique interactive : Un aperçu de l'état de l'art. In Actes de IHM'2011, Conférence Internationale
Francophone sur I'Interaction Homme-Machine (pp. 14–). ACM Press.
Vo, D.-B., Bailly, G., Lecolinet,
E., & Guiard, Y. (2011). Un espace de caractérisation de la
télécommande dans le contexte de la télévision interactive. In Actes de IHM’2011, Conférence francophone
sur l'Interaction Homme Machine (pp. 17-). ACM Press.
Adjanor, K., Lecolinet, E.,
Guiard, Y., Ribière, M. (2010). Visualisation interactive de
données temporelles: un aperçu de l'état de l'art. In Actes de IHM, Conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme Machine,
ACM Press.
Bailly, G. Lecolinet, E., &
Guiard, Y. (2010). Finger-count and Radial-stroke shortcuts: Two techniques for
augmenting linear menus on multi-touch surfaces. In Proceedings of CHI 2010, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (pp. 591-594). New York: Sheridan Press.
Malacria, S., Guiard, Y., &
Lecolinet, E. (2010). Clutch-free panning and integrated pan-zoom control on
touch-sensitive surfaces: The CycloStar approach. In Proceedings of CHI 2010, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (pp. 2615-2624). New York: Sheridan Press.
Baglioni, M., Lecolinet, E. &
Guiard, Y. (2009). Espace de caractérisation des interactions
gestuelles physiques sur dispositifs mobiles. In Proceedings
of IHM, International Conference of the Association Francophone d'Interaction
Homme-Machine, 203−212. New York: Sheridan Press.
Fekete, J.-D., Elmqvist, N. &
Guiard, Y. (2009). Motion-Pointing: Target Selection using Elliptical Motions.
In Proceedings of CHI'2009, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (pp. 289-298). New York: Sheridan Press.
Guiard, Y. (2009). The Problem of
Consistency in the Design of Fitts’ Law Experiments: Consider either Target
Distance and Width or Movement Form and Scale. In Proceedings of CHI'2009,
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1908-1918). New
York: Sheridan Press.
Roudaut, A., Lecolinet, E. &
Guiard, Y. (2009). MicroRolls: Expanding Touch-Screen Input Vocabulary by
Distinguishing Rolls vs. Slides of the Thumb. Proceedings of CHI'2009, ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 927−936). New
York: Sheridan Press.
Tahir, M., Bailly, G., Guiard, Y.
& Lecolinet, E. (2009). Tactile Assistance for Selecting List Favorites
with a Bifocal Absolute and Relative Representation, ChiNL 2009, Leiden, Netherlands
(Pays−Bas), Juin 2009.
Guiard, Y. (2007). De l'ambiguïté des écritures fractionnaires: interprétations polaire et cartésienne de l'expression D/W dans les lois de Fitts et d'Accot et Zhai. Proceedings of IHM 2007, conférence francophone d'interaction homme-machine (pp. 19-22). New York: ACM Press.
Guiard, Y. (2007). Langage ordinaire et modélisation mathématique: quelle fonction d'échange dans la loi du mouvement canalisé d'Accot et Zhai ? Proceedings of IHM 2007, conférence francophone d'interaction homme-machine (pp. 11-18). New York: ACM Press. [Prix du meilleur article de la conférence]
Y., Du, Y., & Chapuis, O. (2007). Quantifying degree of goal directedness in document navigation:
Application to the evaluation of the perspective-drag technique. Proceedings
of CHI'2007, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp.
327-336). New York : ACM Press.
W., Appert, C., Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Chapuis, O., Du, Y., Fekete, J.D., &
Guiard, Y. (2007). Touchstone :
exploratory design of experiments. Proceedings of CHI'2007, ACM Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1425-1434). New York : ACM
Du, Y., Guiard, Y., Chapuis, O.,
& Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2006). Assisting Target Acquisition in Perspective
View. Proceedings of the British Computer Society Conference on Human
Computer Interaction, HCI’06 (pp. 135-150). London (UK), Sept. 2006. ACM
Guiard, Y. & Beaudouin-Lafon,
M. (2006). Espace et échelle du mouvement: la loi de Fitts dans le
monde physique et dans les mondes électroniques. In C. Thinus-Blanc &
Bullier, J. (Eds.), Agir dans l'espace
(pp. 335-368). Paris : Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
Y., Du, Y., Fekete, J.-D., Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Appert, C., & Chapuis, O.
