Telecom Paris
Department of Image-Data-Signal-
elsa.angelini @ telecom-paris.fr
Columbia University, School of Engineering
Dpt of Biomedical Engineering
Heffner Biomedical Imaging Laboratory
ea179 @ columbia.edu
Imperial College London, ITMAT Data Science Group
NIHR Imperial BRC
e.angelini @ imperial.ac.uk
Department of Image-Data-Signal-
elsa.angelini @ telecom-paris.fr
Columbia University, School of Engineering
Dpt of Biomedical Engineering
Heffner Biomedical Imaging Laboratory
ea179 @ columbia.edu
Imperial College London, ITMAT Data Science Group
NIHR Imperial BRC
e.angelini @ imperial.ac.uk
Professor (HDR) in Biomedical Image Computing & Machine Learning at Telecom Paris.
Elected member of the IP Paris Academic Council (and VP for Research) [2024-2028]
Honorary Reader at Imperial College London (UK)
Affiliate Senior Research Scientist at Columbia University (USA) and co-director of the HBIL.

Elected member of the IP Paris Academic Council (and VP for Research) [2024-2028]
Honorary Reader at Imperial College London (UK)
Affiliate Senior Research Scientist at Columbia University (USA) and co-director of the HBIL.
... working on medical and biological imaging ...


Master Program : Applications are open !
BME-Paris is a MSc program in Biomedical Engineering jointly offered by Univ Paris Cité, PSL and Arts et Metiers ParisTech. It is taught entirely in English and localized in Paris. More information can be found here:
Master application & Web Site :
Open Position
Send email if interested for a post-doc position. Example of an open-call
Data Challenges
PSCC-IPPMed Data Challenge 2023-24. Rules and Schedule

Master Program : Applications are open !
BME-Paris is a MSc program in Biomedical Engineering jointly offered by Univ Paris Cité, PSL and Arts et Metiers ParisTech. It is taught entirely in English and localized in Paris. More information can be found here:

Master application & Web Site :

Open Position
Send email if interested for a post-doc position. Example of an open-call

Data Challenges
PSCC-IPPMed Data Challenge 2023-24. Rules and Schedule