Robust automatic line scratch detections in degraded films

Robust automatic line scratch detections in degraded films

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Spatial line scratch detection - explanatory video Temporal line scratch filtering - explanatory video

Experimental Results

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Here is a Matlab function to read the XML files which contain the annotations of the line scratches.
The input is the xml file name (with the .xml as the extension).

original sequence
scratches detected by Bruni's algorithm
scratches detected by Gullu's algorithm
scratches detected by proposed algorithm
annotated scratches (used for precision/recall evaluation)
Annotation, in XML format

original sequence
scratches detected by Bruni's algorithm
scratches detected by Gullu's algorithm
scratches detected by proposed algorithm
annotated scratches (used for precision/recall evaluation)
Annotation, in XML format

original sequence
scratches detected by Bruni's algorithm
scratches detected by Gullu's algorithm
scratches detected by proposed algorithm
annotated scratches (used for precision/recall evaluation)
Annotation, in XML format

Afgrunden 1
original sequence
scratches detected by Bruni's algorithm
scratches detected by Gullu's algorithm
scratches detected by proposed algorithm
annotated scratches (used for precision/recall evaluation)
Annotation, in XML format

Afgrunden 2
original sequence
scratches detected by Bruni's algorithm
scratches detected by Gullu's algorithm
scratches detected by proposed algorithm
annotated scratches (used for precision/recall evaluation)
Annotation, in XML format

original sequence
scratches detected by Bruni's algorithm
scratches detected by Gullu's algorithm
scratches detected by proposed algorithm
annotated scratches (used for precision/recall evaluation)
Annotation, in XML format

Afgrunden gate
original sequence
scratches detected by Bruni's algorithm
scratches detected by Gullu's algorithm
scratches detected by proposed algorithm
annotated scratches (used for precision/recall evaluation)
Annotation, in XML format