(2006). Shakespeare’s
complete works as a benchmark for evaluating multiscale document-navigation
techniques. In Proceedings of BELIV'06, a Workshop of Advanced Visual
Interfaces, AVI 2006 (pp. 65-70), International Working Conference. Venice
(Italy), May 2006. ACM Press.
Guiard, Y., Chapuis, O., Du, Y.,
& Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2006). Allowing Camera Tilts for Document Navigation
in the Standard GUI: A Discussion and an Experiment. In Proceedings of
Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI'06 (pp. 241-244). Venice (Italy), May 2006.
ACM Press.
Gonzalez, D., Casalta, D.,
Mottet, D. & Guiard, Y. (2005). Le pointage bi-échelle:
évaluation de quatre variantes d'interfaces graphiques utilisateur. Le
Travail Humain, 68, 337-354.
Y., Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2004). Target Acquisition in Multi-Scale Electronic
Worlds. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61,
R., Guiard, Y., Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2004). Semantic pointing: Improving target acquisition with
control-display ratio adaptation. Proceedings of CHI'2004, ACM Conference on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 519-526). New York : ACM
Press. PDF.
Y., Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Bastin, J., Pasveer, D., & Zhai, S. (2004). View size and pointing difficulty in multi-scale
navigation. Proceedings of AVI, Advanced Visual Interfaces (pp. 117-124).
Gallipoli (Italy), May 25-28, 2004. New York : ACM Press.
Guiard, Y., Blanch, R., &
Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2004). Object pointing: A complement to bitmap pointing in
GUIs. Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2004 (pp. 9-16).
London, Ontario, Canada: The Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society and
A. K. Peters Ltd. PDF.
S., Conversy, S., Beaudouin-Lafon, M., & Guiard Y. (2003). Human on-line response to target expansion. Proceedings
of CHI’2003, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp.
177-184). New York : ACM Press.
Bourgeois, F. & Guiard, Y.
(2002). Two-handed input in multiscale pointing. Cahiers
de Psychologie Cognitive / Current Psychology of Cognition, 21,
F., Guiard, Y. & Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2002). Multi-scale pointing : Facilitating pan-zoom
coordination. CHI’2002, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(pp. 758-759). New York: ACM Press.
Bourgeois, F., Guiard, Y. &
Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2001). Pan-zoom coordination in multi-scale pointing. CHI’2001,
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 157-158). New
York : ACM Press.
Mottet, D., Guiard, Y., Bootsma,
R. J., & Ferrand, T. (2001). Two-handed performance of a rhythmical Fitts
task by individuals and dyads. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception and Performance, 26, 1275-1286.
Guiard, Y., Bourgeois, F.,
Mottet, D . & Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2001). Beyond the 10-bit
barrier : Fitts’ law in multi-scale electronic worlds. Proceedings of
IHM-HCI 2001. In A. Blandford, J. Vanderdonckt, & P. Gray (Eds.), People
and Computers XV - Interactions without frontiers, (pp. 573-587).
London : Springer. [Conference's best full-paper award].
Guiard, Y. (2001). Disentangling
relative from absolute movement amplitude in Fitts’ law experiments. CHI’2001,
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 315-316). New
York: ACM Press.
Casalta, D. , Gonzalez, D. ,
Guiard, Y. , Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (1999). Evaluating two-handed input techniques
for human-computer interaction: Rectangle editing and navigation. Gesture
Casalta, D. , Gonzalez, D. ,
Guiard, Y. , Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (1999). Two-handed input techniques for
human-computer interaction: Rectangle editing and navigation. CHI'99 ACM
Conference on Human Factors in Computer systems.
Guiard, Y., Beaudouin-Lafon, M.
& Mottet, D. (1999). Navigation as multiscale pointing: extending Fitts’
model to very high precision tasks. Proceedings of CHI’99, ACM Conference on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 450-457). New
York : ACM Press.
Y. (1999). L’IHM aux yeux des sciences cognitives: Une image à renforcer. Actes
de IHM99, congrès annuel de l’Association francophone d’interaction
homme-machine (pp. 41-46). Toulouse :
Grondin, S., Guiard, Y., Ivry, R.
B., & Koren, S. (1999). Manual laterality and hitting performance in the
history of Major League baseball. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception and Performance, 25, 747-754.
Guiard, Y. & Ferrand, T.
(1998). Effets
de gamme et optimum de difficulté spatiale dans une tâche de pointage de Fitts.
Science et Motricité, 34, 19-25.
Guiard, Y. (1997). The
distal-to-proximal increase of link length along the human kinematic chain : An
exponential progression of workspace extension. Annales de Sciences
Naturelles (Zoologie), 18, 151-156.
Guiard, Y. (1997). Fitts' law in
the discrete vs. continuous paradigm. Human Movement Science, 16,
Guiard, Y. & Ferrand, T.
(1996). Asymmetry in bimanual skills. In D. Elliott & E. A. Roy (Eds.), Manual asymmetries in motor performance
(pp. 175-195). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Déchelette, V. & Guiard, Y.
(1995). Dynamic and postural preparation for tennis strokes: An analysis of
stance in professional players. In B. J. Bardy, R. J. Bootsma, & Y. Guiard
(Eds.), Studies in perception and action
III (pp. 3-6). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Ferrand, T. & Guiard, Y.
(1995). Fitts' Law in cooperative two-person aiming. In B. J. Bardy, R. J.
Bootsma, & Y. Guiard (Eds.), Studies
in perception and action III (pp. 65-68). Hillsdale, NJ:
M., Guiard, Y., Requin, J., & Semjen, A. (1994). Mécanismes généraux de la
motricité. In M. Richelle, J. Requin, & M. Robert (Eds.), Traité de Psychologie Expérimentale, Vol.
1 (pp. 587-656). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
D., Bootsma, R. J., Guiard, Y. & Laurent, M. (1994). Fitts' law in two-dimensional task space. Experimental
Brain Research, 100, 144-148.
Guiard, Y., Hasbroucq, T. &
Possamaï, C.-A. (1994). Stimulus congruity, irrelevant spatial SR
correspondence, and display-control arrangement correspondence : A reply to
O'Leary, Barber, and Simon. Psychological Research, 56, 210-212.
Guiard, Y (1993). On Fitts' and Hooke's
laws : simple harmonic movement in upper-limb cyclical aiming. Acta
Psychologica, 82, 139-159. PDF.
Y. (1992). La perception comme un problème de représentation externe:
l'approche écologique de Gibson. In A. Tête, P. Livet et J. Gervet (Eds.), La Représentation Animale (pp. 169-180).
Nancy: Presses Universitaires de
Hasbroucq, T., & Guiard, Y.
(1992). The effects of intensity and irrelevant location of a tactile
stimulation in a choice reaction time task. Neuropsychologia, 30, 91-94.
Ragot, R., & Guiard, Y.
(1992). Stimulus congruence and stimulus-response compatibility : two variables
disentangled in an auditory RT task. European Journal of Cognitive
Psychology, 4, 219-232.
Athènes, S., & Guiard, Y.
(1991). Is the inverted handwriting posture really so bad for left-handers ? In
J. Wann, A. Wing & N. Sovik (eds.), Development
of Graphic Skills (pp. 137-149). London: Academic Press.
Guiard, Y. (1991). Several
effectors for a single act: Coordination in the context of cooperation. In J.
Requin & G. Stelmach (eds.), Tutorials
in Motor Neuroscience (pp. 297-304). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Hasbroucq, T., & Guiard, Y. (1991). Stimulus-response compatibility and the Simon effect : Toward a conceptual clarification. Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception and Performance, 17, 246-266.
Athènes, S., & Guiard, Y.
(1990). Le
développement des postures d'écriture: une étude comparative chez le droitier
et le gaucher. In C. Sirat, J. Irigoin, E. Poulle (Eds.), L'Ecriture: le Cerveau, l'Oeil et la Main (pp. 59-71). Paris: Editions du CNRS.
Guiard, Y. (1990). Differentiated
bimanual cooperation in human motor action: A reformulation of the laterality
problem. In H. Bloch & B. Berthental (Eds.), Sensory-motor Organization and Development in Infancy and Early
Childhood (pp. 345-353). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Hasbroucq, T., Guiard, Y. &
Ottomani, L. (1990). Principles of response determination : The list-rule model
of stimulus response compatibility. Bulletin of the Psychonomic
Society, 28, 327-330.
Y. (1989). Symétrie et latéralité. In E. Noël (Ed.), La Symétrie Aujourd'hui (pp. 161-173). Paris: Editions du Seuil.
T., Guiard, Y., & Kornblum, S. (1989). The additivity of stimulus-response compatibility with
the effects of sensory and motor factors in a tactile choice-reaction task. Acta
Psychologica, 72, 139-144.
Guiard, Y. (1989). Lateral
asymmetry in the context of two-handed action. Perception Action Workshop
Review, 4, 10-13.
Guiard, Y. (1989). Failure to
sing the left-hand part of the score during piano performance : Loss of the
pitch and Stroop vocalisations. Music Perception, 6, 299-314.
Guiard, Y. (1988). The kinematic
chain as a model for human asymmetrical bimanual cooperation. In A. Colley
& J. Beech (Eds.), Cognition and
Action in Skilled Behaviour (pp. 205-228). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Guiard, Y. (1987). Precursors to
what ? Theory is wanted for handedness in humans. Open peer commentary on
MacNeilage, P. F., Studdert-Kennedy, M. G., Lindblom, B., Primate handedness
reconsidered. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 276-277.
Guiard, Y. (1987). Asymmetric
division of labor in human skilled bimanual action : The kinematic chain as a
model. Journal of Motor Behavior, 19, 486-517. PDF.
Hasbroucq, T., & Guiard, Y.
(1986). Response determination in tactile motor tasks : Body- versus
device-centered cues. Current Psychology of Cognition, 6,
Y., & Athènes, S. (1985). Main droite et main gauche dans l'écriture: la
question de la posture "inversée" du scripteur gaucher. In UNICEF
(Ed.), Maîtrise du Geste et Pouvoir de la
Main chez l'Enfant (pp. 67-73). Paris: Flammarion Sciences.
Guiard, Y., & Millerat, F.
(1984). Writing-postures in left-handers : inverters are hand-crossers. Neuropsychologia,
22, 535-538.
Guiard, Y. (1984). Spatial
compatibility effects in the writing page : a comparison of left-handed
inverters and noninverters. Acta Psychologica, 57, 17-28.
Guiard, Y., Diaz, G., &
Beaubaton, D. (1983). Left-hand advantage in right handers for spatial constant
error : preliminary evidence in a unimanual ballistic aimed movement. Neuropsychologia,
21, 111-115.
Guiard, Y. (1983). The lateral
coding of rotations : A study of the Simon effect with wheel-rotation
responses. Journal of Motor Behavior, 15, 331-342.
Morais, J., Peretz, I., Gudanski,
M., & Guiard, Y. (1982). Ear asymmetry for chord recognition in musicians
and nonmusicians. Neuropsychologia, 20,
Y. (1982). Sénestralité et niveau de performance : une revue et une
prospective. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive, 2, 279-289.
Y. (1982). Prévalence latérale et spécialisation hémisphérique : le gaucher
dans l'élite sportive. Psychologie
Française, 27, 285-297.
Guiard, Y. (1981). Effects of
processing mode on the degree of motor asymmetry in the manual Stroop test. Cortex,
Y. (1981). Les avantages des gauchers. La Recherche, 124, 894-896.
Y. (1980). Cerebral hemispheres
and selective attention. Acta Psychologica, 46,
Y. (1980). Relations interhémisphériques et attention sélective. In J. Requin
(Ed.), Anticipation et Comportement
(pp. 491-520). Paris: Editions
du CNRS.
Guiard, Y. (1979). Report of a
severe accuracy deficit in the split-brain monkey performing a between-hand choice-RT
task: evidence for a unilateral functioning hypothesis. In G. Berlucchi, I.
Steele-Russel, M.W. Van Hof (Eds.), Structure
and Function of the Cerebral Commissures (pp. 365-370). London: McMillan
Press Ltd.
Guiard, Y., & Requin, J.
(1978). Between-hand vs within-hand choice RT: a single channel of reduced
capacity in the split-brain monkey. In J. Requin (Ed.), Attention and Performance VII (pp. 391-410). Hillsdale, NJ:
Guiard, Y., & Requin, J.
(1977). Interhemispheric sharing of signals and responses and the psychological
refractory period. Neuropsychologia, 15, 427-438.
Guiard, Y., & Requin, J.
(1973). Effects of preparatory period on a reaction-time followed by a pointing
movement either guided or not. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 37, 980-982.